posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 03:31 PM
NEW YORK, Nov. 7 (JTA) -- It's not often that George Soros, the billionaire financier and philanthropist, makes an appearance before a Jewish
It's even rarer for him to use such an occasion to talk about Israel, Jews and his own role in effecting political change.
So when Soros stepped to the podium Wednesday to address those issues at a conference of the Jewish Funders Network, audience members were listening
Many were surprised by what they heard.
When asked about anti-Semitism in Europe, Soros, who is Jewish, said European anti-Semitism is the result of the policies of Israel and the United
"There is a resurgence of anti-Semitism in Europe. The policies of the Bush administration and the Sharon administration contribute to that," Soros
said. "It's not specifically anti-Semitism, but it does manifest itself in anti-Semitism as well. I'm critical of those policies."
First of all, yes, we know that terrorists are bad and there is noone here to support their actions. With that said, I'd like to bring up that the
United States has been in the Middle East for a long time and is actively trying to engage the nations for one way or another. Whether it is because
the US wants multi-national corporations to take control of the large amount of oil, who knows....but that is my guess. Arab countries want the US
out and to be left alone generally. So, then there is Israel, who would probably not be around right now if it weren't for the US. Arab countries
generally want Israel out and would rather have Jews living among their countries rather than in a nation of their own.
So, Soros is explaining how he does not support Israel's offensive war and the actions they take in the Middle East and almost succumbing to the
level of the terrorists themselves. The US has a habit, most recently with Iraq, of being too much of an aggressor in the Middle East as well. Many
times, when people would like to charge Israel as the victim, they have a short-span of the history of that part of the world and would like to forget
that Israel has been in existance for less than 100 years. The state itself pretty much forced onto Palestine, but whatever, it's there now.
Soros is advocating a change in policy for both the US and Israel in respect to the Middle East. Not only this, but a change in policy of the favored
status shown to Jews. Just recently, Bush passed an Anti-Hate Crime Bill created for the purpose of tracking anti-semitism in the world. Not only
this, but Bush's administration are on the Jewish Anti-Defamation League, and the Jewish World Congress is a big player. So tell me, why are Jews
favoured so much above everyone else?
Note: Soros is a Hungairan-born Jew who escaped to London after fleeing from the Holocaust.
2nd Note: Look at the word "semite," it is defined as someone of Arab origin. This includes Muslims as well. Interestingly, it exludes a vast
majority of Jews because most are not semites.
[edit on 24-10-2004 by Jamuhn]