posted on May, 18 2015 @ 11:34 PM
a reply to:
Its just funny to me that, the very men who are supporting these women here are being downgraded and derided by these same women, who categorize all
men into this idea of men = rapist. So, are these men self abusive or what? How could you help someones cause...when they hate your guts simply for
being a man? It makes no sense.
Yes, the men may say "they are not all like that" or there are "several shades of grey", but most feminists I have witnessed, genuinely hate men, are
jealous and only use those weak men that support them, as foot stools. A feminist is a feminist ...if you're something else...then call yourself
something else, so as not to be associated with the hate. If people or the government stated referring to you as would change your
name then wouldn't you? Homeland Terrorists, being a hate group, that genuinely revels in the destruction and suffering of another gender, group,
religious group, or anyone who doesn't believe in, or support your agenda. (I am looking in your direction Homeland Security, and wondering why you
are not addressing this obvious hate group, when it is the very definition of Homeland Terrorism).
Most feminists hold up signs like the above, or go on the news representing all feminists and really disparage the character of men and blame them for
all their woes....even though most of them speaking out have never even been assaulted or raped. In fact, they ignore the women who have been raped.
Its simply about the agenda of oppressing men. Even Gloria Steinem, who was one of the spearheads of the feminist movement, has admitted (ON RECORD,
AND ONLINE), that the CIA got her started and funded her, and encouraged her to lie to break up marriages...thus breaking up the strong family fabric
of America. I am just MORE baffled at the self-deprecating men that support this social beating upon themselves. You will not get "carnal relations"
for your will get screwed though.
edit on 18-5-2015 by IlluminatiTechnician because: (no reason given)