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I have an interesting question for you all - has anyone else been so amazed by a sighting that they

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posted on Nov, 30 2012 @ 09:00 PM
I've put off telling this story on here , not because i hate sharing but because i hate typing

I live in a pretty small village in Shropshire, England. I live on an estate very close to the M54 (motorway) , about 5ish miles from RAF Cosford (which even at that time as now was non-operational ). About 12 years ago i used to work a crappy job at a factory working alternate shifts 7.00-3.00 , 3.00-11.00 , on the day's i worked the later shift a friend would come over my house about 11.30 , throw a stone up at my back window (cos of parents) and i would go to the front door to let him in and we would play backgammon or watch star trek and talk crap for a while.

One night i was expecting him and so was listening for the tapping at the window , when i heard someone loudly banging on my front door. Being sure it was him i flew down stairs to open the front door and ask him what the f*ck he thought he was playing at. When i opened the door he was stood in the middle of my lawn beckoning me over excitedly and pointing up.

In the sky moving at a slow crawl coming from roughly the direction of cosford were 5 lights , the central light had a red tinge whilst the outer 4 were pure white. The outer lights were all the same distance from the central light and the same distance from each other and were slowly moving around the central light. There was no sound whatsoever and it was impossible to judge the size of the thing if indeed it was one object. My friend had been observing it on the walk up to my house for approx 10 minutes , i only saw it moving in the formation for perhaps a minute or so before it came to a stop almost over our heads . The lights no longer spun around the central light and it remained stationary for perhaps 30 seconds. The outer lights were in a perfect cross with the reddish light in the very centre . After being stationary for about 30 seconds the outer lights started to spin around the centre light but this time it didn't move anywhere , the lights were spinning faster and faster until the 4 outer lights split off going almost N,E.S and West . The centre light with the red tinge remained in place long after the outer 4 had passed out of site , then it moved off in yet another direction , and that was the end of that .

I'm not the sort of person who automatically associates lights in the sky with aliens from a far off galaxy-dimension , but i don't really know what to make of it . I felt sure at the time that we would eventually hear rumours about testing going on at cosford still , but quite the opposite , cosford is now a museum and you can go look around it anytime. If anyone could come up with an ideas i'd love to hear them.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by Druscilla
How is it that it seems the more someone knows about the sky, what's in it, and what to expect from it, the less likely they are to ever see a UFO?

It may 'seem' that way to you, but that's just because you probably haven't familiarized yourself with the topic in a truly substantive way. (??)

Regardless, there's plenty of data supporting the conclusion opposite yours, showing that pilots and astronomers in fact see strange things in the sky more often than the average person. Anyone who's read the early history of Project Blue Book, or who has even basic knowledge regarding Dr. Peter Sturrock's research probably knows this already.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by Druscilla
reply to post by SpaceBoyPluto

I was sneaking out of my house at night after my parents went to sleep when I was as young as 5, just to lay in my driveway and stare at the stars.

Decades gone past, I've always kept an eye or two on the sky.

Never once have I ever seen a UFO.

I've seen lots of satellites, bolides, comets, meteors, odd weather phenomenon, but, never ever anything that defied explanation as something normal, natural, or man-made.

Such is why I'm full of suspicion regarding claims of multiple sightings. I'm prone to feel that these multiple sightings are misidentifications of known, natural, or man-made phenomenon.

How is it that it seems the more someone knows about the sky, what's in it, and what to expect from it, the less likely they are to ever see a UFO?

edit on 30-11-2012 by Druscilla because: (no reason given)

This guy's tripping hard because he sees these black-silent-triangles that he could 'pitch a rock at', in that there California.

His walk and talk video is Trousseau quality, well thought out. Typically, he gets his rocks off on seeing anyone scavenging in a dumpster, or peeing without 4 walls and a camera surrounding him. This video is somewhat of a departure for him, and he's probably a little high...I applaud his effort. I would advise against watching too many of his vids at one sitting. He is riding the meth contact buzz familiar to those who have read any Ayn Rand. Foreknowledge is good; be forewarned. He wants you to read 'Atlas Shrugged'. He is really really upset that not everyone lives in a house, going by his standard video fare.

But here he is on tape, saying crazy stuff. Usually he finds all the crazies, and films them. Last week he was peeping into someone's van. He says as long as you're neat and tidy, with no hoarding tendencies, the cops will probably allow you to co-exist there.
edit on 1-12-2012 by davidmann because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 04:09 AM
reply to post by SpaceBoyPluto
Circa 03/04, four us were on a beach on the south coast of England at night. Further away was another group of over a dozen people.

