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Collapsing the wave function

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posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 07:34 PM
Observation making the determination of a specific event which would have otherwise occurred as the in determined full range of possible outcomes (wave).

Through observation, reality, as you know it, is manifest.

Can we choose the outcome?

I know of one thing that exists as an undetermined range of possible outcomes until it is observed. It is a wave that you have control over. It is a wave that you can collapse into a specific outcome through choice. Qualities and adjectives.

Cold, hot, good, bad, right, wrong, fast, slow, big, small. And many many more. All objects that are assigned these determinations are neither until they are observed as such. The object is then made to your perception to be that outcome. And if it is another observer that is being assigned that quality, then the observer will see Your determination and it will also be determined by the other to be that way too about you. And thus, an external manifestation is created through observation alone.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by smithjustinb

God gave you free will - He did not give you total control over reality; not yours or anyone elses.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by SanDomenico

Total control over the reality of me even to others perception of me actuated by my perception of others.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 08:33 PM
If you are referring to collapsing the wave function in quantum mechanics I do not think you are understanding it right.
wave function collapse
Observer effect
In physics when you try to measure something at a small scale, your measuring method changes the trajectory, or other properties, of what you are trying to measure; because, in order to measure it you have to slam a photon, or another particle, into it changing what the observed object or element would have done on its own. Thus, you skewer the outcome. That is it, there is nothing more to this effect in physics.

Basically on the quantum scale, say you have a bollards game with the lights out, and you where trying to find where the balls on the table where, and your only method was to shoot another ball into the table that has a tracking device on it, it hits the other ball and bounces off. You then work backwards from that to find where the other ball was. However, you now have the last position before it was hit, in physics you now don't know where the ball is currently, but you can use statistics and math to know it could only have gonna so far from where it was, but you don't know exactly where it currently is. This is then plotted or treated as probability wave. This is all sort of a dumb-ed down explanation so bare with me, but it should get the point across. You are not changing the future or reality any more then you are when you pick something up and throw it.
edit on 18-12-2012 by halfmask because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-12-2012 by halfmask because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by halfmask

What I'm talking about is in reality, you don't know what anything is. But after you observe, you are able to make meaning out of it. Only in this case you can also choose the meaning. Therefore, the essence of everything becomes an instruction of will where otherwise, the essence of everything is an indeterminate range of possibities.

What I am proposing is that there is a relationship here to quantum physics and human perception.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 09:26 PM
there appears to a somewhat robotic response to this subject matter.

I will admit that I came here expecting to read some offensive misrepresentation of theory.

but the folks above me are the buffoons. what a pleasant change of pace!

I cannot say from the information given whether or not smithjustinb's understanding of quantum theory, as applied to physical reality, is correct. but a generalization of the theory for application in various disciplines is being legitimately pursued by in academia, and what he has given here is a surprisingly good interpretation of how quantum information theory might be applied to artificial intelligence and/or consciousness studies.

I happen to agree, OP, and your hypothesis will get a fair bit more interesting when you reconcile entanglement with your current line of thought.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by smithjustinb

Well, when it comes to where the origin of the will that inspires the person to throw the rock, or to carry out a scientific experiment originates, I have no idea. Is it the perception, or influence of the world, what inspires the will, or is the act of the will effecting and changing the world forming the world? Is there even a true distinction between the two?

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by halfmask

There is only one will. There is only one being. When you tune into this, you start seeing things that you would have otherwise missed. Things that were there the whole time, but things that your belief in the mundane led you away from looking at. Everything exists right in front of you, but you make the choice of what you want to see. When you see that everything that there is to see was chosen by you to be there for you, then you are looking at the right thing at the right time. I doubt this answers your questions, but something for you to think about if you want.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by tgidkp

All there is is you. Space is an illusion.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by halfmask

Originally posted by halfmask
If you are referring to collapsing the wave function in quantum mechanics I do not think you are understanding it right.
wave function collapse
Observer effect
In physics when you try to measure something at a small scale, your measuring method changes the trajectory, or other properties, of what you are trying to measure; because, in order to measure it you have to slam a photon, or another particle, into it changing what the observed object or element would have done on its own. Thus, you skewer the outcome. That is it, there is nothing more to this effect in physics.

