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What Would A New Dimension Or A Change In Vibrational Frequency Feel or Sound Like?

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posted on Dec, 13 2012 @ 08:44 AM
The reason I ask this is because many, including myself have talked about this. More so lately for some strange reason. I have felt this change in my physicality coming over me. It has very little to do with 2012 or a specific date. I have felt this for many years and the feeling has increased exponentially over this time period.

I have had a numbness in certain parts of my body (tingling in hands, feet, legs and arms); before you start suggesting medical reasons for these feelings, don't. I know the difference, this is not medical. I have many physical medical issues that I will not go into and the feelings I am talking about resonate from a different place.

My intuitiveness has always been there, lately I feel more in tune with this part of my being. I have these sounds I continue to hear that change from one ear to the other, high pitched and low thudding sounds that only I can seem to hear, and they change from one day to the next, one minute to the next. I am certain once again that this is not health related.

Then last night as I was getting ready to lay down to try and sleep, I very rarely get more than 2 hours of hard sleep at a time (also, something that has gotten progressively different), I started to feel something else. A sensation of cold and numb feelings in my torso and upper extremities. Never felt this before, when I was going to bed I told my husband how I was feeling and his response was to suggest going to the hospital. I explained to him that was not necessary, this was not something diagnosable as a medical condition.

Nope not menopause, either. This is not hormonal. I know the difference. I needed him to just lay his hand on my forehead a few moments and I focused on my breathing; it was quite overwhelming. It is not due to anxiety or fear, rather it was due to the unusual nature of this feeling. It was one I cannot really describe. It is not diabetes related or circulation. Again, I know the difference.

My intuition tells me what it is, but I asked my higher power for guidance. When I awoke, I had this answer. The feeling is subdued at the moment, still there but not as strong. However, the strange noises and the tingling sensation have been going on for at least 3 years now. I am feeling and hearing the changes in my vibrational energy and moving towards a new dimension. I am not the only one I am sure, just curious to know if others experience these same manifestations.

I am aware that energy is connected to other energy, I am also aware that the reason I am feeling this way is related to the changing of the Earth and the surrounding solar system and the fact our galaxy is moving into a part of the Universe that his highly magnetic in energy. I am certain of it. I do not wish to debate this aspect, there will be those that insist on proof and I do not know how to quantify what I feel, so again don't bother trying to tell me what you think of my feelings being nonsense. Of course, I do not mind hearing opinions on the matter. this is a public forum, only I will not debate this, and I will not respond to trolls.

Serious minded people that wish to have dialogue with me on this subject are welcomed. Notice I did not say like minded, before you get on your high horses and tell me I am close minded to other opinions. I am open to serious discussion. I have true love in my heart for all beings, I do not have tolerance for hatred or blind stupidity. I have patience for those that need assistance, I do not have patience for those that are insistent.

This is not a thread for 2012 doomsday bashers. It is about getting in tune with your energy and the changes taking place. Whether you believe them or not, I feel them, daily.


posted on Dec, 13 2012 @ 08:46 AM
I'm hoping it feels like sitting on the washing machine during the spin cycle...

posted on Dec, 13 2012 @ 08:48 AM
It would sound like this:

posted on Dec, 13 2012 @ 08:57 AM
Don't worry about it. You won't ever experience it.

posted on Dec, 13 2012 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by BrokenAngelWings33

Hey there,

Unlike some of the peanut gallery answers here, I'm going to give you an actual opinion. As you know from other posts I've made along side some of yours, I have definitely been feeling a "ratcheting" of emotions lately, more day by day. Unconditional love is what I'm feeling, out of what seems nowhere, and everywhere at the same time.

Its been years since I've touched MDMA, but THAT'S what it feels like. Pure bliss, pure, well.... ecstasy. A buzzing sensation that feels like a warm glow, and it is very pleasing and easy to bask in. It just plain feels great, and you can feel your love for others growing in response.

I would say that "Bliss" is the emotion of 4th density, especially when set against our vibrations of 3rd density as currently experiencing and moving away from. Like anything, we'll eventually adapt to it and become somewhat used to it and we'll be able to get nuances from this.

For those saying nothing is happening, I strongly urge you to start meditating (nothing special, just find your center and ground yourself to Earth), and feel what is happening. If you came for the fireworks and never look up during the show, you'll regret even bothering to come!

posted on Dec, 13 2012 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by BrokenAngelWings33

I have experienced it.. It is a realization that everything is everything. There is no need for your physical body. You are consciousness alone with infinite possibilities. You have an understanding that the physical world only existed through the lens of your perception. You have little grasp of your 5 senses but complete grasp of the 6th. It is a state of peace and all knowing in the sense that you are just conscious energy in an endless realm of the same energy. All relevant questions you would ask in the physical world are answered, but no longer relivant. When i first entered the other dimension It i was like a full body euphoric orgasm with no sexual nature behind it. You are in a place where time does not exist. Everything within the realm of visible light has already happened but will continue to happen because there is only one time and the time is NOW. Past and future is an illusion and we are always IN the now... Really hard to put an unexplainable experience into words but i gave it my best shot

posted on Dec, 13 2012 @ 09:30 AM
Damn good job of saying from the heart, from my perspective!

