posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 12:30 PM
Originally posted by Deaf Alien
Pretty funny considering that many felons own firearms anyway. It's like with the gun laws... how will it prevent criminals from owning guns?
Here is the magic sentence for all of this. "LAWS ONLY EFFECT PEOPLE WHO ARE WILLING TO FOLLOW THEM!!"
Ban cars then only criminals will drive and the rest suffers.
Ban guns and only criminals have guns and the rest suffer the consequences.
Ban food and only criminals eat and everyone starves.
But at what point are people willing to say "if I must be a criminal to eat then so be it"
The thing is less than 1% of the population is regulating the 99% based on the 99% doing everything they can to live their life legally.
edit on 26-12-2012 by marbles87 because: (no reason given)