It seems that the quantum eraser experiment would refute your interpretation.

It has been considered that the general mechanism responsible for the loss of the interference pattern is the uncertainty principle, as no measure can be so delicate not to disturb the system which is measuring.6 However, in this experiment, the “which-way” information of the particles is found without disturbing their wavefunction. The reason of the interference loss is the quantum information contained in the measuring apparatus, by means of the entanglement correlations between the particles and the path detectors. The experiment shows that if such quantum information is afterwards erased from the system, then the interference reappears (which would be impossible in the case of a perturbation).

I'm no physicist though so if someone could take the reigns here it would be greatly appreciated.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by smithjustinb

darn. you just had to go and make me take my flag back.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by tgidkp
reply to post by smithjustinb

darn. you just had to go and make me take my flag back.

Well. Does nothing to my wave function collapses. Only yours.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by smithjustinb
Observation making the determination of a specific event which would have otherwise occurred as the in determined full range of possible outcomes (wave).

Through observation, reality, as you know it, is manifest.

Can we choose the outcome?

I know of one thing that exists as an undetermined range of possible outcomes until it is observed. It is a wave that you have control over. It is a wave that you can collapse into a specific outcome through choice. Qualities and adjectives.

Cold, hot, good, bad, right, wrong, fast, slow, big, small. And many many more. All objects that are assigned these determinations are neither until they are observed as such. The object is then made to your perception to be that outcome. And if it is another observer that is being assigned that quality, then the observer will see Your determination and it will also be determined by the other to be that way too about you. And thus, an external manifestation is created through observation alone.

Like where this has gone...

...without sounding pedantic, I would change the determination 'outcome', to waypoint/station...reason being, the possibility for transformation remains after a waypoint...each waypoint being the launching pad/origin of every 'as yet' undetermined destination (except, as it applies to...aspiration - goal...achieved).

Suffice to say that, Singular, Shared and Mass realities occur at every point along the way...collapsing and reforming through the auspices of choice alone, notwithstanding the regulated physical world of lower consciousness-ed can appear chaotic and random, but in fact is a whirling dance of intricate placements...that is beautiful and daunting at the same time...


posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 12:35 AM
greply to post by akushla99

So you see the whirling dance of intricate placements too? I was beginning to think I was the only one. Nothing is an accident.

posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by smithjustinb

All objects that are assigned these determinations are neither until they are observed as such. The object is then made to your perception to be that outcome.

Are you saying reality only exists when its being observed. Therefore when im in my house and in the lounge and observing the lounge room, are you saying that everyother room in house does not exist at that moment in time?

posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by smithjustinb

Concerning the collapse of the wave function and time, I think this may interest you:

posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by AthlonSavage

It exists. I'm just saying that everything there is isn't what you think it is, yet that's what you see anyway. You determine the quality of a situation. It is through that determination that you are made aware of your connection with it or your separation from it.

The more connected you are, the more you see that everything that is done is done by you and vice versa.

posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by SanDomenico
reply to post by smithjustinb

God gave you free will - He did not give you total control over reality; not yours or anyone elses.

You have ALL the control over reality you could even wish.
99,99% of things we perceive as reality are nothing but subjective concepts. Weird to see your reply after the OP made a very good point in one profound, single sentence.

There IS no "good", "bad", "big", "small", "slow", "fast". Nothing is "real". Whether you open the window, see it raining and say "WHAT A BAD DAY!" or "GREAT! It'S FINALLY RAINING!" is entirely on you, so is 99,99% of our reality. You have full and entire control.

posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 04:05 AM

Originally posted by smithjustinb
greply to post by akushla99

So you see the whirling dance of intricate placements too? I was beginning to think I was the only one. Nothing is an accident.

There is a simplicity in describing what is experienced...but it is incredibly complex in its 'puzzle-piece' presents like a language, where the alphabet must be learnt first to form words, that then form sentences, that then give way to poetry...Dervish is a poetry...the 'tools' utilised to mount the experience are the same for all, but, the experience can be mounted in opposition...simply because the process is dependent on the subjective interaction, that can be positive in nature or negative in nature...and operates equally as well in both directions...


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