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Disclosure of the moon landing hoax.

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posted on Jun, 23 2014 @ 08:22 AM

a reply to: Rob48
Precisely. Look at Bill Kaysing,
Likewise Ralph René. and Bart Sibrel

We live in a world that has moon hoax theory,, & sometimes the hoax has to be theorized by men of questionable character....

And these men carry a greater burden than you could possibly fathom...
You curse the moon hoax theorist ... You have that luxury...
You have the luxury of not knowing fundamental reality ...& the moon landings, while inspiring,, was full of lies.....
And their existence as a moon hoax theorist,, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, helps too reveal the illusion...

Deep down in places you don’t talk about ,,, you want them to theorize,,, you need them to theorize.....

posted on Jun, 23 2014 @ 08:40 AM

originally posted by: Rob48

Precisely. Look at Bill Kaysing. He put out his first book in 1976, and another one 35 years later (in which he totally changed his theory

Having seen some claims by Bill on video re the Apollo photographs I always thought he was an IDIOT after all he was one of the people to start the NO STARS claim as proof.

edit on 23-6-2014 by wmd_2008 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2014 @ 08:49 AM

originally posted by: Misinformation
And their existence as a moon hoax theorist,, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, helps too reveal the illusion...

you arent making sense..

how can moon hoax theorists help to reveal the illusion when the TPTB should be silencing well before that??

funny thing is.. TPTB havent silenced any moon hoax theorists yet, ever in over 40 years not once.. which proves one thing with absolute certainty which is ALL EXISTING MOON HOAX THEORIES ARE ALL WRONG..
edit on 23-6-2014 by choos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2014 @ 10:01 AM

a reply to: choos
TPTB havent silenced any moon hoax theorists yet, ever in over 40 years not once

that has yet to be confirmed or denied,,

William Cooper, ex-Naval Intel, blew his Top Secret security clearance by putting together a press conference where he laid out the structure of this country's shadow goverment, tracing its roots to the cover-ups that began in the 1940s-1950s. William Cooper's stunning presentation was bound to get him killed. He knew it, and stated it before his live audience that he'd probably be killed for this. he was

posted on Jun, 23 2014 @ 10:43 AM

originally posted by: Misinformation

a reply to: choos
TPTB havent silenced any moon hoax theorists yet, ever in over 40 years not once

that has yet to be confirmed or denied,,

William Cooper, ex-Naval Intel, blew his Top Secret security clearance by putting together a press conference where he laid out the structure of this country's shadow goverment, tracing its roots to the cover-ups that began in the 1940s-1950s. William Cooper's stunning presentation was bound to get him killed. He knew it, and stated it before his live audience that he'd probably be killed for this. he was

It has not been confirmed, however it has been denied.

posted on Jun, 23 2014 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: Misinformation

Cooper is a proven fraud. He never had "top secret" clearance for anything. Everything he claimed to be "leaking" was either fabricated or plagiarised.

The only thing the government went after him for was not paying his taxes. He responded by shooting a deputy in the head and then was shot himself.

posted on Jun, 23 2014 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: Rob48

Yeah -- Bill Cooper was a mess.
UFO magazine was smart to keep its distance and not associate itself with this guy.

I don't know if he was an deliberate fraud or truly believed the things he said, but the one clear thing is that the information he usually tried to pass off as genuine was not genuine.

posted on Jun, 23 2014 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: Rob48

ok, so it could be argued we got 2 dead hoax whistleblowers and counting that they may or may not have died under questionable circumstances... I could strengthen the case but to elaborate any further may be hazardous to my health in light of current events...

but there was also an attemp to silence this man...

edit on 23-6-2014 by Misinformation because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2014 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: Misinformation

If anyone is trying to silence Bart Sibrel, they're not doing very well.

