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Foster parents 'stigmatised and slandered’ for being members of Ukip

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posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 05:09 AM
Rarely would I ever agree or side with UKIP but the decision to remove the children is so out of step with reality, even I`m outraged by it. No grand conspiracy just a poor decision by clearly misguided idiots

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 05:40 AM

Originally posted by ollncasino
This is worrying.
Ukip has a black candidate in the forthcoming Croydon North by-election.

They certainly do...and he also has views on who can, or cant, be allowed to adopt:

UKIP candidate for Croydon North says gay people should not be allowed to adopt
UKIP'S candidate for the Croydon North by-election says gay people should not be allowed to adopt. Winston McKenzie said placing children with gay or lesbian couples was "unhealthy" after retweeting an article written by a National Front supporter who claimed there was "no such thing as homophobia"


When asked why, Mr McKenzie, UKIP's spokesman for culture, media and sport, said that couples might raise the child to be gay

Unsurprisngly, UKip distanced themselves from the posistion taken by their spokesman for culture, media and sport:

He [David Coburn, chairman of UKIP London]added: "This is nothing like Rotherham. That was people working for the state thinking that anything that isn't socialism is bad. What Winston has said is his personal religious point of view. It's completely different." When asked what UKIP's view on Winston's belief that gay couples could bring up their children to also be gay, Mr Coburn said: "He said that? That's a mistake. I don't like the sound of that. I haven't read that part of it."
The UKip spokesperson for sports and culture retweeting a homophobic article written by a member of the NF because it backs up his Christian fundy religious views being defended by the gay Chairman of UKip who admits he hasnt read all of the comments...Nope, cant think why some of the people associated with UKip are thought to be a bit iffy.

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 09:34 AM
Eight Tories 'in secret lunch plot to defect to UKIP' as two parties go to war over electoral pact

Eight Tory MPs are in talks about defecting to the UK Independence Party, its millionaire treasurer has claimed.

A series of 'secret lunches' have been held by Stuart Wheeler, a former Conservative donor now trying to coax MPs to join UKIP.

Conservative Party vice-chairman Michael Fabricant had urged the Premier to strike a deal with UKIP, arguing it could help the Tories pick up 20 seats at the next election.

Daily Mail

It certainly seems that the Tory party is afraid of losing a lot of votes to the UKIP. The recent scandal over the left wing social workers acting like Stasi thought police by removing foster children from a couple due to them supporting the UKIP has given the party much very welcome positive publicity.

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by ollncasino
Eight Tories 'in secret lunch plot to defect to UKIP' as two parties go to war over electoral pact

Eight Tory MPs are in talks about defecting to the UK Independence Party, its millionaire treasurer has claimed.

A series of 'secret lunches' have been held by Stuart Wheeler, a former Conservative donor now trying to coax MPs to join UKIP.

Conservative Party vice-chairman Michael Fabricant had urged the Premier to strike a deal with UKIP, arguing it could help the Tories pick up 20 seats at the next election.

Daily Mail

It certainly seems that the Tory party is afraid of losing a lot of votes to the UKIP. The recent scandal over the left wing social workers acting like Stasi thought police by removing foster children from a couple due to them supporting the UKIP has given the party much very welcome positive publicity.

I've heard a lot on this story over the weekend, quite a few discussions on the radio. LBC had Nick Ferrari's interview with Cameron on heavy rotation, where he said out that UKIP members are "loonies, fruitcakes and closet racists" only a couple of years ago. UKIPs policies haven't changed in that time, so what's the change with Cameron? It's funny how the political wind has changed. It's probably worth pointing out that Nick Ferrari is well-known for his full-on right wing views in the media, it's not as if it's part of a left wing plot to portray Cameron as a hypocrite. The clip is here

There as an interesting discussion yesterday on LBC where it was pointed out that the children in this story are actually East European and how that actually sat with UKIPs views on immigration from Eastern Europe and how you'd explain to the children themselves that 'whilst we still love you, we'd rather you hadn't come here at all and we now want to raise the drawbridge now so little boys and girls like you can't come here any more'.

The wider context of this was that whilst people can have fairly hardline politics, it's often difficult when they have to been applied to individuals and it takes a personal context. I've seen this in action myself: racists trying to tell black/Asian people saying things along the lines of 'no, not you you're all right, I mean them , you know, them . I've had it applied to me with me politics, health and benefits and so on. They don't mean me, personally, just the people like me, that aren't me.

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