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NIST NCSTAR 1-6: Federal Building and Fire Safety Investigation of the World Trade Center Disaster: Structural Fire Response and Probable Collapse Sequence of the World Trade Center Towers.
Open Abstract Open Resource [pdf]
"This report covers the characterization of the conditions of the WTC towers before the attacks, their weakening due to the aircraft impacts, the response of the structural systems to the subsequent growth and spread … more(click above link)
Gross, John L.; McAllister, Therese P.
2005-10-26 26,538KB
NIST NCSTAR 1-9: Federal Building and Fire Safety Investigation of the World Trade Center Disaster: Structural Fire Response and Probable Collapse Sequence of World Trade Center Building 7: Volume 1
Open Abstract Open Resource [pdf]
"A principal part of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) investigation of the WTC (World Trade Center) disaster was the examination of the WTC 7 collapse. The specific objectives were to: 1.) Det… -more-.
McAllister, Therese P.; Gann, Richard G., 1944-; Averill, Jason D.
2008-10 21,117KB
Three threads of recent interest (this thread, and these two) where I felt the need to post a few details that in fact also fall under the umbrella of this thread its own title, are also a partly repository for what follows a bit further down :
''Let’s Agree to Put an End to the Petty 9/11 Argument’s''
''2011 Toronto 9/11 Hearings.(Full Length Video)''
Recognizing that the majority of timing information available from the visual material itself was of high relative accuracy, but of unknown and variable absolute accuracy, a timing scheme was adopted in which all of the times for items in the databases were placed on a common relative time scale tied to a single welldefined event. Due to the large number of different views available, the moment when the nose of the second aircraft struck the south face of WTC 2 was chosen to be this time. This event was defined to ----
NIST NCSTAR 15A, WTC Investigation Page 21
---- have occurred at 9:02:54 a.m. based on times for major events included in the earlier Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) report (McAllister 2002) describing the events of September 11, 2001.
LaBTop : WTC destruction, the Leftover candidates, Pro&Contra Arguments.
Three threads of recent interest (this thread, and these two) where I felt the need to post a few details that in fact also fall under the umbrella of this thread its own title, are also a partly repository for what follows a bit further down :
Lets Agree to Put an End to the Petty 9/11 Arguments
2011 Toronto 9/11 Hearings.(Full Length Video)
The official story is that the North Tower of the World Trade Center collapsed due to gravity. This has been critiqued in an analysis by Graeme MacQueen and Tony Szamboti, and in a related analysis by David Chandler (both in the Journal of 9/11 Studies). The Balzac-Vitry demolition was a true gravity-driven collapse. The same analysis that was applied to the World Trade Center is here applied to this known demolition, with contrasting results. This analysis supports the conclusions of both papers referred to above: the North Tower of the World Trade Center was not a natural, gravity-driven collapse.
There is ample evidence, from both witnesses and recordings, of explosions associated with the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC 7). NIST sidestepped investigating explosions and explosives by setting up an artificially high threshold of interest. They swept aside any testimony or recordings of explosions that would not register 130-140 dB one kilometer away. They established this criterion using RDX (one of the loudest explosives) in a scenario that produced a far higher sound level than other possible uses of explosives to bring down the building. Then they turned around and used sound level as the sole criterion for deciding whether the use of explosives was a credible hypothesis. By this maneuver, they sidestepped investigating the testimony of explosives or possible evidence of explosive residues. This is just one more instance of fraudulent behavior on the part of the NIST investigation of the World Trade Center disaster.
A loud, low-frequency boom can be heard just before the east penthouse of WTC 7 falls.
David Chandler will soon be publishing a video that contains a more in depth analysis of this footage, including audio enhancements of the explosion. YouTube channel = DavidChandler911
"Best Historical Documentary" 2007 by the New York International Independent Film and Video Festival.
Seven laws of science prove CONTROLLED DEMOLITION at the WTC. The official "pancake collapse" theory is an unrealistic fraud!
