posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 10:48 AM
Hey all, rain day in Long Island. Just hanging out at the job site and had a thought I'd like to share and possibly discuss. I'll try and
participate as much as I can during the afternoon if I get any replies.
My thoughts were about the peoples in the past that kept the ancient knowledge and tried to pass it down to future generations. It occurred to me that
many of these people would have been members here if they were alive today. Many of those that frequent this hall of records so to speak would have
been the same people who tried to contribute to the well being of the community in the past. The interesting and fun part of the thought for me was
comparing some of the superstars here to some famous and important figures from the past.
We have astrologers, healers, economists, prophets, inventors, religious zealots etc. The list goes on and on. Some of these folks here make really
good contributions here as well as out in the rest of the world. ATS is in a way a kind of secret society albeit in a more open and free community
ATS seems to be a sort of a chaotic think tank of sorts. I think that a lot of ideas that get tossed around here could resurface in more concrete ways
out there in the political, religious, and economical realms. It could be that the template we use here could become a model for future problem
solving on a grand scale. In a way it is that already, maybe just in the infant stages?
It was a good day, the day I stumbled across this website, and I can't even remember how it happened its been so long. I feel like the contributions
I make here have more of an effect than most of the conversations that I have out there in the rest of my life and I'm very thankful for the
education and information that I have gleamed since I found this wonderful place.
Back on track, what are your thoughts? How do you think some of the players here would stand up next to some of the major players throughout history?
Will ATS become a major point of reference for those in the future who may be looking into the past for answers? How much difference can a person have
being a proactive member in this platform?
So what's up guys, any thoughts ideas or comparisons?