posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 02:59 PM
I work for a small company, that is owned mainly by two people.
So, this time of year, it gets decided whether we get raises, bonuses, what have you. Nice if you do, that’s for sure. I do payroll and all that
entails, so they let me know what to do.
So, I get called to an office, I’m handed the bonus sheet (Yeah!) and told to have them ready for the afternoon.
As I am getting them ready, I have a question, regarding someone under me. I have to work up a bit of courage, as it is regarding the amount. Mind
you, I would never question it, if I wasn’t told it was ok to ask questions. I go back to said office to ask.
While the reasoning is being explained to me, I am asked a question about another employee. I hesitate. The hesitation is jumped on, and more
information is asked for.
Basically it comes down to this. “I’ve been told this employee has made great improvements, do you think so?”
Crap. Here comes the honesty. “Every other employee has caught this employee doing what they were going to be fired for before.” “Everyone is
very frustrated and doesn’t want to say anything for fear of repercussions.”
So, boss reduces said employee’s bonus.
I have not been spoken to for two days by the other boss. Why? Because the employee discussed is related. Closely.
I feel this is ridiculous behavior for a boss. Yell at me, call me in the office and ask me why, whatever. Really, your just going to play the
“I’m mad at you so I won’t talk to you” game?
What is really going to make me mad, is that at the Christmas party, It will be all smiles and blah blah, like everything is fine.
Oh well, not like I’m the first employee to get this treatment. After 17 years with the company, I should be used to crap like this. To be honest,
I love the company, ALMOST everyone that works here, and for the most part we are treated very well.