posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 10:14 AM
so because they screwed up one attack with new recruits there crap?
he doesnt seem to show that the army screws up as well not just marine core.
and the bit about no camo on his helmet is rather stupid. the guy just got off a helicopter and hasnt even thought about which way he is going to
bloody run.
and the bit about not completly haveing your mind on the job, now really can anyone really tell me that they have remained 100% profesional while in a
combat zone?
this guy is former marine?doesnt sound like it.
"Only one man is needed to move a wounded marine by ATAC, but up to 2-4 men's worth of combat power can be lost using a stretcher."
one man to take a wounded one off? get real i mean the marines and army practice it but you get two guys to drag a wounded one off to make sure he
gets there.
"Here marines walk into the abandoned airbase area carrying their helmets. Would they be able to get them on their heads fast enough to prevent
injury in a mortar or rocket attack?"
what is it with him and mortars and rockets BTW? i think this guy was in the artilery part or something.
but really sorting the chin strap deos fk all to help you helmet , its still uncomfy and you only wear it when you know you need it.
"enemy can orient on the noise" WTF these guys were fighting a small terror camp not a bloody SF training camp. doesnt this guy know you alter
tactics to fight diffrent enemy?
sure when they went to the back of the chopper it was very vunrable but mabye the officer changed the plans and needed to tell the men.
and the bit about radios,my mate in the mariens went on a live fire training section attack. thier radios broke when the marines were flanking and so
the only way the other fire team knew when to switch arcs was when the grenade went off. a bullet clipped my mates boot, didnt hurt him but was pretty
dam close.
the bit about not haveing door guns is interesting but they probably didnt have them availibe at the time or didnt feel the need to bring them
army style where the truth is saught? this guy is pretty full of the pro army stuff isnt he.
the shiny pin shows this guy isnt a combat man he is a desk driver.
"This marine obviously is bored with his Company Commander pontificating about how great he and the unit are. Its likely he wants the AAR over ASAP
so he can clean his weapon, shower up and hit the town for a "brewski" and to mingle with the girls of Oceanside, California"
oook so now he can read minds. how does he know the guy was bored i mean come on i could poke twice as many holes in his analysis as he could in the
marines attack.
one thing i might add is that he has not posted any views that counter his arguement and shows he is severely biased.