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Very hard hitting video by celebrities over Gun Law. - Badly overdubbed hoax video

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posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 05:45 PM


What a very rude unwelcoming person you are.
I take it debate is not available in your mind?
How many times do I have to say, I am from a culture that does not need or want Guns.
I can have an opinion. When America starts illegal wars, friends of mine die.
So your country has an impact on mine

Kindest Regards. and please, Learn some manners my friend


See, I told you there's a lot of whacko's...

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by foodstamp

I am from Scotland, UK where Guns just don't and have never happened or been an issue.
In my humble opinion, there should be an outright ban on Guns. I don't want to get into a debate, as this is my opinion based on living in a society that has not had to deal with these death machines.
People kill, the Gun does help, is a good argument.

Never been an issue? You insinuate no firearms within Scotland?

So these EU figures are wrong?

Number of Privately Owned Firearms
The estimated total number of guns held by civilians in Scotland is 280,0001
Rate of Civilian Firearm Possession per 100 Population
The rate of private gun ownership in Scotland is 5.52 firearms per 100 people
Number of Privately Owned Firearms - World Ranking
In a comparison of the number of privately owned guns in 178 countries, Scotland ranked at No.

In Scotland, annual firearm homicides total

2009: 211
2008: 4
2007: 8
2006: 8
2005: 8
2004: 2
2003: 3
2002: 5
2001: 3
2000: 5Compare
Rate of Gun Homicide per 100,000 People
In Scotland, the annual rate of firearm homicide per 100,000 population is

2009: 0.045
1994: 0.1912

According to these figures.. You have a moderately armed populace who practice responsibility with their firearms and respect their neighbor.

Your right, you better not get into the gun debate...
6% of your population is armed!!! Rofl...

edit on 12/26/1212 by foodstamp because: (no reason given)

edit on 12/26/1212 by foodstamp because: (no reason given)

They didn't factor in suicide from guns there.
Average there is about 5. I have never seen, heard off or known anyone to own a gun or be shot or know anyone who knows someone who has owned a gun or been shot.

We can all throw stupid statistics.
If I was to throw American statistics at you my friend, it would be so overwhelming, In my my mind, I could not understand why you have Guns.

It must just be an American thing I don't and will never understand.
This is not a slight on anyone from America, just a cultural difference.


posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by foodstamp


What a very rude unwelcoming person you are.
I take it debate is not available in your mind?
How many times do I have to say, I am from a culture that does not need or want Guns.
I can have an opinion. When America starts illegal wars, friends of mine die.
So your country has an impact on mine

Kindest Regards. and please, Learn some manners my friend


See, I told you there's a lot of whacko's...

Yeah we see this on the news, jaws dropped gasping in disbelief..
Thanks xx

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by foodstamp

Hey seeker, how goes.. Long time, no debate...

I just wrote him a similar post.. I think your misunderstanding each other... He's talking about gun laws in general.. ?Which in fact did become less strict.. However, they became stricter for the Jews and others..

Hey Foodstamp!!! How are ya and hope you are well!

If you look at my post it was a pic "Raise your right hand if you want gun control" with a pic of Hitler....I was told I was spreading misinfo that Hitler never had gun control. I went to the persons source and it said, "The Jews were not allowed to own guns or any other weapons."

So I do not think we misunderstood each other. I was just pointing out the false accusation that was pointed to me was flawed and totally wrong.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 05:51 PM
The video clips dealing with the Middle East should not even be included here because even if we as Americans were to give up our guns, there is no way these Hollywood celebrities can ever guaratee the enemy will do the same!

But regarding the question they keep asking, let me add one more.

How many more gun free zones?

Time for Gonzo to retort.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by foodstamp

I am from Scotland, UK where Guns just don't and have never happened or been an issue.
In my humble opinion, there should be an outright ban on Guns. I don't want to get into a debate, as this is my opinion based on living in a society that has not had to deal with these death machines.
People kill, the Gun does help, is a good argument.

Never been an issue? You insinuate no firearms within Scotland?

So these EU figures are wrong?

Number of Privately Owned Firearms
The estimated total number of guns held by civilians in Scotland is 280,0001
Rate of Civilian Firearm Possession per 100 Population
The rate of private gun ownership in Scotland is 5.52 firearms per 100 people
Number of Privately Owned Firearms - World Ranking
In a comparison of the number of privately owned guns in 178 countries, Scotland ranked at No.

