posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 05:41 AM
You know how when you have a dream, you begin to forget pieces of it immediately after waking up, making it nigh impossible to recall? I just woke
from a dream that seemed more like boot camp then an actual lucid experience.
I saw a lot of familiar faces in the area, people I haven't seen in years, where we were being processed, officials checking identity, being
prepped... for what I have no idea, but I had the feeling this was on a grand scale, thousands of people were moving through checkpoints. Like we were
preparing for training. There were even times when I was asked if this was my first time, saying I have missed multiple sessions.
My first session if you could call it that was basically a means to see if I could follow proper instruction and maintain control in a lucid
environment. I was given a sidearm that looked very unique from anything I've seen before and was told to pull the trigger at a target down the way.
My first time was a bit of a a failure, upon pulling the trigger I failed to see any projection from the weapon and once holding the firing mechanism
down longer than necessary, people yelled and ducked for cover, what emitted from the gun after I released the trigger was what could be described as
a large, glowing yellow trapezoid shaped crystal. This crystal didn't travel very far at all, maybe 5 feet away and immediately after striking the
ground began to disintegrate creating a large deal of heat. It FELT as if I was being burned pretty badly.
Needless to say I didn't exactly do the right thing but it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why, I was being ushered away by troops,
when I spoke up and mentioned its my first time. They let me go and I talked to the official who strangely enough looked like my third grade teacher.
I told him I could do it. He let me try again and this time I aimed the weapon, pulled the trigger, immediately released. At first nothing happened
but then a moment later, a crystal fired out, a fraction of the size of the last one, went right into the target and disintegrated like the one
I woke up afterwards and came on here to type it all out, wondering if anyone else has experienced anything like this, because it really got me to
thinking. If this was some sort of resistance force that has realized we're powerless and asleep during the day, since we have duties like jobs,
family, friends, etc. Then the best time to form up and unite would indeed be in our sleep, where we actually can control what's happening. More
importantly, in an astral realm, we don't care about color of skin, gender, nationality, or anything of that sense. We're all there for one reason,
and one reason alone. Resistance.