I haven't gone "that far" yet but I relish the opportunity to do so soon.

Originally posted by Shneal
reply to post by BrokenAngelWings33

I have experienced it.. It is a realization that everything is everything. There is no need for your physical body. You are consciousness alone with infinite possibilities. You have an understanding that the physical world only existed through the lens of your perception. You have little grasp of your 5 senses but complete grasp of the 6th. It is a state of peace and all knowing in the sense that you are just conscious energy in an endless realm of the same energy. All relevant questions you would ask in the physical world are answered, but no longer relivant. When i first entered the other dimension It i was like a full body euphoric orgasm with no sexual nature behind it. You are in a place where time does not exist. Everything within the realm of visible light has already happened but will continue to happen because there is only one time and the time is NOW. Past and future is an illusion and we are always IN the now... Really hard to put an unexplainable experience into words but i gave it my best shot

posted on Dec, 13 2012 @ 09:32 AM
Unless you're a Doctor, there's no way for you to know what's going on with you.

Numbness, tingling, high-pitched and low, thudding sounds all sound like a blood-pressure, or circulation issue.

See a Doctor, and then, if they tell you it's nothing, congratulations!

You're ascending, or traveling through time, or dimensions, or whatever.

posted on Dec, 13 2012 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by BrokenAngelWings33

I have true love in my heart for all beings

This feeling is being amplified.

As with nearly all cases of OBE's, NDE's and the like, the feeling of pure love is the common denominator.

Many wise individuals whom have come before us have articulated this - it is what we are to expect in the next life.

But not until you display it in this life - it may take many incarnations until it is perfected.

Sounds like you might be ready - to experience that "feeling" of being bathed in pure light.

posted on Dec, 13 2012 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by fourthmeal

I hope you do as well. Life changing to say the least

posted on Dec, 13 2012 @ 10:00 AM
Sounds to me like an OOBE. Google David Buhlman. You'll find this very informative and insightful

I really don't think you are experiencing some sort of medical problem.

posted on Dec, 13 2012 @ 01:00 PM
I need to tell you that, right now, and I mean *right now*, I am getting damn near floored by the feeling.

It is elation, bliss, pure happiness. It feels like illicits though I have not touched them in, like I said, many years. It is like a rave party awesomeness being sent straight from heaven and/or Earth herself, if I can be so crude.

It is REALLY hard to think badly of a person right now. Like neighbors at work here, there are a few people I would call annoying. But today, they do not annoy me. They are just fine people. My perspective is, well,... just different lately. I do not have ego suggesting that I need to be right, that I need to be first, or that I need to be better than the next person. That whole sensation of being in a tiered system of people is...gone. I barely remember feeling like that.

I hope this makes sense to folks, I'm just going by what I feel here. And I have to tell you, if this is medical condition than I think this is one that everyone needs to come down with. Not only do I feel that nothing is wrong with me, I feel that I am, emotionally, becoming the centered and caring person that I always wanted to be. Effortlessly.

Take care guys, can't wait for what happens next.

posted on Dec, 13 2012 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by Xquizit

I have 3 out of body experiences that I remember and several 100 more that I don't remember, I'm sure. This was not one.

posted on Dec, 13 2012 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by fourthmeal

Great to know, wish you all the best...what does come next? I have an idea...what is your expectation?

posted on Dec, 13 2012 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by Sublimecraft

Well certainly you are not mistaken, I have been bathed in the light and protected by the light through some very dark periods in my life, this does have all the feelings associated with true love, I wish all to feel this way, unfortunately, there are to many being controlled by fear to experience this.

posted on Dec, 13 2012 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by Unrealised

Not medical.Next?

posted on Dec, 13 2012 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by fourthmeal

Thank you for your kind words. Take care.

posted on Dec, 13 2012 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by Shneal

Well, I had and have complete awareness of all my senses, but an enhanced feeling of my sensory perception. The fact I am feeling this is due to the fact I am aware this is possible rather than a figment of my imagination causing me to think it. We all have the ability to feel this way but it starts within. Thanks for sharing.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 12:09 PM
And BAW, how do you feel today? Is the experience ramping up? For me, it unequivocally is. It won't really do much for me in the morning, but as I settle in the mid-day work run and stuff, I keep getting more and more of this energy and it just plain feels great.

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