In Scotland, annual firearm homicides total

2009: 211
2008: 4
2007: 8
2006: 8
2005: 8
2004: 2
2003: 3
2002: 5
2001: 3
2000: 5Compare
Rate of Gun Homicide per 100,000 People
In Scotland, the annual rate of firearm homicide per 100,000 population is

2009: 0.045
1994: 0.1912

According to these figures.. You have a moderately armed populace who practice responsibility with their firearms and respect their neighbor.

Your right, you better not get into the gun debate...
6% of your population is armed!!! Rofl...

edit on 12/26/1212 by foodstamp because: (no reason given)

edit on 12/26/1212 by foodstamp because: (no reason given)

Also (Sorry)
These are UK numbers, I am from Scotland.
Scotland is in the UK. We have devolution and will be independent from the UK in 2 years.
So do you know (Really am asking) the numbers for my Country..
Scottish people, in the main do not say "I am from the UK/British"


posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by shauny

Question for me Scottish friend.
Do you guys have an immigration issue in Scotland or have you guys remained predominantly purebred over the last hundred years?

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 06:04 PM

We can all throw stupid statistics.
If I was to throw American statistics at you my friend, it would be so overwhelming, In my my mind, I could not understand why you have Guns.

It must just be an American thing I don't and will never understand.
This is not a slight on anyone from America, just a cultural difference.


Bud, I agree with you about 95% It's the culture no doubt!

And yes, Americans are more violent...

But I came into your first post with no understanding of scotland gun rights.. By your posts it seemed as though they had a ban on all firearms. I found this to be not true.. In fact, you do have guns.. About 6% of your population does.. And that's not supid, it's fact..

Now when you say, "gun culture" I assume you mean that you don't have people that live by a slogan like "Live by the gun, die by the gun".. And I wouldn't know, so, I'll take your word for it.

So, we're left with the logical argument (one in which we agree) that culture and mindset is too blame.. Not guns..

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by seeker1963

Ahh, well, then I jumped the gun....

But that aside... I absolutely love the poster! made it my wallpaper..

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by Alxandro
reply to post by shauny

Question for me Scottish friend.
Do you guys have an immigration issue in Scotland or have you guys remained predominantly purebred over the last hundred years?

I am off Irish decent, so me personally have no issue with immigration.
We are an open and welcoming race off people. It annoys some, but in the main, it is not an issue.

Everyone in America (well most) is like me, from another ancestry.
I was born and raised in Scotland, but have Irish blood in me when the English killed Southern Ireland.
This is a BIG issue in Scotland, especially the west to this day.

What were you getting at?


posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by shauny

These numbers I showed you are numbers from Scotland reported to the EU...Similar to our States reporting our crime statistics to the FBI...

There your numbers... Those are your registered guns.. You claim them to be false?

Hey, your pic looks like me... I'm of Scottish decent.. You and I are definatley related...

edit on 12/26/1212 by foodstamp because: (no reason given)

edit on 12/26/1212 by foodstamp because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 06:08 PM
sorry, not sharing this hypocritical trash..........

I love when people with crap loads of money, and who do whatever they want whenever they want......many times getting out of crimes that we would be locked up for.......

Presume to tell me to give up MY rights.............

Sorry, while youre busy living above the law, the rest of us still have to take care of ourselves and each other.........

And my guns arent going anywhere..........

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by foodstamp

We can all throw stupid statistics.
If I was to throw American statistics at you my friend, it would be so overwhelming, In my my mind, I could not understand why you have Guns.

It must just be an American thing I don't and will never understand.
This is not a slight on anyone from America, just a cultural difference.


Bud, I agree with you about 95% It's the culture no doubt!

And yes, Americans are more violent...

But I came into your first post with no understanding of scotland gun rights.. By your posts it seemed as though they had a ban on all firearms. I found this to be not true.. In fact, you do have guns.. About 6% of your population does.. And that's not supid, it's fact..

Now when you say, "gun culture" I assume you mean that you don't have people that live by a slogan like "Live by the gun, die by the gun".. And I wouldn't know, so, I'll take your word for it.

So, we're left with the logical argument (one in which we agree) that culture and mindset is too blame.. Not guns..

Gun's are used in Scotland mainly for hunting.
I don't own a gun, I don't know anyone that owns a gun.
Does cap gun count? As my Father uses it to kill seagulls who try and eat his pets (He lives on a farm)
It really is not an issue here. 6% does surprise me, if that is JUST Scotland, and not the UK.

