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November 21st 2012 Chemtrail MOABing (recorded)

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posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by _BoneZ_

If you actually do it, have the testing include other common elements like silicon and iron. You're likely to find that the relative concentrations will indicate your sample is...dirt.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 04:13 PM
Both sides have got it wrong.

They are spraying fairy dust!
Since the lat 80's our agriculture has been under attack by accidental importing and release of agrofairies from third world countries. It is the attempt by the first world countries to keep them at bay (underground) by spraying fairy dust.

My proof you ask?
Crop failures. Just look back at the crops that have failed. It started with Russian wheat in the 80's. Starting to remember now?
Since then they have been spraying consistantly. Apparently with great success in most cases. Crop failures are very rare and even when they do happen no one has reported seeing a fairy.

Disprove my evidence! It is just as valid as your chemical evidence.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by Tylerknight
Gotta love the close-mindedness of some people. I could sit here and argue back and forth with the "no such thing" group but why bother. I know what I see and feel, and that is enough for me to base my own judgement on the matter.

Since this is a conspiracy site I might as well ad in:

The theory is that they are spraying aluminum barium correct?

Just so happens that Monsanto has just patented an aluminum resistant seed strain.. seems kind of weird no?

Ermahgerdz, its dat eeeevil Monsanto, dey behin evreting!

Seriously, aluminum is the most abundant metal on the planet, and it has been known to be a serious issue with growing soil since the early 1900s. The smart money would be put on finding ways to eliminate the interaction between crops and the aluminum in the soil.

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by Phage
If you actually do it, have the testing include other common elements like silicon and iron. You're likely to find that the relative concentrations will indicate your sample is...dirt.

And with that, we'll be able to conclude that nothing is being sprayed from the sky.

What will the poor "chemtrailers" make up then?

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