Just kidding. Hello from Serbia. I will be a regular poster on here. I have already visited the site thousands of times, as I am into Aliens, and
conspiracy theories, and other kinds of things. I was going to post in the Really Above Top Secret section, until I found out I could not until I had
a specific number of posts, so I will be a regular poster.
All you need to know about me is that I love conspiracy theories and area 51 stuff. Also, I want to know the truth, what are they hiding from us?
So, I'll be posting quite a bit on this forum, and I hope to see many users, and discover the truth behind area 51, the aliens, and other mysterious
edit on 1-12-2012 by ArbiterOfTheiPhones because: Because I was told, well, not told, but commented on for my
edit on 1-12-2012 by ArbiterOfTheiPhones because: Same reason as before.
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**Mod Edit**
Moved from another Intro thread to here
Right. Ever since I was young, I had seen aliens all over the media. It scared the crap out of me. At the age of 7, I had a dream I was abducted. It
traumatised me. And at the age of 10, I found out about Area 51, Groom Lake, or Dreamland. The place where all these things happened. These things
that nobody knew about. From there, I took a deep interest in aliens, UFOs and government conspiracies. I looked all over the internet, finding out
about information on UFOs, the Kecksburg incident and many other strange happenings in this world. I am half Russian, too, so Kapustin Yar was a real
interest to me. I have many PDFs of archived documents, and I have printed information on what is called an EBEN, or JROD.
So, my purpose here is to discover, and help uncover, the secrets of Area 51, Kapustin Yar, and other secret facilities. I may only be 14, but I can
already explain that the government is putting a big canvas over an A4 image. On that image is pure reality, something that is uncomprehendible
because of what has been taught to us by modern teachings. The things that make one say "yeah right!" when somebody tells them they saw a UFO. The
thing that makes almost the entire population not realise that behind closed walls, somewhere, there are these things, so unrealistic, that most
ignore the information.
Yet, it is all true. There is so much evidence to back it up, so many sightings. There are too many, in fact, to deny the truth. The government is
hiding something. Most of us can comprehend the fact that it is there. But unfortunately, the boys over at Roswell aren't going to tell us anything.
The thing is, the proof is already here. SR-71 Blackbird was a classified project beyond its time, and it was shown to public eye later on in time.
God knows what there is now, some new plane, even alien craft. It is all absolutely possible that now, they have some new project which will be
declassified in about 30 years.
I do, though, believe that it is absolutely fair for them to hide information on these kinds of things, especially the existence of aliens, because of
the fact that, should they release the information, there would be mass global panic, as people would run for cover against alien attacks. Many would
not be able to sleep at night, knowing that an advanced race could walk in through their back door and abduct them. So, they do have a good reason t
keep it secret. The thing I don't understand is, if they are reverse engineering UFOs, then why not use some of the technology in inventions, like
power sources for example. It would be a great idea. This is what drives me to find out more. The two question words. We all know what they are,
because we ask ourselves the same questions every time we think about Area 51. What, and why?
Another thing that intrigues me is the Deep Web. Few know about the Deep Web, and even fewer know about it's levels. I will explain this in more
detail in another post, but for now, this is what I will say. The Deep Web shows us that somebody does not want us to view something, and that
something is deep down in the Deep Web, at the very bottom.
So, as you can tell, I am a 14 year old conspiracy theorist, but a bloody good one, at least for my age. Anyways, that pretty much clears it up. I
will be discussing mostly about these topics during my time on here.
Thank you for reading. I hope it wasn't too much trouble. Anyways, that is all I have to say. I'll be posting. See you around.
edit on
12/1/2012 by JohnnyAnonymous because: (no reason given)