posted on May, 2 2003 @ 10:40 PM
It may not seem radical to some one who may not know or understand New Zealand History or the political system as it relates to The Treaty of
I found it especially interesting the notes on the Stone structures found in the Waipoua Forest. Structure's closely garded my the local Hapu (Sub
tribe). These structures where investigated extensively, and even carbon dated. The results from this investigation have never been made public and
have been locked away in the national archive's, to be released at a date that all treaty claims current and expected have all been settled.
What did these results show?, did they indicate a Geomantic Celtic link to New Zealand that greatly precedes Maori colonisation. We as children at
school are taught that the Maori where the first inhabitants of New Zealand. The mori-ori being the inhabitants of the Chatam Islands.
Scientific studies show the likelyhood that the Maori are descendant from an asian group around the islands of Taiwan. Before coming to New
Zealand from the island of Hiwaiki somemay have made it to South America, or were visited from parties from there, since the stable vegetable (Kumara
a sweet patatoe) in the diet is not indigenous to the island's or New Zealand.
The Theory's put foward on this site dispute's many of the "taken for granted" conventional ideas of New Zealand History.
Igonorance, it is to me that we New Zealanders have not asked these questions earlier, or have made the ideas and theories wildly know in the various
learning establishments of New Zealand.
I myself do not belive that if this made its way into conventional New Zealand History and acceptance that it would affect the laws regarding the
What we can say, is there is a highly likely chance that New Zealand was inhabited at varous times before the Maori colonisation c.700A.D.; and New
Zealand was discovered many time's before the conventional discoveries of Able Tasman and Capt. James Cook. That the Maori may have traded or at
least have been visited by other Nationalities. Finally in conclusion, That what we New Zealanders accept as conventional is probably wrong. Here we
are thinking we are a young country with very little History. Stopping there and not asking anymore questions, therefore not learning anything.
Maori legend tells us a great warrior, Tane. Fished a great fish from the sea. That fish became the North Island, the South Island the boat, and
Stewart Island the Anchor. Lets rock the boat.
How did they know that the North Island looks like a big stingray any way?