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giving or paying light? a channeling question

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posted on Oct, 22 2004 @ 12:12 AM
Hi, I'm new here. Upon discovering this forum, a lot of memories surfaced of what i suppose could be considered communication with the spirit world.

Well it all started about a year ago, while browsing the internet for spooky photo references for a story/comic/illustration project in honor of halloween. While googling for seances, ouija, etc., I stumbled across the internet "ziriya" [sp?], a talking/ouija-type board (but on the monitor and the mouse serves as a planchette).

Out of curiousity, I began to play around with it and found some messages to be quite interesting and insightful....

I thought it was just me communicating with my intuition/subconscious, and did not think of it as a form of channelling (I still think that could partially be the case). I only later learned that what i had felt was nonsensical wording (like "spirit guide" "master teacher" "light growing" etc) were much more meaningful terms....

For the most part I had positive sessions, but i had a few that were definitely what i've seen described as interaction with lower or darker entities. This is where I started to sense that it was no good and have never tried to use it again (though i have gotten back in touch with my guides/guardian spirits, i feel).

The negative/frusterating messages kept asking me for something that I did not understand the meaning of... They wanted my "light"...I believe this means my spiritual energy/soul/life force etc....

around that time, i became ill with something that was thought to be severe stress of my final year in college, going on birth control pills, or possibly a neurological illness, such as MS. (I lost feeling on my left side, had spazms, cold appendages, a temperature of 96 and they could not get blood out of my left arm!)
eventually i saw a possible link between this and the oracle use.

luckily i am in good health once again, and have since wised up about such communication techniques.

now im just curious what it means when they want you to "pay" them for information.... i feel fine, if not far better/enlightened spiritually, but i still get uneasy at the thought of something taking my "light"....

if anyone has any similar stories or any thoughts on this, please share!

posted on Oct, 22 2004 @ 09:40 AM
Hi Duh Squared

Having been researching this subject for many years and actively being involved in the practical output, I would like to say that when you have the purest connection, you are actually connecting with your Higher Self, which is in turn connected to your True Self, which is the self that is part of the Universal Mind.
However, there are many other areas that can be accessed that contain human and Alien entities of lower orders of evolution.

The true connection to your Higher Self, is there for your growth and will never tell youwhat to do, or ask for anything in return. Your Higher self will give you guidence by way of scenarios and information about you that you may not be aware of. We find that "writing" what you Channel is very important as it is invaluable information to read over and over, as it has layered meanings. It is also a good history to your progress of understanding of self.

To keep the "nonsense", or as we say, the lower chatter out of your channeling, just say to yourself when you sit down to "write" or record, that you wish only to be connected to the highest of high information. This, by your intent, will link you to your Higher Self and the most insightfull information for you and what surrounds you.
A good question to start with is, "What do I need to know at this time."

I will enclose one of our received "writings" on the subject. It will give you an idea what type of information we receive and in what form it is received. This "writing" is as received.



The Significance of 'Writing' for the 'Self'
17th May, 2003

Please explain the importance of this!

When faced with the self, the 'little self', the answers will always come from within.

That statement has more meaning than you know.

When the 'higher self' is activated then the journey has just begun.

The connection made comes in the way that resonates with the individual. Each 'being' who has started the internal dialogue with the universe has flicked the switch, which in turn starts the ball rolling.

When the connection has been made and your inner search begins, the transformation has already begun in a way which is not understood in a 3rd dimensional self. The feeling associated with your connection is mostly one of excitement and the origin known but not yet understood.

Early connections with the universe are usually masked with your own interpretations and swing on what is occurring in your life. Even when the connection is made and new experiences come your way the '3d self' will control the viewing of that new experienced life. When a universal connection is made the 3D understanding of that connection is usually already tainted with the perceptions that have already been placed before you in the way of information being put about by 'spiritualists' or those who have their own interpretations of what they are connecting to.

The connection is there because the higher self has been activated within the 'self'. But that is all. The associated feelings, experiences are there for you to know. It does not give you cart blanche in that area of your life, it does not give you answers it just gives you the connection.

We will tell you that the true journey only begins when you step back from your 'little 3D self' and give way to a greater understanding, a greater connection. The lessons learned will be swift when recognized. If not recognized, if not looked at then we will tell you that 'little self' will justify the 180 degrees out. Little self will always avoid, turn it�s head, will defer away from itself when being threatened.

