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Arab Tribalism must end to uphold Islam & for world to be at peace

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posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 11:05 AM
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was chosen to end the tribalism of arabs so that they may achieve peace and progress like other nations through the religion of peace - Islam.

Pre-Islam, the pagan arabs claimed descendance from Abraham but sadly, had not followed Abraham's teachings. (hanif) Instead of monotheism, paganism grew side by side with such worship and corrupted the arabs for centuries.

Worse was the rise of Jahiliyyah - Time of ignorance - tribal chavinism, arrogance and evil, resulting in Istighna - the aggressive belief of self reliance that resulted in the tribes to care only about themselves, but outsiders are fair game to be cheated and murdered.

Words spoken, or contracts agreed upon between the tribe to outsiders is to be considered meaningless anytime. The tribe and its members are always right, even when they are wrong or had committed murders, which the tribe will stand as one to protect the members and even carry out attacks against the outsiders.

Muruwah - bedouin chivalric code, was a lie, fantasy and never practised at heart. It had been Jahiliyyah all the time.

Such was the behaviour that prophet Muhammad had sought to end, through his teachings from Allah, to arabs.

Unfortunately, the Quraysh, pagan rulers of Mecca refused and sought to kill the prophet. But he was patient and in the end, he won over them, not by warfare, but hearts and mind, true to Allah's teachings.

The Qurayzah - a jewish tribe that supported the Quraysh quietly, betrayed the prophet and his followers, were put to their sword, just as the many other arab munafiq (hypocrite) tribes that betrayed the prophet .

But the Qurayzah was but one of many other jewish tribe that had supported and were allies of the prophet throughout his life. The prophet had NEVER ordered the extermination of jews, but in fact, had explicitly told his followers to live in peace with the children of the book.

And many true muslims had follow the prophet's command, until the end of the Ottoman empire, when many badawah (bedouins) saw the opportunity to misuse religion to greedily gain portions of the Ottoman empire held by the Brits.

Asibiyyah - Tribal solidarity, was the only way to achieve gains, ensure control and enslavement of the uneducated masses by the nation and community leaders. And even after gaining power, Asibiyyah was still enforced. Worse, it led to Jahiliyyah and Istighna, evident in many arabs today.

When an arab kills an innocent and then screams 'Allahu Akhbar', he had not praise Allah, for neither Allah nor the prophet had taught muslims to kill innocents. That arab had only blasphemed Allah, and put himself as equal to Allah, as only Allah had that right and not mortals. That bloodthirsty apostate had only praised himself being Allah. Worse are those whom had been fooled and supported that apostate.

How far had the arabs sunk today? Had prophet's effort to eradicate Jahiliyyah been a failure?

Yawm ad-din - the moment of truth has arrived today. May muslims be wise, to seek for peace, truth and honor so that not only arabs, but our world can progress and evolved, the way prophet Muhammad and other divine Teachers of the Koran sent by Allah, taught us all to be.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 11:32 AM

Words spoken, or contracts agreed upon between the tribe to outsiders is to be considered meaningless anytime.

The tribe will stand as one to protect the members and even carry out attacks against the outsiders.

Correct me if Im wrong but doesnt the Koran say something almost identical to these 2 statements?

In my opinion Abrahamic religions need to end for the world to be at peace and for ignorance to end

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

The 3 promises to Abraham - patriach of jews and worldwide christians, as well as PRE- ISLAMIC arabs were -
1. A land forever
2. Descendants
3. Divine Blessing upon him.

That's all the promises that God had made with Abraham. Anything else is only the words of Abraham as he faced situations upon the ground as a human with free will, to react accordingly to contextual circumstances and not laws to be cast in stone.

As for Islam's Koran, the guiding principle is

1. There is to be NO compulsion in religion.2:236
Prophet Muhammad held true to his world on this surah, and had not force anyone to believe by the sword during his lifetime, except when those whom had caused hurt and harm to his followers in outright declared war, giving them the option to life if they convert or will only face certain death if they refuse and continue with barbaric ways.

2. Infidels and non-believers to prophet Muhammad are those whom deny the existance of God, and not jews or christians whom are children of the book. During his lifetime, if he had wanted to treat children of the book as infidels, he would have slaugthered them anytime, but he didnt.