He has his own "Conspiracy Corner" column:

He also seems to have found God. Donations to fund his theology studies are gratefully accepted, natch.

posted on Jun, 23 2014 @ 08:55 PM

originally posted by: Misinformation
a reply to: Rob48

ok, so it could be argued we got 2 dead hoax whistleblowers and counting that they may or may not have died under questionable circumstances... I could strengthen the case but to elaborate any further may be hazardous to my health in light of current events...

but there was also an attemp to silence this man...

ok ill entertain this idea for a post..

ill assume for this post that thomas baron and william cooper were silenced permanently for trying to oust some secret..

and here we have bart sibrel, david percy, ralph rene etc.. all these well known moon hoax theorists that have never been silenced some even were able publish several books, and even get a feature film to be shown on TV.. yet were not silenced permanently like baron and cooper... WHY??

what does that say for the moon hoax theories of these well known moon hoax theorists?? or basically everything that HB have tried to bring up in this thread?

p.s. also Aldrin punching sibrel is not what you mean by silencing like baron and cooper.. unless of course you mean that Aldrin IS TPTB.. which would make no sense whatsoever since bart sibrel IS STILL ALIVE
edit on 23-6-2014 by choos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2014 @ 11:35 PM

a reply to: choos
what does that say for the moon hoax theories of these well known moon hoax theorists?? or basically everything that HB have tried to bring up in this thread?

It says that they are sensible individuals,,,& that a hoax is the only reasonable explanation....

a relative quantity other individuals are unable to reconcile with the apollo hoax in regards to their current paradigm and have instead chosen too achieve cognitive dissonance....

this explains the antipathetical reactions towards moon hoax theorist & their theories themselves,, which is certainly undenliable,,,

upon which point averse tensions exacerbate responses that may or may not lead to a moon hoax theorists demise....

TPTB dont necessarily have to be involved at every stage...

posted on Jun, 24 2014 @ 12:23 AM

originally posted by: Misinformation

a reply to: choos
what does that say for the moon hoax theories of these well known moon hoax theorists?? or basically everything that HB have tried to bring up in this thread?

It says that they are sensible individuals,,,& that a hoax is the only reasonable explanation....

how did you come to that conclusion??

the hoax has been kept secret for over 40 years.. no one has spoken out about it.. only moon hoax theorists..

bart sibrel has made a film about it trying to expose the hoax.. NOTHING HAS HAPPENED TO HIM..
sensible you say?? the same guy that jumps up and down on another persons car causing $1413 worth of damage is sensible???

TPTB need to be involved in every stage.. if one of the weak links break, everything collapses.. yet they just let these hoax theorists run loose threatening the "coverup"

if one of the hoax theorists actually came close to uncovering something they should be silenced before it gets out thats the whole point of keeping something secret for over 40 years.. therefore you wouldnt hear about their theories AT ALL..

the hoax theories and the moon hoax theorists are well known, their hoax theories are well known, yet allowed to run loose.. no silencing.. the aulis site is testimony to this, a website dedicated to the moon hoax theories which is hosted on a US based server, yet isnt taken down?????

contrary to what you believe the only logical conclusion is that every existing well known moon hoax theory, to date, is utterly and completely WRONG..
edit on 24-6-2014 by choos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2014 @ 10:18 AM

originally posted by: Misinformation

a reply to: Rob48
It's funny, a couple of pages back we had one hoax believer post a video claiming that the photos were fake because the mountains didn't move when the foreground did, and now we have another one claiming that they are fake because the mountains did move.

and you failed miserably to discredit either of those contentions with any degree of certainty , ya just ridiculed the claims & rambled on incoherently about some rocks .....

I wouldn't call labelling consistently identifiable rocks "rambling on incoherently". But OK, let's go back to your video. "A lunar module which likes moving", wasn't it?

The arguments appear to be lifted directly from this web page.

Now, at first sight it did seem odd to me that in the entire Station 9 panorama, you cannot see the LM in front of the mountains that it is photographed against in

If it was just one or two pictures then side-to-side parallax could explain it, but no, here is the entire panorama and there is no sign of the LM:

Likewise from Station 9a, nearby:

Nor could I find any sign of the LM in photos from Station 10, but there is a good distant view of it on the drive back from Station 10:

So what gives? The "parallax" explanation didn't seem right to me: surely the LM should be visible somewhere in these panoramas. If not, why not? The first thing to note is that from Station 9, the LM was 1.4km away: that is nearly a mile, so in a photo with a 60mm lens it would look pretty small. But, it should still be visible with close inspection.