Slow motion, freeze frame video and AUDIO ANALYSIS reveal the hidden truth
This first page video has the bombs audio analysis screenshots in it :
Numerous Explosions BEFORE COLLAPSE,
NYC Firemen tell of DETONATIONS,
Frame by Frame Analysis,
Close-Up Analysis,
BOMB Audio Signature.
The "Zapruder Film" for 9/11/2001
Local news radio coverage was recorded by the on-camera microphone while Rick Siegel videotaped the events of 9/11 from the Hoboken pier. Scientific analysis is presented in an easy to understand manner. The pictures tell the story and this is one story that all New Yorkers, and anyone who was traumatized by the shocking attack on the WTC, must see. In memory of all those who perished, 911 Eyewitness is a voice of the victims that must never be forgotten.
This powerful documentary features eyewitness testimony and scientific analysis of the collapse of the Twin Towers and Seven World Trade. The American Public and American Republic have been betrayed and now it's time to learn the truth and share it with your skeptical friends.
We are actively pursuing the truth regarding the tragedy of September 11th, 2001 and are scouring the world for information, video and or audio tapes, documents, etc. Your donation will greatly assist our ongoing research.
"911 Eyewitness from Hoboken" features authentic digital video and audio evidence of explosions that corroborate the testimony of New York City firefighters, police officers and hundreds of other witnesses. This evidence confirms that the historic collapses of three steel framed structures on September 11th were the result of bombs planted in the buildings. Additional evidence and scientific analysis is presented in such a way that the film irrefutably proves 9/11 was an inside job.
Learn the truth about what happened at the World Trade Center on 9.11.2001 from eyewitness testimony and scientific analysis. High quality, three-chip digital video reveals the previously unseen reverse angle to televised coverage of the Twin Towers and Seven World Trade collapsing and a lot more.
This is the only known unedited footage that contains a clear, real-time audio track of the many disturbing events that took place during the WTC destruction.
upload on Feb 12, 2010.
A close-up view of debris being ejected from the South Tower of the World Trade Center as the 30-floor top section falls to the east shows numerous smoking projectiles that look like comets. Several of them can be seen to explode. One such exploding projectile is followed here. It ejects two fragments, both of which undergo secondary explosions. (Note, the rising fragment to the left of the projectile under consideration appears to be a tumbling object that alternates from black to white to invisible. It passes behind one of the fragments described in the video.)
upload on 9 Oct 2010
"The video shot from the WTC plaza captured an intriguing event at 9:37:04 a.m. A jet of air, dust, and a large piece of debris was ejected from a window, 77-355, on the 77th floor at an extremely high velocity. Longer distance videos show that puffs of smoke and or dust appeared simultaneously on the east face from several open windows near the center of the 78th floor and from open windows on the north side of the 79th floor." - Page 50/268 in NIST NCSTAR1-5A Ch 9 Appx C. Their theory of why it happened is on page 55/268, third paragraph:
"It is conceivable that the pressure pulse generated within WTC 2 at 9:37:04 a.m. could have resulted from the sudden collapse of the hanging object, presumed to be a portion of the 83rd floor slab, observed through open 82nd floor windows. While the rapid collapse of a large section of a floor slab would likely generate a substantial pressure pulse, evidence supporting such a conclusion is circumstantial, at best. The actual collapse of the object was not observed, and there is no evidence that it occurred rapidly or even at this time. The appearance of large fires on the 82nd floor shortly after the pressure pulse is an indication that something happened on this floor around this time. On the other hand, most of the direct effects of the pressure pulse were observed on lower floors, particularly floors 77 through 79. The available pathways for transporting the pressure pulse are unknown, but it might have been expected that its largest effects would have been apparent near the floor where it was generated. It must be concluded that, while it is possible that the pressure pulse resulted from a partial collapse of the hanging object seen on the east side of the tower, the evidence is far from conclusive." - NIST NCSTAR 1-5A Ch. 9 Appx. C, p.55/268.
