reply to post by pistolerooo
In all serious aside from my clamoring to be made supreme World Leader, it's not just about who's President.
The entire system is flawed.
Politics as a whole is a pathway for many toward wealth and power. There's a certain degree of responsibility attached to a life of politics, but,
as a whole the game is more about covering one's own tail, and getting elected/re-elected, making friends with other more powerful people, and
ensuring people with money donate toward your future.
The only times that fixing anything that's broken ever really seems to get addressed is when it becomes a media talking point.
The Occupy movement, for instance, was HUGE with demonstrations flashing up all over the planet, but, in Mainstream Media, it was very rarely if ever
mentioned, less really discussed.
The issues brought up, as a result, were dismissed as the grumblings of drug deluded hippies and students.
Eventually it all went away, for the most part, and the politicians could continue going on with the business of trying to get elected/re-elected, and
gaining favor with those more power or more wealthy.
There are a few honest folks in politics, sure, but, the climate is so business-as-usual, politicking, accruing and asking for favors, and other sorts
of greasing the wheels of government machinations that getting anything worthwhile done to any effect, much less fixing anything that's actually
wrong without getting some corporate sponsored government puppet on any side of the aisle all up in a panties twisting tizzy is near impossible.
Even if something, whatever righteous cause someone might have gets some air-time, and even gets passed onto law, by the time it does, the whole thing
has been compromised, re-re-re-re-re-engineered, committee'd, think tanked, accessorized, omnibussed, cut, clipped, circumcised, augmented, added to,
morphed, warped, altered and changed that when it is law, it's barely more than lip service to the spirit of the original design, and all the extra
concessions, biases, and favoritisms built into the final product go toward causing or compounding more problems elsewhere while some few profit.
Government is broken.
We need a simple do or die God-Empress/Emperor of the highest attention to altruism.
No arguing. No favors to the people that already live in privilege. Just "This is decreed and it will be so".
Unfortunately, anyone entirely altruistic, sane, and of sound intelligence will never hold any such power, at least not until we're well past
singularity when it comes to AI, and we find ourselves under the care, guidance, and control of machines infinitely more intelligent than ourselves.
Thus, at best, all we can really do is wait for either aliens, or wait for the day when/if we can make machines smart enough to make smarter machines
that make even smarter machines, that eventually take over and mind us like the children we are.