posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 07:17 PM
We can't even stem the tide of drugs into this country - the war on drugs has failed.
And yet we truly believe that these dozens of billionaire drug lords and the 92% of guns they use that aren't serialized and aren't from guns shops
in the US are just going to go away?
There is hundreds of law enforcement agents across this nation right now that are watching homes in America that are havens for full on torturous
methods of sex slavery, coc aine and meth storage and distribution, and stockpiles of guns all being run from countries like Mexico and
Some of which they have been watching for 10 years or more, knowing full well many of those guns come from countries where a billionaire crime lord
can purchase them directly from gun manufacturers.
You see this in some pictures where grenade launchers and bazookas can be seen. Not to mention guns obviously part of the US military aid to that
And people think that 7 less rounds in a pistol matters? People think we can just follow the UK's example because its just as easy to police 3000
miles of borders than it is essentially and island? Even there own little war with the IRA was being supplied by countries like Libya in the past.
Wherever there is money there is guns - wherever there is responsibilities that outweigh there use there is peace - its that simple.
My biggest fear is not that FEMA will create death camps or the Dems will craft new laws. Its that foreign nationals with access to money and guns who
couldn't care less about America will be the only ones who are armed here.
And it should be worth noting that guns like the Ak47 were designed to be produced in backwards ass shanty towns all over the world - we have far
superior production facilities in any town in america - even in Pkistan they can make there own bullets. All it takes is the will of people who are
already criminals and can escape to a nation typically without extradition like Mexico.