In other words, NIST does not know what caused the explosion.
hanging object, presumed to be a portion of the 83rd floor slab -snip- seen on the east side of the tower
upload on Feb 12, 2010.
A close-up view of debris being ejected from the South Tower of the World Trade Center as the 30-floor top section falls to the east shows numerous smoking projectiles that look like comets. Several of them can be seen to explode. One such exploding projectile is followed here. It ejects two fragments, both of which undergo secondary explosions. (Note, the rising fragment to the left of the projectile under consideration appears to be a tumbling object that alternates from black to white to invisible. It passes behind one of the fragments described in the video.)
upload on March19, 2010.
YouTube channel: DavidChandler911
This video narrates a collection of diverse phenomena in the debris cloud of the South Tower that point to explosive demolition. Particularly notable is one projectile (which I have not seen discussed previously) that is shooting to the east, then stops, midair, then turns a sharp corner and shoots straight down trailing white smoke. White smoke is characteristic of aluminum oxide which is a byproduct of the thermite reaction.
After finding the projectile that turns a sharp corner while trailing white smoke I looked for it in other videos and found it in several. The clearest is from a camera with a very similar perspective to the first, but in this video the trail can be followed to the bottom of the collapse. Here I explore the significance of this find.
A close-up view of debris being ejected from the South Tower of the World Trade Center as the 30-floor top section falls to the east shows numerous smoking projectiles that look like comets. Several of them can be seen to explode. One such exploding projectile is followed here. It ejects two fragments, both of which undergo secondary explosions. (Note, the rising fragment to the left of the projectile under consideration appears to be a tumbling object that alternates from black to white to invisible. It passes behind one of the fragments described in the video.)
2 sep 2012
(This description added 12/04/2012. Original description removed. My comments in the thread below refer to the original)
Here is an explanation of this video. (December 4, 2012) :
A. The opening scene (as well as the part at the end) comes from one of the archival NIST FOIA 9/11 videos. It can also be seen at
It shows an ejection of air, or air, smoke, dust, and debris. The thing to notice happens quickly. Look for the black object being ejected. This object has been the source of some confusion. It has been theorized that it is a piece of clothing or even a body. It is neither.
B. The center of the video shows some scenes from videos made by CDI, Inc., of known, acknowledged demolitions- the first of an apartment building, and the second of a bridge. In the clips of the demolition of the apartment building, numerous black objects remarkably similar in both appearance and behavior to the black object seen at the beginning (and end) of this video can be seen at the forefront of the demolition "squibs".
In the bridge demolition video, it can be seen that the demolition charges are wrapped in some black material, which goes flying when the explosive is triggered. If A is the black object seen in the beginning, and B represents the black objects seen in the apartment demolition, and C represents the flying black pieces which wrap the explosive charges on the bridge, it is not at all difficult to see that, in all likelihood, A = B = C. CDI, Inc. was hired for the 9/11 cleanup job. It should be noted that CDI is a demolition company, not a debris cleanup company, although cleanup is part of their own demolition jobs.
If you can't understand what this video shows, watch it again until you do, and THEN comment, if you wish. Hostile and purposely ignorant comments will probably be removed. Thoughtful responses will be kept. Thank you for watching.
john sosman 2 weeks ago :
BTW, thanks to YouTube for hosting this video, especially since it seems to be one of the controversial ones, although I can't see why.
It's so obvious. Some viewers don't like this video, and try to negate it.
They have no way to disprove what I am saying. So out come the irrelevancies, the ad hominem, all the usual expected stuff. I challenge naysayers to come up with a better explanation for the flying object
No one has, so far.
Believe me, I would be glad to be proven wrong.
Audio is not relevant for the purposes of this proof. It is visual.
Audio proof of many of the explosions is very difficult to pinpoint. Far less was recorded than was actually happening. The reason for this is quite simple: the dense curtain wall of the falling pulverized concrete and other materials muffled even loud explosions almost completely. It's hard to hear through a heavy fog, even harder to hear through one or two hundred feet of concrete "cloud", which was making its own noise.
who planted the bombs?