Shaun x

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by foodstamp
reply to post by shauny

These numbers I showed you are numbers from Scotland reported to the EU...Similar to our States reporting our crime statistics to the FBI...

There your numbers... Those are your registered guns.. You claim them to be false?

Hey, your pic looks like me... I'm of Scottish decent.. You and I are definatley related...

edit on 12/26/1212 by foodstamp because: (no reason given)

edit on 12/26/1212 by foodstamp because: (no reason given)

Man, the amount of people from America who say this is unreal.
If I had £1 for each time I heard it, I would have roughly £39 pounds, lol

ps: You a dude or a dudette?
I keep adding an x lol

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
sorry, not sharing this hypocritical trash..........

I love when people with crap loads of money, and who do whatever they want whenever they want......many times getting out of crimes that we would be locked up for.......

Presume to tell me to give up MY rights.............

Sorry, while youre busy living above the law, the rest of us still have to take care of ourselves and each other.........

And my guns arent going anywhere..........

This is the bit I don't fully understand.
And please, I don't want an argument, more a debate to teach me?
You say it is your right. What if that right was taken away, and less kids died?
Would you be happy. I am really only asking a question here


posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by dc4lifeskater

Such a great comment. Brought a smile to my face. Thank you.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 06:17 PM

Gun's are used in Scotland mainly for hunting.
I don't own a gun, I don't know anyone that owns a gun.
Does cap gun count? As my Father uses it to kill seagulls who try and eat his pets (He lives on a farm)
It really is not an issue here. 6% does surprise me, if that is JUST Scotland, and not the UK.

Shaun x

Yes, those are your numbers.. However...Perhaps all the bloodshed your country has seen is the reason why peopleactually respect the damn guns they got..

We here in the Us tend to obsess and glorify death... And in the last 200 years or so, I think we've really forgot what it's like to see some REAL death and destruction...

So people around here. They find innocent people..Usually women or men that are by themselves. Then they rob them and shoot them for no witnesses... Sometimes they just shoot people to hear the pop.. Sometimes, It's cause you got Nike's on and your on the "Westside"...

Overall we really kill for no reason other than to kill knowing we can't be killed back...

And that, my friend is why we need guns here... The majority of people killing are NOT ready to die... Everywhere you go in the US you will find lesser gun crime where law abiding citizens have more guns.... Although that claim is not 100%, it is a statistical FACT that my claim is MOSTLY true... Where there are more guns, there is LESS crime... It just is.... I can only speculate why... Again perhaps it's our obsession with death...

Take your video for example...Almost every one of those celebs has been in a hard hitting action movie that has glorified the latest gun and death death DEATH... It must really look strange to the outsider.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 06:21 PM

This is the bit I don't fully understand.
And please, I don't want an argument, more a debate to teach me?
You say it is your right. What if that right was taken away, and less kids died?
Would you be happy. I am really only asking a question here


It's impossible bud...Because if you took the guns away....You got about 75 million people just like him that will die for that right...

that question is really irrelevant... I know it seems to make sense to you. I understand your angle... But your not understanding his... You dig?

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by shauny

I'm the guy in the pic.. The girl on the left is my GF and the one on the right is my daughter..

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by foodstamp
reply to post by shauny

These numbers I showed you are numbers from Scotland reported to the EU...Similar to our States reporting our crime statistics to the FBI...

There your numbers... Those are your registered guns.. You claim them to be false?

Hey, your pic looks like me... I'm of Scottish decent.. You and I are definatley related...

edit on 12/26/1212 by foodstamp because: (no reason given)

edit on 12/26/1212 by foodstamp because: (no reason given)

Ok, thanks.
I could have googled myself, but I am Scottish and we were born that laid back, we sleep a lot lol

And I don't claim anything, honest. Just the truth from my mindset.
Death is bad, in any context in any and all walks of life.

I did not start this blog to argue or upset anyone, really for me it is as simple as "Guns are bad"
I hear stories off kids finding their fathers gun and by accident shooting themselves.
For me, no guns = less death.
But America, the government part is a war machine, so I guess it goes down the chain of command to the people?

I am guessing here.
It must just be in your nature, a natural "This is my right and I demand it, no matter what"
We think different in Europe, we really do.

Thanks (Again)

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