posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 09:16 AM
Friendships and knowledge. Hello, ATS'ers. I've actually been a member here for a little over a year, but have been swimming through the vast
information you highly educated (and some highly insane) people have shared with the world. In time, I hope to share some knowledge, conversations,
and some friendly debates, with the sole purpose of expanding our minds, and hopefully friendships, no matter how long distance they may be. If I"m
sadly misinformed then please tell me I'm stupid...but show me why.
I came here around 2 years ago after stumbling upon the site. I've always been quite skeptical of my country's actions, and was always looking for
a place like this. I don't know why it took so long to find. After doing research on possible activities that the US was involved in, I began to
slowly realize that its the whole world, yes the whole world is one giant mucked up place full of conspiracies and criminal, insane happenings.
Really, I knew all along, obviously, but found specific occurrences. Please bear with me though, this being just my introduction, I will eventually
delve into everything I know, but only if this vast site of knowledge doesn't already contain it.
So, feel free to stop by and say hey, talk about video games, conspiracies,music, movies or just to shoot the # before it hits the fan....its all good
to me. Here's to a bright future, ATS.