posted on May, 5 2003 @ 12:01 PM
The way I read the article, its George Tenet that "scrubbed" the document and made the decisions on what to and what to not declassify. I think
he's just unwilling to make public just how useless the FBI and CIA had become in relation to information on terrorism. If you rememeber the last
decade or so, their main job was disarming American citizens along with the ATF.
Also, I don't buy the whole thing about flight 93 going down the way they said. I think they made the decision to shoot it down and then found out
about the effort to regain the plane by the passengers. I think they would take a lot of criticism for this decision even though at the time, it
might have seemed the only answer. Just a theory derived from hearing some of the witnesses at the crash site in PA.