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Harper government above bill of rights?

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posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 07:39 PM
Hello, this is my first thread, and I'm not going to pretend like I'm an intelligent know it all, because I'm not. Just an average person who just wants to bring some attention to whats happening to aboriginal rights in Canada. I don't know all the facts, in fact, Im just looking for answers.

The nationwide protests were sparked, at least in part, by the federal governments omnibus legislation known as Bill C-45. It contains changes to the Indian Act that aboriginal leaders say could impact the way reserve lands are leased and the way decisions are made involving band territories. They say the government has no right to pass Bill C-45 because it runs contrary to inherent and treaty rights. “The government of Canada has not upheld nor fulfilled its responsibilities to First Nations, as committed to by the Crown including at the Crown-First Nations Gathering January 2012,” Atleo wrote.

“Canada has not upheld the Honour of the Crown in its dealings with First Nations, as evidenced in its inadequate and inequitable funding relationships with our Nations and its ongoing actions in bringing forward legislative and policy changes that will directly impact on the inherent and Treaty Rights of First Nations.

Now I'm no expert, and am easily baffled when it comes to political and legislative talk, so what does this mean?

Why is nobody talking about it?

The only thing that comes to my mind why people aren't talking about it, is simply because they don't care, they think aboriginals shouldn't have those kinds of rights and should be treated as does everyone else.

And I don't blame them, but if the Harper govt. can do away with over a hundred year old treaty agreement with a quick vote, whose too say they won't start taking away every Canadian's bill of rights? I think this is a step in that direction, but most will not care, because it doesn't effect them, yet!

I'm sure ill be flamed, but like I said, I don't know all the facts, however this should be a big topic. Yet no one seems to care....

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by Putyournamehere

Psh, we all know that Harper is the first Canadian PRESIDENT. We're just a part of the American Union now, so nothing you say or do will change that fact. Be ready for some Canadian version of the Patriot Act.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 07:45 PM
Aboriginal leaders are specifically concerned that the omnibus bill violates Section 25 of Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms:

I am not certain if they have a case or not, but I personally doubt it. Ultimately, if there is anything to the claim, the supreme court will decide.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 07:49 PM
Not flaming you man, but the native Canadians were here first, long before governments existed. How would you like it if someone came to you and said. "sorry pal but you gotta leave your land because we need it for a golf course" or something. By the way Harper is a ##snipped## and for the record I'm a Canadian.
edit on Fri Dec 21 2012 by DontTreadOnMe because: Terms and Conditions of Use--Please Review

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 07:51 PM
Puhlease. Harper may be a jerk, but he's not a President.

As to the Indians, they take more per capita than they give and squander the billions they get annually all the while complaining that they are being mistreated.

The rest of us are tired of continually paying for perceived injustices suffered by their great great grandparents by our great great grandparents. It's time they decided to nut up or shut up.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by Cynic

I'm Caucasian, perhaps I should let one of my native friends sign into my account and post their views for you. Doesn't matter what anyone says the Indians were here first and they've been crapped on ever since. Just look at the Oka crisis. Like I said I'm a dirty white boy and would defiantly side with my Aboriginal friends and their families.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 08:07 PM
Well, imagine if Layton had won! We'd have a skeleton for a leader!

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by Cynic

What cave did you crawl out of ?? Average salary for the 615 First Nation chiefs is 36,000$ per annum. There are 5000 non aboriginal Indian affairs employees making 6 digit salaries. They have been screwed over from the beginning and are still being screwed over !

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 08:28 PM
Harper is slowly turning our great nation into an England / United States hybrid. I would love to know why he hates Newfoundland so much, but then our provincial government has done nothing to stop him from screwing Newfoundland at every turn.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 08:39 PM
Thanks for the replies, Harper is royally stuffing it to the Canadian people in my opinion, if he thinks he can change the treaty that easily what does he have in store for everyone else. I understand the treaties are old and need changing, but not a change that's goings to prey on the weak, as what's going to happen it seems. I understand native people don't have a very good image in the eyes of many, but you got to remember, these people were living in tepees a 100 years ago, and to conform your ways while dealing with poverty, abuse(alcohol, drugs, sexual), and oppression, 100 years isn't that long. I know this generation only see's the leeches, but thats what happens when the church created monsters that created monsters. It was, and still is, a viscous cycle.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by RedBird
Aboriginal leaders are specifically concerned that the omnibus bill violates Section 25 of Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms:

I am not certain if they have a case or not, but I personally doubt it. Ultimately, if there is anything to the claim, the supreme court will decide.

