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Strange simptoms

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posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 06:37 AM
Do any of my ats friends have any idea what this could be?
Tightness around the torso,..., as if soneone is giving you a bear hug without winding you aswell as your arms feeling like lead.
I get this sensation every few months. I feel a bit clammy, but there is no chest pain and breathing appears normal. It comes on in waves, so by the time I think maybe I should go tothe hospital, all returns to normal.
It is quite uncomfortable and to the point it gets a bit concerning it goes!

Thank you


posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 06:39 AM

Originally posted by happinness
Do any of my ats friends have any idea what this could be?
Tightness around the torso,..., as if soneone is giving you a bear hug without winding you aswell as your arms feeling like lead.
I get this sensation every few months. I feel a bit clammy, but there is no chest pain and breathing appears normal. It comes on in waves, so by the time I think maybe I should go tothe hospital, all returns to normal.
It is quite uncomfortable and to the point it gets a bit concerning it goes!

Thank you


You should go to the doctors. I don't think ATS is the place for checking symptoms. There are a lot of supposed experts on here but I don't think it would be wise to take their advice.

Good luck.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 06:42 AM
reply to post by happinness

If it feels like a belt tightening around your chest/torso and under your arms don't mess about! Go get checked out. I don't want to scare you but it could be serious.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 06:42 AM
Ask your GP. Even if someone here can diagnose you correctly, you'll have to go to a GP to remedy it. Cut out the middle man.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 06:47 AM

Tightness around the torso,..., as if soneone is giving you a bear hug without winding you aswell as your arms feeling like lead. I get this sensation every few months. I feel a bit clammy
reply to post by happinness

I agree with other that you should see a Doctor for an accurate diagnosis. I am a Paramedic and my experience is in Emergency Medicine. Curious that you say this happens "every few months". Have you been having any stress in your life? I have seen symptoms similar to this in people having anxiety attacks.
You should really see you physician.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 06:49 AM

Originally posted by SpearMint
Ask your GP. Even if someone here can diagnose you correctly, you'll have to go to a GP to remedy it. Cut out the middle man.

Exactly this.

Remember though, your GP is just a person too, they can make mistakes. Get a second and third opinion whenever it comes to your health, don't just accept one person's view as gospel.

Most importantly, don't take no for an answer. If you're not given several types of cardiovascular tests, go to another doctor until you get them. It could be the beginning of a number of heart related problems, or it could be nothing at all, but nobody can know until you've had specific tests.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 06:54 AM
Thank you so very very much for your time in replying to me.
it goes so quickly though and is so random. I don't feel any chest/heart pain though.
I admit I try to avoid Doctors and hospitals at all costs, but I might go to one of the medical walk in centres, if they are still open.
See what they say

Thank you


posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 07:13 AM
Any strange marks? Dreams of 3 headed serpents? Perhaps you woke up to the sound of shamanic meditation rattles?

Do you drink a lot, every single day? Smoke more than a pack of cigarettes?

What do you like more: The sun, or the moon?

If so you may be ascending.

If not - go see a damned doctor before you regret it

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by ThinkingCap

I don't drink, ocacasionally smoke. This happens dury the day, not at night.
Last time it happened I was in a shop with my Daughter. She said I was shaking, butt I couldn't feel myself shaking.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 07:32 AM
Hi, my name is seenalot, and I'm a Paramedic (I see one of my esteemed colleagues has also assessed you).

There is a plethora of things this could be. Stress, cardiac, thrombus, swamp gas, etc.

You didn't say your age, or any medical/life history. Even a short time with recreational white powder (speed, meth, coke) can give you vascular spasms for years after non-use.

When you read this-do not pass go, do not collect $200, SEE YOUR DOCTOR!!!

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by happinness

Not to frighten you ,but most people have symptoms of heart attacks and ignore them due to not knowing all the symptoms and or not thinking they are severe enough.I totally agree with everyone else....GO TO THE DOCTOR.It's the only way to eliminate what it isn't and find out what it is.I've had similar symptoms this past year and found I had high blood pressure.Serious business.It could be from stress,but remember,stress can kill you.Ease your mind and help your body,go get tests.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by SeenAlot

Hi SeenAlot

I am. Woman of 49 years of age and I have had heart surgery as a child.
I have had this happen on and off now for about a year.
It passes so quickly, maybe 30-40 seconds, but it feels like a lot longer.
My heart doesn't hurt or do I get breathless. I thought at first maybe its the sign of a panic attack.
But even with all the weird stuff I have experienced, I haven't had anythinb like this before.

It is scary and I have to kind of compose myself and take a deep breath to make sure it has passed.

Thank you so much I really do apreciate your advise and I will go to the walk in centre tlater this afternoon.
I had flirted with the odd e but that was years ago and I'm no fool and was only having half anyway.
Never touched anything else apart from the odd joint.
I am not over weight and as far as I know am in good shape.
I have even started drinking Montermorency cherry juice, I do try to look after myself.


posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 08:27 AM
Hi OP,

All I can do is echo the other posts on here and say get to your GP or (when it happens) A & E dept. It's impossible to give any form of diagnosis from a post in a forum and you may be wasting valuable time in doing so.

Forget about this thread for now and get yourself checked out.
Let us know how you get on though.
All the best.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 12:29 PM
Thank you Pardon? I will x

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 12:33 PM
Go to your doctor, but.....

I had the same symptoms and it was Gall Bladder. Nothing will take the pain away and nothing makes it more bearable, right? It just has to go away on its own? If you notice, it probably happens most often after eating greasy foods.

It is also a symptom of a heart attack so go to the doctor.

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 09:44 AM
I thought I was having panic attacks for several years. Some of the same symptoms. Turns out I was having Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT).

PSVT Symptoms

NOT saying that is what you have.. but you need to get to a cardiologist asap so they can get a monitor on you. I had to wear one for 72 hours for them to catch the tachycardias.

I thought I was having panic attacks but it turned out it wasn't. Also, low sugar MIGHT cause some of the symptoms. A good general practitioner can get the basic workup started then send you on to a specialist for confirms on any other possible issues. Mine did that within 2 days worrying about the tachycardias.

These symptoms are not something to play around with.

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