Originally posted by bekod
OK so the debate goes on what is a "assault weapon" or rifle or even define a machine gun all of you are giving me and any one else a head ache so
here is the CT justice dep definition www.jud.ct.gov... argue with them
edit on 19-12-2012 by bekod
because: line edditing added link
if that one does not settle the issue this one might
edit on 19-12-2012 by bekod because: line edditing added link
Every gun is an "assault weapon", because every gun can be used to assault someone. The media defines an "assault weapon" as a scary looking
rifle that looks like a military rifle. The term "assault rifle" was coined by the anti-gun establishment to scare the ignorant masses into
believing that an AR-15 is more dangerous than a regular old hunting rifle, when in fact it is not. Granted, the AR-15 has a higher round capability,
but as a law abiding gun owner, who is supposedly trusted by the government to own a gun due to me passing a background check, if they can trust me
with one bullet, then they can trust me with 50, or 100, etc..
There hasn't been ONE full auto weapon or a machine gun used in any of these mass shootings. The AR-15, as well as most semi-auto rifles are gas
operated. When the trigger is pulled, the round fires. The gas pressure from the round firing pushes the bolt back, ejecting the spent cartridge and
then chambering a new round. This process happens with every press of the trigger. A full auto, such as the M-16 operates the same way in regards to
gas pressure, therefore it IS NOT a machine gun. The term machine gun gets misused by an ignorant, complicit media, and then repeated by the parrot
American sheeple. The M-2 Browning .50 cal is a machine gun. In other words, the firing process is not gas operated, it is operated and rounds are
cycled through a machine process.
99.999999% of all gun owners do not own full auto weapons. The first reason is that they are VERY expensive. A used, Vietnam era M-16 will start at
$10,000 and go up from there. A full auto BAR (Browning Automattic Rifle) made famous by Bonnie and Clyde will start at $25,000 and go up to $50,000.
An M-60 will start at $15,000 and go up from there. There is also the extensive paperwork, fees, and ATF federal background checks that one must go
through in order to obtain the legal paperwork to own one of these weapons. So you see, this entire kneejerk reaction to this tragedy is nothing more
than a bunch of ignorant talking heads trying to push forth an agenda, and an equally ignorant public buys into it and then makes emotionally based
decisions based on falsehoods.
The AR-15 has gained a lot of media attention as of late. It has been called a machine gun... a full auto... a military grade high powered rifle...
and none of that is true. The 5.56/.223 round is one of the weaker rifle rounds available. It starts to tumble in the air after a few hundred yards.
A world class shooter could hit a target from about 700 yards with an AR-15, but the average Joe, even with training and experience would be good to
hit a target from 400 yards, even with a scope. The AR-15 looks mean and scary. That's it. That is why it has gotten so much attention.