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The World May Have Not Ended But It Has Changed

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posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 02:05 PM
Toronto's Weather Has Changed. It is Not The Same Has it Once Was Before.

I have just bet myself and won tonight that we here in Toronto would not see any Snow this month in the city. Its true however all the areas around had snow and are still having, a major snowfall for there season.

But however right here in the center of Toronto we had no snow. After living in Toronto for 17 years i have to admit that is the most strangest thing because you would expect for a city like Toronto there would be snow falling to the ground. But no there isn't.

During the fall it felt more like spring rather then what it should be, this is why i believe Toronto has changed and its still is changing i do fear this however.

I do fear that Toronto my city where i live will never again have the snowfalls it once used had when i was a child i will never forget my part of good childhood here where in December i used to play in the snow and a lots of it Those were some good times.

I do fear seeing Toronto becoming another Tampa.

There was a lot of Chemtrailing In Toronto This Summer in 2012

During the summer i will never forget that i saw a lot of Chem trialling around my area where i live in a medium sized residential area quiet areas with my mind thinking why are some commercial airliners con trialling over where people and children play? each day as the day progressed there were more chemtrails over my building and over few other buildings near.
As i was thinking and staring at the chemtrails during this summer i was wondering for what reasons are they doing this? fighting Global Warming? covering up, the skies from not letting us see something we shouldn't see?

Even though they kept spraying the chemtrails through the whole month of July and August.
To my surprise i believe there was just one week or one day of no chemtrails and i thought that was surprising i was wondering why would these commercial airliners if they were commercial airliners stop spraying these toxins? surely enough.

If those things in the skies that are they spraying us with are indeed contrails then you have to ask yourselves this why have they stopped spraying the chemtrails for some period of time during those past months? either way we still might not know the answer to that question or to the question on whose spraying us.

Planet nibiru

In regrades to the theory i do believe still in nibiru despite with no ending of the world as i though there wouldn't be. Because i do believe we have more planets then NASA wants us to know about.

The World may have not ended as i thought it wouldn't, still where i live in Toronto the city is changing and i do not like how the weather is changing its not neutral. In regrades to the believers of 2012 how i believe the world would and might end?

Well for one thing it wont be exactly as those theories suggested us.
I had a feeling that December 21 2012 would be another Y2K but i still do believe the world will end just not the way that some of the 2012 believers told us.

The world will end through different ways finical ways through wars and thats it.
I still find it interesting how some well known remote viewers cant see past through 2012.

With that been said I hope everyone here will have a great Christmas Holiday, And i hope everyone will have a great safe happy Holiday.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 02:11 PM
The idea of a "Nibiru" is definitely not a far-fetched one. I don't really understand why this got tied into the whole "2012 Apocalypse" hoax. Just another straw someone grasped at to sell more doomsday propaganda, I guess.

I think, this Nibiru, is really a representation of the binary star companion to our sun. And I don't think it will ever get close enough to us to end us. But it might get close enough for us to see it one day (telescopic or naked eye, who knows)

Edited: The entire weather pattern is changing, indeed. I could see it throughout Summer and Fall here in Edmonton. I mean, we had snow on the ground one day... then it melted... and we had a thunderstorm 2 days later. (In October) This is a change they cannot hide from me. October thunderstorms... never happened before. I mean, come on, its Alberta. By October we should have been covered in 3 feet of snow with minus 20 weather. *lol* Or atleast 15 years ago it would have been like that.
edit on 21/12/2012 by TheSparrowSings because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by TheSparrowSings

I'm in Prince George. I remember growing up seeing winters that would sometimes drop to -40, or even -45. Hardly ever see that anymore.

In the words of John Lennon, strange days indeed.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter

Quit rubbing it in.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter

The World may have not ended as i thought it wouldn't, still where i live in Toronto the city is changing and i do not like how the weather is changing its not neutral.

If it's not natural then it's artificial. So, you believe in anthropomorphic climate change then. Why not just say so? It makes a lot more sense than Nibiru having anything to do with it.
edit on 12/21/2012 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 02:31 PM
Not to be picky but the word is spelled regards, if you were in Quebec I would understand. Enjoy the weather it will be 29 tomorrow morning in Florida, agreed the weather is becoming unusual.

