posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 09:41 PM
This is Hypo Thetically, you can call me Philosopher or Phil for short.
Say there was a realm where no one ever died and they all lived forever. But in order to make this realm interesting you had to act like you died. So
that you could live again as another point of view. But there was one point of view that remained fact and the ultimate fact.
This fact being the ultimate fact was known all around the kingdom and the kingdom was huge very vast. Almost immeasurable. This ultimate point of
view would travel far and wide to meet all the other points of view.
Wouldn't it make sense that for all the other over lords in this kingdom to bow to his will. That they would have put him through the same tests and
tribulations as the new points of view on the block.
And if so wouldn't that then mean this irreversible idea need no test further laid before him? If highly advanced civilizations live by this fact and
base society all around it. Who are the primitives to try to bend his will?