posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 11:27 AM
Nothing she says can be taken seriously.
Has anoyne seen her FB? like really?- its just delusional.
She claims to be an "angel"- REALLY? with that porn past?
No you cant run away from your past, it defines you as well. She is anything but a pure soul.
She talks about risking her career-WHAT carreer? she has done nothing to be proud of, she only became known because of being bisexuall right?- She has
not talent whatsoever.
I can see clearly she is just being delusional and only is in desperate need of attention.
Apart form that she makes a 20minute video and WHAT exactly revealing info does she talk about? NOTHING. She says nothing.
She is a joke. Puts on all that show, look at the make up and production, Pathetic.
edit on 28/11/12 by plutoxgirl because: (no reason