Merry Christmas

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 02:39 PM
If I could, I would ship you some snow!

I'm a bit outside of Montreal and the snowing just doesn't stop, we have like 20 inches like everywhere.
Seriously, I can't wait for summer to come back.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by DOLCOTT
Not to be picky but the word is spelled regards, if you were in Quebec I would understand. Enjoy the weather it will be 29 tomorrow morning in Florida, agreed the weather is becoming unusual.

Merry Christmas

No i dont live in Quebec was a little mistake, i will edit it.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 03:03 PM
I felt the changes last night, my wife slept with me for two night in a row.... 12/21/12 has changed the world greatly.
edit on 21-12-2012 by camaro68ss because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter

Nibiru isn't real and I haven't seen any info showing remote viewing to be creditable, the reason remote viewers couldn't see past 2012 is because they where trying to sell fear and get people to buy their books. The earth is always changing and the weather has nothing to do with "2012". I bet the "chemtrails" you are seeing are really contrails. I have more to post but I have to go but I'll post more later

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter

the 9mag quake that struck japan shifted the earths tilt a bit resulting in more severe weather globaly
thats the change but even a bigger change comming for the good old US of A....gun control....i read even a buy back of weapons

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 03:17 PM
If you look at the actual data for Toronto and winter / snow fall, you'll see it isn't very strange at all.

Despite being cold, extended snow free periods occur in most winter seasons. Average winter snowfall is 133.1 cm (52.4 in) at the weather station in Downtown Toronto[2] and 115.4 cm (45.43 in) at the airport.[3]

February 2008 set a record a snowfall record for the month with 76.8 cm (30.2 in) falling at the airport. The winter of 2007−08 brought accumulated seasonal snowfall totals of 209.7 cm (82.6 in) downtown and 194.0 cm (76.4 in) at the airport. The heavy winter snows, in combination with record rains during June–July of that year made 2008 the wettest year on the climate record with over 1,070 mm (42.1 in) of total precipation.

On the opposite extreme, the winter of 2011-12 had the lowest seasonal snowfall total with 41.0 cm (16.1 in). March 2012 was the warmest March on record. The least snowfall in a calendar year was 2006, with only 32.4 cm (12.8 in). The El Nino influenced winter of 2009-10 had 52.4 cm (20.6 in), March 2010 recorded no measurable snow, the first such occurrence in any March since 1946, this was followed by the warmest April on record.[5]


The thing is that people who hold such beliefs have them because it falls in line with other things they believe in like Nibiru or Chemtrail weather modification.

The truth is climate in the area over the last few decades hasn't been drastically different at all...


posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by eyeinoz

the 9mag quake that struck japan shifted the earths tilt a bit

No it didn't.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by eyeinoz

the 9mag quake that struck japan shifted the earths tilt a bit

No it didn't.

I saw a news footage from Japan they believed that it did, they saw how the clouds changed there positions i believe there is a thread on that in the Japan sub forum.

I haven't seen you phage posting there yet
there are some threads that should be an interest to you.
edit on 21-12-2012 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter

I saw a news footage from Japan they believed that it did,
It didn't.

the clouds changed there positions
Clouds moved? That's strange.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 04:03 PM
The Japanese earthquake effected the spin of the earth by a few is actually spinning just a tiny-tiny bit faster. Has about zero effect in practical terms. It did not shift the axis, only the speed of rotation.

How Japan earthquake shortened the days on earth

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by TheSparrowSings

The reason the Nibiru myth is tied into dec 21 2012 is because Zecharia Sitchin was a follower of New Age Theosophy and the teachings of Blavatsky who wrote on the topic of Nibiru and the Annunaki. The who idea of the Mayan end date is connected to the earth moving into a new age or age of Aquarius. This is why so many new age gnostics are poping up on the forums today preaching Theosophy. I wrote a thread concerning the origins of these teachings and its association to the Nibiru cult. Link below

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