posted on Dec, 11 2012 @ 11:00 PM
What little reverence people have for their own body nowadays, the very conduit through which they perceive and conceive their own existence. What
stupidity it is to want to be released from our most trusted friend and ally—our very selves. Yet, all too often I hear that we are not our bodies
or our flesh or the life we live, but we are something eternal, a soul, a consciousness, an ethereal something yet nothing trapped in a physical,
fleshy and entirely valueless sack of meat. The paradoxes and contradictions we spew to arrive at this conclusion are insurmountable, yet the steady
sacrifice of self-honesty it takes to favour this belief still continues.
How can one tear apart his own body into so many abstractions without so much as moving a finger? In thought, anyone can, ask Descartés. In legend,
only a God can accomplish this.
God, in perhaps a fit of boredom, parodied humanity by donning his man-suit as a carpenter named Jesus Christ; and with all contempt towards the
fragile flesh he wore to hide his supreme power, he feigned sacrifice (to himself no less) by allowing the mortals to destroy the effigy of the flesh
he so wanted everyone to turn from. Imagine an immortal and all-powerful God pretending to die and suffer on a cross by submitting his mortal costume
to a shaming the world will forever remember, and I will show you a deceiver, who unlike us, doesn’t need the body to exist. What does this teach us
but to despise the flesh? to sacrifice it for supersensory aims, because—perhaps we too may be like God? Doubtful.
The mind/body dualism is the greatest error and fault of religious scepticism, to doubt ourselves in favour of an abstraction of ourselves—namely,
the mind, the psych, the soul, the spirit, nous, the ego, the idea, or whatever it is to be named throughout the ages. It is the body, the entirety,
the only thing actually there, actually existing as evident truth that we wish to fragment.
Talk to yourself, scan your memories, reminisce on whatever it is you call a soul and you will only be reminding yourself of yourself. Everything
you’ve sensed, the weight of your body on a floor, the heat of the sun, the beauty of a flower, every single word you’ve read, your bibles, your
science, your mathematics, every shred of ‘consciousness’ you’ve ever created is impressed and expressed through yourself; not a soul, not an
intellect, but through the entirety.
The body is the heuristic axiom from which we understand and create all knowledge. Every notion, inclination or idea is arrived through it. And if
these ideas are expressed, it is done so with the entire power and push of life that emanates from any organism. With it we experience everything
there is to experience. Without it, there is no spirit, no mind, no love, no consciousness and no yearning to exist apart from it.
And now I’m told to release myself from my skin-shackles, to become whatever energy is left when I destroy myself, or ascend from myself, or be
raptured from myself in some twisted perversion of reality. This yearning for an afterlife, to become spirit, to become soul, to live in the kingdom
of God, to ascend the body for another dimension, to find enough absolute meaninglessness in existence to want for another. Lets be honest—what is
this amount to but a doctrine of death? What is this but resignation from life? To fade into shades?
The preachers of death, all who preach a supersensory realm where we should exist, where they would rather exist, and who scorn the very
sensual existence they themselves exist in, are selling you the doctrine of Annihilism.
We must reclaim our body. We must reclaim our senses and our instincts and begin to learn from them and refine them, rather than hide them under a
carpet, or worse, destroy them, for a fear that we cannot control them, control ourselves. We must quit doubting ourselves in favour of a hopeful
death. Annihilism must fall.
Are you skeptical enough to doubt what you are?