Heads are beginning to roll nearly two years after the Fast and Furious gunwalker scandal first came to light. William McMahon, the Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) official who was in charge of field operations during the controversial operation, has been fired, according to his
attorney Mark Zaid who told CBS News "we will be appealing the decision."
When Eric Holder is given his walking papers....I'll believe they give a hoot about doing anything about this. Now? The lesson is just this..whatever
you do..DON'T GET CAUGHT!. If you DO get caught, be high enough up to be covered by executive priv. declarations. It's better than a pardon in
advance, isn't it?
Nothing about Obama from me on this...Obama isn't running Justice. Holder is. Holder has to go....or we have a Department of Selective Justice. (Not
that it's a new thing....but we could do without the corruption thrown in our faces quite so loudly, I think)
Dont expect anything serious to happen over this, now obarmy is back in it'll get swept under the carpet, so a few heads will roll, i can pretty much
guarnatee it wont be holder or his boss
Sweep under the rug like, Operation Wide Reviver...and Iran/Contra....and many others. Both sides are guilty of this because they are really going for
the same goals. Think about it why else do both sides get support from the same corps...it makes no difference who wins, because they win either way.