The supreme court ROFL, a company wholly owned by a corrupt system controlled by corrupt politicians who in turn are controlled by their corrupt handlers. Have you ever been involved in a supreme court action? I have, I got an injunction against me so they could protect policiticans, universities and their buddies from the effects of a $150 million tax and public funds fraud scandal that would have hopefully buried the lot of them.

Would I side with the Native North Americans, yer damn right I would and I am part Beothuk, but mainly Causasian. I think there's been enough deliberate genocide in the world propogated as a means to "inherit" conquered lands. We (a collective of idiot nations attached to the corrupt UN) made the South African NP government (through extortion) give the land and the vote to allegedly indigenous people who never really lived there anyway in the first. So now, the same idiot nations that bitched and moaned about South Africa (Canada being the one we are discussing) have and continue on with almost identical crimes and crimes against Native North Americans. I mean seriously WTF is that if not totally hypocritical.

BTW, I did an analysis for the PP on Bill C-6 (later C-36), you want to see some nasty sh**t, go read that bill. Government storm tropper "annointed" by the minister of (non)health can confiscate all your property at cost to yourself (confiscation, shipping, storage costs) plus they can sell all of your private information to anyone, anywhere that they want to, as long as it goes to a corporation or government first (domestic and foreign). Harper is a slimeball of monsterous proportions and he may be the prime minister, but that just means "second in command" answering to the queen's viceroy in this colony (we are not a country). You have to look past harper and look at his handlers like the queen, demarais and the rothschilds.

Cheers - Dave

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by Armadall

I think your right, that's how I feel anyways. We used to be " those cool Canadians " ( made that up) but are looking nowadays like a "United States bed buddy" where legislation rules and erosion of our rights is becoming more realistic.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 08:51 PM
It's not even legal, its unconstitutional. That means its unlawful for any police to enforce it and criminal for any judge to rule against the constitution. Period. We have not yet had the legal problems of the bill or any legal challenges for it. There are other things in this one I believe, or it may another one, with the codex alimentarius changes, with nutrients, that is also unlawful, unconstitutional and they will be defeated on these. I only wish they would also be thrown in prison.

The new Chinese deal that would penalize our sovereign rights is the same, unlawful and unconstitutional.

That he calls himself a CEO of the corporation of Canada is also illegal and treason.

They need legal challenges, though I don't understand why the cops haven't arrested him on the last one.

In addition, I believe Harper, or rather, those behind him, murdered Layton, NDP head, who died of sudden aggressive fast spreading cancer, just after Harper's second attempt at a majority government when the NDP took alot of seats.

I would like to see complete justice done.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by SiglenDyn
Not flaming you man, but the native Canadians were here first, long before governments existed. How would you like it if someone came to you and said. "sorry pal but you gotta leave your land because we need it for a golf course" or something. By the way Harper is a dickhead and for the record I'm a Canadian.

I don't believe it will ever hold up in court and Natives will probably be amongst those to help free our country with legal challenges.

I would like to see some really good attorneys like the Honorable Tom Berger in the past did, fight these tooth and nail for the constitution and also first nations, PRO BONO. Its well worth getting groups together to ask and continually ask until Hero's emerge.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by RedBird
Aboriginal leaders are specifically concerned that the omnibus bill violates Section 25 of Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms:

I am not certain if they have a case or not, but I personally doubt it. Ultimately, if there is anything to the claim, the supreme court will decide.

They have a case and if the supreme court destroys constitution, then you refire that cannon of justice but alot more teeth. ie. private investigators digging up the dirty on them and ensuring they start to jump to attention when the public says to. Its a legal fight and we need to do some thorough harrasment of them, they need to know we will never stop until the right thing is done, but also, all who participated in the corrupt decisions will have their careers, pensions and futures stripped. We have to mean it.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by bobs_uruncle

Nice! You said it way better then I could, whose pulling the strings? Why is Canada looking like a supreme a$$ in the international community and not even caring one bit? I'm actually shocked to see the path we are on, have we not learned from America's mistakes? Then again we have probably been on this path for awhile and I'm now just noticing.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Thanks for that statement, ain't that the truth in regards to parliment not having the power to change the treaty. Couldn't agree more with you on Harper, guys a puppet who bows to big business and seems more identical to Bush now more then ever.
edit on 21-12-2012 by Putyournamehere because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 10:04 PM
Harper is a small time preacher....I think his attitudes are as rascist as they come..he just doesnt say it...
Hes so busy posturing as a leader, its pathetic.....
The man is the smallest prime minister we have ever hed, and has done more harm to this country than some enemies have.....................
I too wondered about Jack laytons sudden aggressive cancer just when the NDP were poised to take parliament by storm...
There is nothing that happens in politics that isnt allowed to happen.....its the same everywhere......

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