A bright red object zig-zagged across the sky. It covered horizon to horizon in around four seconds and vanished from sight over France. We were all pretty excited, swearing and laughing.

Realistically, it'd be impossible to record an unexpected and very brief incident like that one. Whatever it was, or wasn't, it's been influential in my understanding of UFO reports as I have a certainty that we do not have explanations for all reports. That it zig-zagged implies some form of intelligent control, but the impression I was left with was of an object bouncing off the inner surface of a sphere.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by Druscilla
reply to post by SpaceBoyPluto

I was sneaking out of my house at night after my parents went to sleep when I was as young as 5, just to lay in my driveway and stare at the stars.

Decades gone past, I've always kept an eye or two on the sky.

Never once have I ever seen a UFO.

I've seen lots of satellites, bolides, comets, meteors, odd weather phenomenon, but, never ever anything that defied explanation as something normal, natural, or man-made.

Such is why I'm full of suspicion regarding claims of multiple sightings. I'm prone to feel that these multiple sightings are misidentifications of known, natural, or man-made phenomenon.

How is it that it seems the more someone knows about the sky, what's in it, and what to expect from it, the less likely they are to ever see a UFO?

edit on 30-11-2012 by Druscilla because: (no reason given)

what else do we expect of you dru

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 04:24 AM
reply to post by SpaceBoyPluto

heres one

and another was the one that seemed to move three steps forward two steps back kind of only way
i can describe the movement
and a red light /orb came in at an angle and when the met they vanished 6am
same night i saw a shooting star come from the west
then the above sighting in the morning
then about 6.15am a shooting star go back exactly in the same direction
but have never made a thread of it as it seems to far fetched
but there you go
i have mentioned it in other posts though

i do have others that looked like the flux thingy in back to ,the future
that appeared when i used my tourch (2 billion candle power)
which i might add as never held its charge since
some very near some very small so i thought they were far away

these two deserve a thread of there own but who would believe those
i dont think i would if i never saw them for myself
edit on 1/12/2012 by maryhinge because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 04:34 AM

Originally posted by JFKDOALOL
I've put off telling this story on here , not because i hate sharing but because i hate typing

I live in a pretty small village in Shropshire, England. I live on an estate very close to the M54 (motorway) , about 5ish miles from RAF Cosford (which even at that time as now was non-operational ). About 12 years ago i used to work a crappy job at a factory working alternate shifts 7.00-3.00 , 3.00-11.00 , on the day's i worked the later shift a friend would come over my house about 11.30 , throw a stone up at my back window (cos of parents) and i would go to the front door to let him in and we would play backgammon or watch star trek and talk crap for a while.

One night i was expecting him and so was listening for the tapping at the window , when i heard someone loudly banging on my front door. Being sure it was him i flew down stairs to open the front door and ask him what the f*ck he thought he was playing at. When i opened the door he was stood in the middle of my lawn beckoning me over excitedly and pointing up.

In the sky moving at a slow crawl coming from roughly the direction of cosford were 5 lights , the central light had a red tinge whilst the outer 4 were pure white. The outer lights were all the same distance from the central light and the same distance from each other and were slowly moving around the central light. There was no sound whatsoever and it was impossible to judge the size of the thing if indeed it was one object. My friend had been observing it on the walk up to my house for approx 10 minutes , i only saw it moving in the formation for perhaps a minute or so before it came to a stop almost over our heads . The lights no longer spun around the central light and it remained stationary for perhaps 30 seconds. The outer lights were in a perfect cross with the reddish light in the very centre . After being stationary for about 30 seconds the outer lights started to spin around the centre light but this time it didn't move anywhere , the lights were spinning faster and faster until the 4 outer lights split off going almost N,E.S and West . The centre light with the red tinge remained in place long after the outer 4 had passed out of site , then it moved off in yet another direction , and that was the end of that .

I'm not the sort of person who automatically associates lights in the sky with aliens from a far off galaxy-dimension , but i don't really know what to make of it . I felt sure at the time that we would eventually hear rumours about testing going on at cosford still , but quite the opposite , cosford is now a museum and you can go look around it anytime. If anyone could come up with an ideas i'd love to hear them.

thanks for sharing

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 04:36 AM
I had a sighting in which I didn't have a camera.

