On one level, you are completely correct. "if" people would realize that they hold the power, they could change the system overnight. The problem is
awakening a sufficient mass and getting them to take action. It is for this very reason, the elites are working feverishly to take control of the
internet, in order to stop such a thing from occurring.
On a deeper level, what is this capitalism that you speak of? "Capitalism" a place where competitors and customers meet in a free market to enter into
a voluntary exchange has not existed in a hundred years in the west. Since the creation of the FED, yes I going there, the "free market" was slowly
but surely been turned into a rigged market. Large corporations working hand in hand with ever expanding government central planners, with the FED as
middle men and the financiers, have replaced the free market with a designed and moderated market. Interest rates went from market based, to being
controlled to meet planned targets. Want to juice stock sales, drop the rates. want to lower inflation, raise them. And the elites and their cronies
using in the know info are always one step ahead of the crowd. No matter which way the economy goes, they make money and the people get fleeced. Which
is why the gulf between rich and poor is getting out of control.
What of competition? While few would argue that polluted rivers, or incompetent professionals should be allowed, the rules governing these things are
always written to favor the staus quo and the organized special interests. In this way compitition is sqeezed out, and barriers to entry are raised.
What you end up with are government endorsed cartels and monopolies. Look at the ongoing fight on GMO, organics, and raw milk. Government agencies
staffed with ex-corporate officials, writting and regulating the companies they worked for, marginalizing and destroying alternatives to the
establishment, and when their tenure in gov ends, back to their same corporations that spawned them. The examples go on and on. Capitalism is
customers getting free choice from among competitors. Competition has been artificially reduced, often by government policy and regulation, and merger
and acquisition. Customers no longer have open choices, but instead are increasingly at the mercy of cartels. The effect is increasing be it choice of
food, or choice of news. The store shelves, TV channels, the car lots, the political banners, appear to be filled with choices, but strip away the
logos and the campaign slogans, and often you find all are run by just a small handful.
And what happened to a customers voluntary participation? What if I want a big soda? What if I don't want health insurance? What if I don't want
ethonol ruining my engine? What if I think vaccines are bad? What if I want to smoke that? What if I don't want to eat GMOs? What if I don't want my
children molested in order to travel? Now you have government edicts controlling your participation. Forcing you into markets you don't want, and
excluding you from those you do want? Hiding critical decision making information, using coercion. Is that capitalism?
None of this is capitalism. This is fascism.
edit on 2-12-2012 by robobbob because: x?