posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 10:54 PM
Several years ago, my wife pointed something out to me that I had actively ignored or explained away my entire life. Seems that electronic things
sometimes have a problem operating with me around. I can't wear most watch brands, computers blink out of existence when I look at them, cell phones
have no chance at all, etc, etc. What I am saying is that I agree that it may not be the worst thing to not have the internet and all of the creature
comforts we have all become so reliant on. For the longest time, whenever I would have a problem with something electronic it could irritate me or
make me angry. Now, I have learned to take advantage of that time to learn whatever there might be for me to see about life without that specific
"addiction" as it was called earlier.
Maybe the internet is here to stay, maybe not, but we do need to be ready regardless, am I correct?