I don't know. There are some obvious suspects. That is why we need a new, real investigation of 9/11.
and how did they get them in there?
Probably most of the charges were planted inside the elevator shaft area, which could have been done without detection. Listen to the chief electrical design engineer of the World Trade center, Richard Hummen:
upload on Feb 16, 2011.
9/11 conspiracy debunkers will have you believe that the collapses started dead center of the impact zones, and that ejections are just wind or air rushing out due to pressure.
9/11 South Tower Collapse - center-left falls first: Freeze Frame
Collapse begins on the left side, and below the impact zone.
Early ejections of building materials.
FLIR cameras pointed out that more fires were on the 30-50th floors. Remember, only a FLIR camera can distinguish between professional grade HTA (thermetic) fires and the cooler jet kerosene fires.
Originally posted by samkent
I'm sorry maybe it's just me.
But does anyone really read run on postings?
You took the entire page I can't imagine the number of words used.
This allows the beam to collapse inward. This is VERY typical in controlled demo. You can find this on the web.
Although I am sure cutting torches were used on the pile, a burning bar would have been a lot faster. The column in the picture raised huge doubts with me when i first seen it. The angle cut was a dead give away. Why increase the length of the cut by going this way? Yet another topic was the slag on the outside. When cutting a tube or pipe the slag will form on the inside.
This picture was brought up here before. I would love to see a high definition close up, and if possible pictures leading up to that photo.
Another reason a diagonal cut is used in demo is because the high uniform heat of the cutter charge, and the speed in which it slices. If it was wrapped on a 90 degree the weight it was supporting would want to fuse the column or beam back together if the timing of the charges was off thus allowing uncontrolled demo.....Make sense?
We cut a section of the wall and we counted 14 floors pressed into 8 feet
This video of ground zero proves that cleanup crews routinely cut columns at angles. This refutes the conspiracy industry story that the angle cuts on columns must be made by controlled demolition.
Originally posted by plube
reply to post by samkent
It is not that there is lack of interest...the lack of decent rebuttals from the pro OS side has turned 911 into a subject which cannot have a decent debate...the so called truther side continues to provide info that can be discussed and the OS side keeps only saying the same could only be fires that brought down for the first time steel structures which suffered a symmetrical global collapse and frankly most people are tired of the OS just spouting one possibility and calling people nutters for thinking otherwise....but i thank labtop for keeping up the good work of putting information out there for the masses to digest.
But IMHO it makes no difference as it has shown the masses will just believe what they are told by the media....the experiment continues and TPTB know now exactly that they can get the masses to believe whatever they want them to believe.
The people are in worse shape now as we accept drone attacks...we now accept that it is ok to invade foreign lands on false premises...the only thing you can say is Labtop's replies might be to long in the tooth....So you would prefer short ill informed responses to satisfy your short burst replies....Maybe you might like to actually do some work and show exactly where labtop has faltered....But that might be just a little to in depth for you as you might actually have to research and read .....rather than wait 4mins to reply to the opening statements.
the only thing you can say is Labtop's replies might be to long in the tooth....So you would prefer short ill informed responses to satisfy your short burst replies....
Originally posted by samkent
reply to post by plube
the only thing you can say is Labtop's replies might be to long in the tooth....So you would prefer short ill informed responses to satisfy your short burst replies....
And Richard Gage gives 3 conferences with the same result. No one talks about it the next day.
This is all psudo proof from non experts hiding behind screen names. It means little in the cyber world and nothing in the real world.
It means nothing in the real world only because many people in that world are in such deep denial that they would ignore even a press conference held by a hundred NSA agents who confessed to having helped in the cover-up of 9/11. FACTS mean nothing to them because there is too much for them to lose by admitting the status of this evidence as facts. It's as simple as that. That's why forums like ATS can publish tons and tons of damning evidence contradicting the official story of 9/11 (they have already done so) and it won't make an iota of difference to the dumbed-down sheeple who get their daily dose of reality from Faux News and CNN.