The answer came when I had a look at a topographic map of the landing area:

Here is a detail showing stations 9, 9a and 10. Note the contour lines, which are at 10 metre intervals.

All three stations are over the brow of a hill from the landing site, with rising ground between them and the LM, which is some 30 metres lower than the camera positions (note the position of the 4720 metre contour).

If you look closely at the high resolution shots from Station 9 you can actually see the nearby ridge line that obscures the intervening ground, just about level with the second row of crosshairs from the top:

Cropped and annotated version below:

A minor mystery solved: the LM is on the other side of that ridge.

Edit: a bit of further proof: in AS15-82-11119, taken from Station 9a, you can see the inbound rover tracks, which come in a fairly direct line from the LM, disappearing over that same ridge.

And comparing that view to the closer view of the LM, you can see just how much of the mountains are concealed by that ridge of high ground. The LM is well out of sight down the hill. (Click for larger version)

edit on 24-6-2014 by Rob48 because: Added GIF

posted on Jun, 24 2014 @ 03:52 PM

originally posted by: Misinformation
NASA spokesman admits that Russians have noplace to go in space....

Let's cut the paranoid crap that I'm any sort of 'NASA spokesman'. In 1997 I blew the whistle to Congress about the renewed dangerous decay of NASA safety standards, and left my Mission Control job under political pressure from White House minions. I continued criticizing NASA space screw-ups in the news media to the point NASA issued a press release denouncing my views as 'whacko'. When my unheard warnings led to the Columbia shuttle catastrophe, NBC News hired me on as their spaceflight guy. I even went to North Korea for them in 2012 to inspect their 'peaceful satellite'.

So back-off on the insults before we've even exchanged a single message, OK?

posted on Jun, 24 2014 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: JimOberg

i apologuise that you were referred too as a 'NASA spokesman',, I can see how you may have been offended in that regard ...

your efforts to inform others when NASA refused to listen & explain space related issues too less knowledgeable individuals,such as myself, may have gone under appreciated...

You are to be commended for the manner in which you handled it...

now the paranoid stuff
it is a conspiracy forum after all

it may or may not be beyond the realm of possibility,, that certain individuals are purposely or serendipity exiled from the mainstream to give them more credibility among alternative communities.

posted on Jun, 24 2014 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: Misinformation
There's a LOT of people (me included) who'd like to silence Bart Sibrel just because he's such an annoying and disrespectful bell end.

posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 06:01 AM

originally posted by: Imagewerx
a reply to: Misinformation
There's a LOT of people (me included) who'd like to silence Bart Sibrel just because he's such an annoying and disrespectful bell end.


posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 08:19 AM

originally posted by: Imagewerx
a reply to: Misinformation
There's a LOT of people (me included) who'd like to silence Bart Sibrel just because he's such an annoying and disrespectful bell end.

It's unfair that disrespectful bell ends are being classed the same as him

posted on Jun, 27 2014 @ 06:05 PM
A couple of observations from You Know Who's latest video:

1) He is apparently still living at home and letting his mum buy his clothes.

2) In the comments he claims to be doing his "final exams for this semester" at university. Is this the much-touted BSc in astrophysics (which he claimed he was doing way back in early 2011, implying he has flunked out of at least one year!) or just another film studies certificate?

As for the video, it's even more embarrassing than usual. He doesn't seem to realise that he's the weirdo everyone points and laughs at. Or perhaps he is so used to it he doesn't care any more.
edit on 27-6-2014 by Rob48 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2014 @ 06:39 PM
a reply to: Rob48

I don't know what White was trying to achieve with posting this video.

I suppose he's looking for some his some kudos from his 'fans' for putting it to a member of the maligned Mythbusters team.

He just comes off like the kook he is.

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