posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 12:30 PM
Here we are, a community of over a million crackpots and conspiracy theorists, going insane on every "World Is Gonna End" idea that comes up, taking
every hint that terrorists WILL ATTACK NOW, and trying to find the tiny little illegalities that have popped up that the government is behind.
Some of us are pissed because Bush was made President by the vote of Presidentially-Appointed Judges. Some are pissed that we aren't allowed onto
Area-51. Some that there's Flu Vaccines, or that we don't know everything as soon as it happens.
Well, we should logically be a lot more pissed than we are, shouldn't we?
A 'democracy' - by the people for the people? Isn't the government _our_ tool to keep _ourselves_ safe? I thought it was. That's what a democracy
is by the 'official' definition.
Governments keep countless amounts of information from the people. Secret military endeavours are run, secret locations are created, secret files
stored, secret this, secret that. Well I'm #ing tired of this. It is our government and we run it. We are allowed to see whatever the # we want to
see. Who are we hiding documents from? Ourselves? Not likely!
Area-51's simply shouldn't exist. The instant the FBI confiscates a security tape you should be able to call upon your rights and your control over
their jobs, then go make a copy, give one to them for official records, and keep one yourself.
The whole "Black-Ops" thing shouldn't exist anymore. The 'Cold-War' is over. If anything, freedom of information is now our ally more than
secrecy is. If everything is a secret, then no one is prepared. The government will be 'telling too much' and making us too scared, because
suddenly, and without warning, we're being told about these horrible things that have been going on around us forever. If they 'tell us too little'
then they tell us to late, or don't give nearly enough warning, until KABOOM!
- Bottom line is, if they won't make an announcement and say "We're making a change. We're telling you everything we hear, the files are open." -
then we should be able to demand it, and the re-taking of control over our own tool seems worth a revolution to me. A world-wide revolution, even.
I'm Canadian, and my government doesn't hide _that_ much from me, but I'm still pissed about it. I can't imagine being an American, who doesn't
even know what exactly his troops are going through without the media stepping in. Who doesn't know what is on a piece of government property in his
country without resorting to some foreigner's passerby satellite pictures.
1% Of the world is pissed off about stuff that is absolutely unbelievable - 100% should have gotten pissed the second anything unlikely started
happening. Don't you agree?
Or am I completely insane?
[[For The Record: I would think this is the best forum for this, but I'm just not sure. If it isn't, then I'm sorry. I just started thinking and
writing, and .. yeah. Judgement lapses when you're thinking about how angry you should be.]]