posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 12:22 PM
There is indeed a universal law, and bright are the eyes that perceive it working in the universe.
We call it Karma, some call it the golden rule. The reason why you do to others what you want done to yourself is because it WILL be done to you even
as you have done.
The most instant kind of karma we normally receive is the consequence for spiritual or psychic actions. Bad thoughts and bad deeds in this realm
result in fairly rapid consequences.
Materialism leads one away from this understanding of consequence for good and evil. People who follow this path don't think there's any
consequence for evil thoughts, or actions, because their entire awareness is in physical matter. Most of these kind of people are very deceptive,
hollow, and spiritually corrupted.
[Edited on 24-10-2004 by Arkaleus]