posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by Idonthaveabeard
I'm not too sure that the GREAT EARTH QUAKE will happen on that day, although it's possible. i feel based upon the bible (waves roaring) and the
recent tide rising that it might be flooding of the coastlines. If Jesus warning about the time of trouble is true then it might be wise to escape to
the mountains away from Judea (the coast and valley floor). His warning to stay on the housetop makes sense too seeing that the house might be
flooded. He also said something about not leaving work (field) to get stuff (Bob?) from home.
The clincher for me is that he stated that woe would be upon those with recently born children and those who are pregnant. This sounds like a moon
tide effect that would cause disasterous effects during ones period (unstoppable blood flow?)
In either case if a Nemesis/Nibiri passing causes a major lunar tide pitch and we have three days of darkness, it would be a world wide mess.
I forgot to mention that Jesus stated that prayerfully ones flight (leaving the area due to earthquake /flooding)
would not be in the winter or on the sabboth day. ON 12-21-2012 that friday is the first day of winter and that Saturday is the Jewish sabboth along
with Sunday being the Christian sabboth. Is this just a coincidence or was he giving us an exact prophetic prediction? I guess we'll see in a few
days. Shalom!
edit on 18-12-2012 by Yule C Mann because: I forgot some other info, sorry about that!