posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by Whatsitallabout
I could of not agreed with you more, I never believed that the world was going to end that day as many thought.
I do believe we have had many warnings from our creator though.
God does things when unexpected and quickly and swiftly. I think the world will be surprised at who God thinks Satan is, as led to a certain page.
I believe that the bible is full of codes and predictions as our creator is the only one that predicts the future. However we must be able to decipher
the codes in the bible as we do with our dreams in some cases right.
I have visions and dreams myself and most come true. I have had dreams that came true. I believe that my dreams our messages from our creator as he
seems to know who to give certain gifts to and who to take them away from.
I remember dreams from years ago like it was yesterday without even thinking about it.
I do believe that the "so called red rain that fell on dec 21 was a warning, I do believe the "sandy storm" was a warning also from our creator.
I do believe that there is about to be a new world, not necessarily this world gone, just worse before it gets better. I also been lead to believe
that the world is going to be quite surprised at who the anti christ is when revealed.
It says in the bible. Not the exact words however God say I will destroy a nation that you not known. I think that he means one that the world will
never have been expected to be destroyed.
Then after that big changes will surface to the world.
My opinion
thank yoiu