Furthermore, his trip to heaven from Jerusalem gave him the opportunity to even talk to prophets from the bible whom he respected, and it would only be a nutjob's interpretation that calls for the extermination of jews and christians.

As for other religions, we must all be aware that he hailed from Arabia, and had no contact with the rest the world unlike us this enlightened internet generation. The Hindus, the Buddhist, the taoist, the confusionist, etc, do have their own way to acknowledge our common Creator - known by many names across geological barriers, cultures, time and space.

As long as they respect God and do not kill innocents, follow in the lest rudimentary moral and ethical guidelines for civilisational progress and evolution, they are NOT infidel Satan worshippers.

Surah 2:236 is Allah's revelation to prophet Muhammad. No man can interpretate it any other manner without being an apostate.

edit on 4-12-2012 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 01:54 PM
As for the high taxes upon jews and christians then in Arabia, it was only meant as a contextual case.

The jews and the christians were very much educated then in the arab world, and although frugal, they had amassed great wealth.

The prophet was an egalitarian even pre-islamic times before his callings, as he cared about sharing wealth. When he became the Harkim-arbitrator in Medin, the tribes that followed him had not much wealth, and thus those non-muslims were a resource to help fund the charity works he needed to fulfill his vision for the poor, the orphan, the widow, the underpriviledged, etc.

When he won the rich economic arab centre Mecca, he equally taxed the wealthy to share wealth.

But never in his dreams did he expect that with the expulsion of the Caliphate in 1911, Arabia had Allah's bountiful blessings in oil and gas. And sadly, much of that wealth had been hoarded up by the leaders for self except by a handful of enlightened rulers who did shared wealth, with trinkets given only when such wealth was meant to alleviate and elevate ALL muslims.

Yawm ad-din is upon the arab world today. May the leaders be wise and diversify in our shared world peacefully, as such bountiful blessings of oil and gas is discovered in other nations as well as the dependence of such on the middle east will dwindle.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Thanks for the reply but you didnt answer my question, does the Koran not contain almost identical statements to the ones I qouted in my earlier post?

The 3 promises to Abraham - patriach of jews and worldwide christians, as well as PRE- ISLAMIC arabs were -
1. A land forever
2. Descendants
3. Divine Blessing upon him.

Also doesnt god tell the Jews they had forfeited their holy land?

This is another reason religion needs to be left behind, to many contradictions, inconsistancies and just plain wrongness (cant really expect much else considering when they were written) for nutjobs to misinterpret and twist to their own ends.
Ive heard it said you can pick up a bible or koran and find a verse supporting or condemning anything if you look hard enough, I believe it.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 03:11 PM


Saying the words religion and peace in the same sentence is ludicrous.

posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by IkNOwSTuff

Correct me if Im wrong but doesnt the Koran say something almost identical to these 2 statements?

In my opinion Abrahamic religions need to end for the world to be at peace and for ignorance to end

To answer your question directly:-

1. You are basing upon the Koran 3:28 concept of "al-Taqiyya" - "Concealing or disguising one's beliefs, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions, and/or strategies at a time of imminent danger, whether now or later in time, to save oneself from physical and/or mental injury."

This is what ANY human would do when FACED with danger, even atheists.

HOWEVER, the Koran DOES NOT teach muslims to do it on a daily basis where there is NO real or perceived threat or danger.

Furthermore, the Koran states clearly that in their daily lives, they must not cheat or lie.
"Truly Allah guides not one who transgresses and lies." Surah 40:28.

Only arab tribalism teaches a tribemember to cheat and lie to tribe outsiders, and that was what the prophet had tried so hard to change, so that honesty and fairplay is given to all, not just to the tribe alone, so that all tribes can merge and become a People respected by all.

Thus, to differentiate between tribal arabs and true muslims, judge them by their actions and not just by their words. This suggestion EQUALLY applys to all humankind, for we ALL are flawed. Only our actions determined who and where we stand in life, not mere words alone.

2. Abrahamic religion, or even religion alone, was what that had kept us alive for 5000 years of recorded history. Without moral and ethical guidelines to progress and evolve, our jungle law and cavemen ancestors mankind species would have ended long ago.

posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

Nothing of that sort is mentioned in the Quran as far as I know. I'm not sure where you got that from.

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