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E-mail from Lightworker about Ascension

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posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 03:14 PM
I e-mailed a supposed lightworker who claims to have a strong connection to very high realms (he claims Source-- that is the highest of all dimensions--that's why he's claiming to have extreme bodily symptoms)... some of you might find this interesting.

My e-mail:

Hi ____ ,

While meditating during the actual galactic alignment I did not feel anything. Is ascension more of a gradual process or will there suddenly be a massive 'explosion of consciousness'?

I was riding on something actually happening today but nothing seemingly occurred (except of course for the alignment). Do you have any comments on possible succeeding events in the near future?


His response:

Dear ____ ,

The huge waves of inhuman intensity and vibrations that flowed through my energy field in the last days and opened the portal at Dec 21 have completely devastated my health and have brought my body to the brink of physical destruction. I feel now very ill and weak and suffer from numerous severe pains. I have no idea how long it it will take to recover, if at all, and be able to reflect normally on what has happened on Dec 21.

I have no explanation at present why this powerful energy surge, under which I personally suffered so much, did not lead to ascension as believed by all PAT members and did not produce all the transformations and results that were expected by all light workers, and also announced by all competent esoteric and other sources from the higher dimensions.

I still have not given up the hope that these long awaited events and changes will materialize with a certain time-lag in the coming days. My present inability to experience emotionally any disappointment or frustration, notwithstanding my very poor health, is a valid indication that the ascension process is not compromised and is still ongoing with full force. In addition comes the immense vibrations of my body and its continuous "etherisation" (crystallisation), which point to an imminent ascension as there is no longer any possibility for me to live under the current 3d-conditions.

I assume that this also holds true for most PAT members. No higher force would invest so much energy in such humble and dysfunctional physical systems as the human biological bodies without coming to a successful end, which is ascension. Therefore we should now simply wait what will happen in the coming days. There is nothing else we can do now, and human words have already lost their meaning.

With love and light

I for one am a conscious individual... and have felt that 'something' was going to happen. But when the alignment passed I still feel like that 'something' hasn't happened yet. Maybe I'm wrong though.

I believe that some lightworkers like this individual hold a great deal of truth because they believe that what they're saying is true. And you can see that. However, most people throw what they're saying out the window because of its content.


posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 03:19 PM
Me and the light worker are both sick. I think it's called the Flu.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by kingster129

Here in Virginia we call them Linemen. Oh wait you're not talking about electricians are you?

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by kingster129

There cant be any one day alignments in space. It is vast and an alignment would be years in the making and years in the unmaking. Things dont just pop into place one day and are gone the next.
You dont feel anything because that whole ascension thing was made up to sell books to gulliable individules. How old do some people need to be before they stop believing in fairy tales.
In the real world there is no such thing as ascension. You cannot change DNA with an outside force. Sheesh thats the idoicy that failed to convict O J Simpson when he murdered his ex wife and her friend. Idiots thought that DNA could be changed if someone stepped into the blood.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by kingster129

What happens to the 2012 forum folder when the year is over? Do forums get retired? Pull the jersey for 2012 off the field now and launder it and put it away.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 03:31 PM
I think most of these people create an illusion in their mind thinking they are special and that something actually happened on the 21st, but I think it could be merely your own mind creating what it wants to be real. However I could be wrong of course, I am just fairly skeptical about these kind of things as I have never experienced something out of this world. Maybe it's pure jealously o me, I'd like to travel out of my body too and meet inter dimensional beings n stuff..

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 03:41 PM
This new age ascension bollocks does my head in.

A meteor,as unlikely as it is, is tangible at least. A flood, semi-realistic. A polar shift could happen and we've seen evidences of ice ages.

*This* however is just hypercondriacitc rubbish made up by attention seekers and your fear is feeding him.

Good and Evil are the only things we 100% know to exist.

It feels horrible when someone is evil to us, and most of us feel guilt when we are evil. It feels great when someone it nice to us and most of us feel warm inside when we are nice to others.

