posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 11:05 AM
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was chosen to end the tribalism of arabs so that they may achieve peace and progress like other nations through
the religion of peace - Islam.
Pre-Islam, the pagan arabs claimed descendance from Abraham but sadly, had not followed Abraham's teachings. (hanif) Instead of monotheism, paganism
grew side by side with such worship and corrupted the arabs for centuries.
Worse was the rise of Jahiliyyah - Time of ignorance - tribal chavinism, arrogance and evil, resulting in Istighna - the aggressive belief of self
reliance that resulted in the tribes to care only about themselves, but outsiders are fair game to be cheated and murdered.
Words spoken, or contracts agreed upon between the tribe to outsiders is to be considered meaningless anytime. The tribe and its members are always
right, even when they are wrong or had committed murders, which the tribe will stand as one to protect the members and even carry out attacks against
the outsiders.
Muruwah - bedouin chivalric code, was a lie, fantasy and never practised at heart. It had been Jahiliyyah all the time.
Such was the behaviour that prophet Muhammad had sought to end, through his teachings from Allah, to arabs.
Unfortunately, the Quraysh, pagan rulers of Mecca refused and sought to kill the prophet. But he was patient and in the end, he won over them, not by
warfare, but hearts and mind, true to Allah's teachings.
The Qurayzah - a jewish tribe that supported the Quraysh quietly, betrayed the prophet and his followers, were put to their sword, just as the many
other arab munafiq (hypocrite) tribes that betrayed the prophet .
But the Qurayzah was but one of many other jewish tribe that had supported and were allies of the prophet throughout his life. The prophet had NEVER
ordered the extermination of jews, but in fact, had explicitly told his followers to live in peace with the children of the book.
And many true muslims had follow the prophet's command, until the end of the Ottoman empire, when many badawah (bedouins) saw the opportunity to
misuse religion to greedily gain portions of the Ottoman empire held by the Brits.
Asibiyyah - Tribal solidarity, was the only way to achieve gains, ensure control and enslavement of the uneducated masses by the nation and community
leaders. And even after gaining power, Asibiyyah was still enforced. Worse, it led to Jahiliyyah and Istighna, evident in many arabs today.
When an arab kills an innocent and then screams 'Allahu Akhbar', he had not praise Allah, for neither Allah nor the prophet had taught muslims to
kill innocents. That arab had only blasphemed Allah, and put himself as equal to Allah, as only Allah had that right and not mortals. That
bloodthirsty apostate had only praised himself being Allah. Worse are those whom had been fooled and supported that apostate.
How far had the arabs sunk today? Had prophet's effort to eradicate Jahiliyyah been a failure?
Yawm ad-din - the moment of truth has arrived today. May muslims be wise, to seek for peace, truth and honor so that not only arabs, but our world can
progress and evolved, the way prophet Muhammad and other divine Teachers of the Koran sent by Allah, taught us all to be.