posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 12:52 AM
Happy Winter Solstice everyone.
Newtown shootings have been all over the news for a week and all we hear out of Washington is Gun Control. The Fiscal Cliff nonsense seems to have
gone underground.
Now, while I am in favor of assault weapons bans and less guns everywhere, I don't think it is an urgent issue requiring rush legislation. I think
it is a tool being used to distract the population from a serious threat to our rights as citizens and tax payers.
The Democrates seem to be caving 100% to republician demands for cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid in order to avoide this made up
"Fiscal Cliff".
Social Security is solvent untill 2035 and by removing the $102,000 (I believe) earnings cap on impounds would be down right healthly in perpetuity.
The Universal Medical Systems need some tweeking but not urgently and could be largely fixed by 1) getting rid of caps on the amount of earnings one
pays into the system and 2) the ability to negotiate prices for drugs and services with 'Health' providers.
The republican tools are looking to get their hand on these funds for the enrichment of their masters in the boardrooms of the US and world.
But our buddies the democrates are, one more time, letting them get away with extortion. WTF??? Where is the AARP? Where is anybody.
Again, happy soltice.