If you truly need something to focus your energies on in life, focus on the most likely, or maybe an ice age. Don't let this # keep you awake!

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 03:42 PM
I'd be suspicious of anyone who labeled themselves a "Lightworker." But I can understand how someone who believed in his heart of hearts that he would ascend on dec. 21st would be feeling a bit disheartened after the fact that wasn't, even physically ill. If he invested so much time, effort, and psychic energy into this thing and it didn't happen, what's he to do? The cognitive dissonance here is huge.

First he says he's really sick, so something must have happened. Actually he's feeling sick because nothing did. Second, he says it actually hasn't happened YET, so he'll wait around and see what happens in the next few days. Third, he says all his good-buddy fellow Lightworkers could not have invested so much only to have nothing happen.

He'll be okay in a few days after he concocts some convoluted story about all this actually happening, but we just don't know it.
edit on 12/22/2012 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by kingster129

Hello, and thank you for sharing. He mentions "PAT" a few times...can you tell me what that is? Thank you!

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 05:08 PM
Seeing as december 21st has 'completely devestated his health' and 'brought his body to the brink of physical destruction'. You would have thought the last thing he would want to do was e mail. Smells fishy to me
edit on 22-12-2012 by TheDoctor46 because: Mistake

edit on 22-12-2012 by TheDoctor46 because: Spelling

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 08:08 PM
Allow me to translate.

"I have been taking you for a ride for a while now, and with the 21st having passed with nothing happening I have to really do some fancy doubletalk to remain relevant. The best way I can accomplish this is to claim I am very ill right now and need time. This will allow time for some sort of event to happen I can latch on to and work with, or that failing, give me time to create a fancy story or borrow the story of another 'lightworker'."

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by karen61560

2012 brought a significant amount of people to this website. The forum should atleast be left to reflect on. It was a pretty significant event, or non-event, for our generation.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 09:08 PM
Actual lightworkers, who btw don't go by that name or any name, don't get sick.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by TheDoctor46
Seeing as december 21st has 'completely devestated his health' and 'brought his body to the brink of physical destruction'. You would have thought the last thing he would want to do was e mail. Smells fishy to me
edit on 22-12-2012 by TheDoctor46 because: Mistake

edit on 22-12-2012 by TheDoctor46 because: Spelling

The exact quote is "Dear ____ ,

The huge waves of inhuman intensity and vibrations that flowed through my energy field in the last days and opened the portal at Dec 21 have completely devastated my health and have brought my body to the brink of physical destruction."

L, and then this 'LightWorker' is going to write a detailed e-mail??? Deny Ignorance!!

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by kingster129

It sounds like this "lightworker" was trying to twist you into pity, probably to try and make you stop asking.

He's probably fine. He probably had ulterior motives. And as, you yourself can tell, nothing happened, it's safe to say he's a fraud.

But f it, I'll put my self on the spot. The most spiritual events in my life-both in sensing what I believe to be pure evil, and pure good- were far superior to the 21st. Nothing happened on the 21st. I felt nor saw nor sensed nothing.

And I believe there's a good reason for that..... I didn't put my faith in 1500 year old calendars made by a dead people and interpreted by new agers.

Simple, really.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 09:25 PM
I wrote to Calleman who had claimed the big day was in 2011. He is finishing up a book to proclaim how everything he predicted came true. I think he is a year late in getting that book out. Who cares about Calleman and his loony ideas today?

This lightworker needs to take lessons from Calleman. Don't fake an illness. Does anyone think their bosses fall for that baloney? The lightworker loony should have made up something positive. Who wants to be enlightened and end up sick?

Next excuse is probably "my dog ate my enlightenment."

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by Jodlum66
Me and the light worker are both sick. I think it's called the Flu.

Doggonnit! You beat me to it!

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 09:12 AM
Thanks to all the common sense replies!!!

The extreme silliness running rampant, it just that...wishful thinking and a need to ''feel special''.

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