At 16:10 on Monday the 7th of April 2008 I left Paris Charles De Gaul airport bound for Tunis. My flight number was AF 2384. (Air France) The aircraft was an Airbus A319 and was travelling at an approximate altitude of 35,000 Feet. Between 17:00 hours and 17:30 hours I was looking out of the window on the left side. I noticed in the distance above the cloud cover and slightly higher than the flight a large oblong shape in the distance. It had a greyish coppery colour. I watched the object for some time thinking to my self 'Could this be my first UFO sighting?' The object was sitting still in the sky. It looked solid. Not clouds or anything explainable. As I was watching it I noticed to the right at the cloud level a small dark shape that looked like a fighter jet travelling in the opposite direction from my flight. It was small but I could just about make out the shape of the tail and nose. Behind the jet was it's slipstream, dark in colour. I watched the jet fly up over the cloud cover heading towards the object I was watching. The jet then turned right and up getting closer to the object. Then I saw the jet do a zig zag motion towards the object. I could tell the zig zag motion by watching it's slip stream. As it got closer I noticed the object (UFO) get small very quickly then it disappeared as if it was moving away from my flight and the jet.

About 15 minutes later I saw the fighter jet fly in the direction as the plane I was on and descend back down through the clouds. Obviously going back to base.

I don't know what country we were flying over at the time but I think it was southern France

I am sure this was a UFO. I can't explain what else it would be. And I don't think a fighter jet would be chasing nothing. If there were any other passengers on-board who saw this too I don't know.

And ever since I'm kicking myself because I didn't have a camera!

This was my first sighting. Seen 7 UFO's so far.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 04:52 AM
My first sighting, it didn't even cross my mind to record. -Nor talk to the others aroudn who watched it, gather names, see if we all saw the same thing...

I was not "into" UFO lore, I knew nothing about it, and in the moment, I just couldn't make sense of what I was seeing. My first few thoughts were that it was some sort of military craft, so as things went on that made that hypothesis less and less likely, I was continuing to try to fit them into that catagory nonetheless.

I certainly wasn't going to grab any camera to take pictures of a military aircraft!
So thought the look wasn't anything I had ever heard of in our miliatry ( metalic saucer shape) and it was makign movements at speeds that nothing we have invented can do, it wasn't until after it was gone that I finally gave up trying to fit that square peg into the round hole.

If I'd been into UFO stuff before, I probably would have made the connection quicker and recorded. Maybe.
But then other events happened later, abduction type stuff, and I still never thought to do things like set up cameras in the bedroom, because even then I kept telling myself there was a normal explanation- I am dreaming, hallucinating, crazy.....I refused to buy into it. It seemed rather humiliating to imagine myself stupid enough to go as far as to try to film it.

I don't know how to explain that. Only that I was one who would make fun of people into "woo-woo" and didn't want to identify myself with them. If I tried to film that would be acknowledging some sort of reality to this, which I didn't want to do.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 05:42 AM
In 1997, I think it was July, I was walking home from Bournemouth to Boscombe at about 8 pm. I looked up and saw a white sphere. I instantly thought 'balloon', but it moved from directly overhead to out of sight in about 10 seconds.

There is absolutely no way it was a plane/satellite/RC/balloon. The speed was incredible. I felt nauseous for a few hours from the shock.

I'm a teacher and believe I'm very sane. Either we are being visited, we have tech way in advance of what we are told, or I am dangerously mental.

posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 01:33 PM
There was an incident a few years back near Kokomo IN. Discovery Channel made a "documentary" about trying to claim this specific event to be flares that were being used in practice maneuvers by the US Air force... I was there and these were not flares. It was around 11pm when I was out on my boat with a few people, just relaxing and having a good time. The night sky was exceptionally clear and lit with thousands of stars. I was busy doing something on my phone when somebody on the boat yelled "holy **** look at that!" I was a little slow to respond and when I looked I saw nothing. I thought to myself did I really just miss a UFO? we all kept staring at the sky and then I noticed this dull red orb appear it kept getting brighter and brighter, it was unbelievable. It sat there motionless just hovering there in the sky, no noise, and no movement. Almost instantaneously four more of these red "orbs" all just appeared in a straight line with each other. just sitting there. We could hear other people on the lake yelling and things like that because of this odd event in the sky. they sat there for a good 2-3 minutes motionless. one by one they were disappearing the first one to go look like it shot down into the water and was gone. again no noise. three others just dimmed out until they were no longer visible. the fourth, the original one that appeared shot straight right and then made a sharp turn back left instantly and was gone like that. I've seen fighter jets make moves like that but nothing even close to this. It was wild. months later is when I saw the show on the discovery channel.. This entire event was trying to be covered up by Andrews Air force base according to the show on the Discovery Channel as they said they were jets. simply they were not.... I would really like to learn more about this night. Curious if any of you heard about this?

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