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To all the unloved...

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posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 09:19 PM
There are p-eople in this world no one loves, i hate to say.

Maybe they are unlucky, maybe they are just screwing it up for themselves and maybe they seem to flat out deserve it, but I know it can't be a good feeling.

in this world I have wondered if love outside of association (family) is even real and it seems that this is my goal to find... to prove to myself that it's real and not just based on fears of doing without or being without what you know and feel akin to.

I have felt lucky to not only have a decent family but to feel that other kind of love as well, that "just because" type of love. I firmly believe that if it wasn't for that, the feeling of being loved... I probably wouldn't be here right now and even if I was, I would be struggling. I believe it is a terrible, terrible thing... to never feel any kind of special bonds with anyone.

All these things may be fleeting, but I know it is what keeps me going and for that I am grateful... and for someone deserving I can gladly return the favor. That much I know I can do.

To those of you who may have been told a thousand times that you were loved, but never really felt an unbreakable moment in time where for you, it was not based on conditions or conveniences, but for who you are... I'm sorry and I hope that one day something changes your mind.

Life would not be worth living without it in my opinion.
edit on 26-11-2012 by NotAnAspie because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 09:28 PM
My ears are burning...

Isn't that ironic?

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by winofiend
My ears are burning...

Isn't that ironic?

If you believe in that sort of thing, my condolences.

Don't give up.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 09:34 PM
Spiegle wants love...

Secret Ninja of the north love....



posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by Spike Spiegle
Spiegle wants love...

Secret Ninja of the north love....



what in the world is secret ninja of the north love?

Do you believe you are worthy of love and why?

What would you do for love or you would you rather wait to see what someone else would do to obtain your love?

These are just questions i ask myself sometimes so I'm curious what others would say.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by NotAnAspie

It's real simple actually "love and be loved" it works.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by NotAnAspie

in this world I have wondered if love outside of association (family) is even real

It is.

And it's the best kind too because you don't feel it or give it because you feel obligated to. You feel it because you want to.

The trick though, and I'm learning this hard lesson myself right now, is that you need to learn to love someone the way THEY need to be loved. Not the way YOU need to love them. You do that and you will find that they will also love you back in the way you need to be. Even though you might feel at first that the way the're loving you back isn't what you need......sometimes you need to give it time to realize that yes, it is indeed what you need. True love changes people for the better. It changes what used to be their nature

True love isn't taking what you want. True love is giving unselfishly what they need. In return, maybe it's karma, but in return you'll find that by being unselfish in your actions, you in turn will get love in ways that YOU need. At first it might seem that the person you're giving love to isn't reciprocating. It might be that they don't know how, they're nervous to do it, they feel that the circumstances aren't right yet, maybe they simply don't love you the way you feel you love them,.......the list can go on, but if you truly love the person in question, you won't question the possible answers too much. You'll let it be what it is, whatever it is, and hope that someday they'll see what you're doing. Loving them with no expectations of love in return.

You're loving them for the sake of it . Maybe you see something in them that no one else does. Maybe you see a part of yourself in them that needed the love and nurturing you're trying to show them. Whatever the case, just because you love someone and they don't love you back, if you know that you had a positive effect on them, that's all the love in return you really need. The love of appreciation. It might not sound like a lot, but in this day and age if you receive love from the appreciation from the love you're loved. And if that's all they can do, accept it and realize that you just gave and received the best love people can have. Loving simply to make someone else feel good. In cases like this, love is it's own reward.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by rumor21
reply to post by NotAnAspie

It's real simple actually "love and be loved" it works.

Interesting as there is a girl I'm currently chasing, I have confidence, show respect, still open a car door for a woman and even have a sensitive side of me. But I also can be a normal guy that does guy things.

I got told that I had a stick stuck up my rear end, and that I thought I was gods gift to women, because I have the above traits and that it is impossible for a guy to be both.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 07:11 PM
I haven't got a phone call in weeks, that's what it feels like. The silence of my peers speaks volumes.

I haven't talked to my mom for more then a year, that's what it feels like.

My dad left when I was born, that's what it feels like.

My grandparents love me and that's all I ever needed.
I've stopped caring about anything else.

posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 09:51 AM

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by NotAnAspie

I've been told a lot that I'm loved. Rarely, if ever, have I believed it, though. I hope that one day I will feel that emotion for real, for what it truly is. I don't want to live in a world without love, but most of all I don't want to live in a world where it is fake.

I hope that everyone here gets to feel love at some point, and that it is genuine when you do.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by NotAnAspie

Thank you for this thread. I had bookmarked it a while ago, but never responded.
I'm feeling unloved tonight and had to come back and reread it to hopefully restore some glimmer of hope.
Why is it that some people care more about their material items than they care about the person who loves them and would do anything for them? Are we conditioned in society to fear losing our material possessions more than our best friends and lovers? It truly seems as though people are brainwashed to believe that if the person they want to be with doesn't exist on their financial level and that of their friends' and relatives', then the relationship is not worth the trouble. I wish more people would follow their hearts and stop worrying about what others' think. So what if moving to be with the person you want to be with would cause some temporary financial set backs? I've always believed that if you follow your heart, things do work out for the best. I wish more people believed this. People would be happier and there wouldn't be so much pain and confusion in the world if they'd just listen to their hearts. Some people make things out to be more complicated than they really are. A truly mature and wise person follows their heart instead of their materialistic urges. After all, life's too short and you can't take your money and toys with you when you exit stage left. In all reality, as long as you have whatever you need to stay comfortable, the rest is fluff and icing. It's nice to have the extras, but all they do is provide happiness on a temporary basis. At least warm hugs, tender kisses, and intriguing conversations will always be valuable to a person who understand what life is truly about. Now, if I could just locate this person...

Best wishes, everyone. Hopefully the new year will be better and much more rewarding in the spiritual sense.

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