When the time is right and your journey has started to take on a universal life all of its own, then know that you are at the threshold of connecting to your 'True self" and not before.

We will also tell you that the journey truly begins when the connection to your true self is done with a clear intent to learn more about who you are. That connection is in the way of 'writings' for the 'self' from the 'higher self' it is your PASSPORT to the True Self
As simple as that.

The 'writings', which come thru you, are for your personal journey, it is your support mechanism, it gives you your truth. The connection will only become stronger when this process is gone thru. It is the 'written word', which is linked to the higher consciousness that will give you your answers. Because it goes against the little self wants and gives you a direct path, it is challenged by the little self. It may not be a conscious decision to not hear what has been said, but it is a deliberate attempt by the little self to sabotage any 'direction' that is in direct conflict with what it wants or has been conditioned to do. It is like a layer of skin is being peeled away, painful, but the true picture is revealed when the wound is opened. The only way to look at the self is to peel back the layers, it will not be done any other way, it cannot.

Until you �surrender� yourself to 'yourself' by connecting to that greater part of you, then you will not begin to see what truly awaits you. As you dance back and forth to avoid what needs to be seen then you will not see. Do not fool yourself into believing that by just having that 'universal connection' is enough to give you your 'True Self' it has to be earned by climbing over and divesting what it is that makes you see a 3D way.

"Writing' is your connection that is what will make you see. It's your personal diary; it's your personal new history, which is showing you the True You. You will not find another way to your True Self unless you afford yourself the effort to find out who you truly are.

As it has been said before, no one can do it for you. The support of others around you is to show you that you are not on your own on your journey. Everyone is different but the process is the same.

To fully understand the process you first have to come to a point within yourself that recognizes the universal process. If you do not, then the journey becomes more protracted and a more difficult one as you try to do it your way not ours that then becomes your lessons.

When seen from 3D eyes, there is not a reason to tred the Universal path.

When seen from 5D eyes you cannot go back.

The pain of the journey is also an uplifting one as you begin to see the 'being' behind the person.

WRITING is the PASSPORT This is so!


posted on Oct, 22 2004 @ 12:52 PM
Hello Malai,
Thank you for responding and posting the information regarding communicating with ones higher self. I am not sure if it was clear with my original post, but that was exactly my intention and was usually successful. I gave it a rest once it got too weird, but ever since, I have felt much more intuitively tuned to everything, especially the higher self which always seems to offer the best of advice (without using any sort of writing, just 'tuning up' to it).

i agree with the attached writing, but ive still avoided any form of mediumistic tool (ie online talking boards!!!), yet, occasionally when i feel artistic blocks i do what some may consider "automatic drawing" and just ask tor my intuition or higer guidence to show me a picture and i close my eyes then look at what the motions have formed on the paper until i start to get an indication of where the doodle is heading. these drawings always come out very painterly and more flowing and sensitive/rendered than ones i consciously devise or reference.

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 03:19 AM
Hi duh squared

Drawing is also a part of what can be received, as we have found (there are three of us who work together receiving material and researching the subject) and it all so easy, if the pure intent is there.
We have so much received material that we would like to post on this forum, but because we have posted it before on other forums, the admin has refused to allow it on this forum. We have appealed this ban, but have had no reply. We would be glad to send our material to you by email, or u2u message, if you wish to see it.
We will continue to insert these received articles in answers as we have done with you, till we get pulled up.

The ability to connect with your Higher Self is available to all Beings because of the nature of what we as Beings are, energetic entities.
I will include one of the articles which was pulled off this board. It's entitled, "How Many Selves Does It Take To Be You."



How many Selves does it take to be YOU?


3 Selves is what it takes.
3 Selves to participate.
3 Selves to equate, rationalise and summarise

To understand the self, you need to see from a universal view.
How do you do this, if it is not your chosen path?
Then we will say impossible, as you will see everything from a physical 3-D perspective, it will only give you a limited view, in a 3-D way.

To seek understanding, universally, does not mean you are more evolved, or more godly, it means that you choose to step back and let yourself be open to a clearer way of seeing. Without putting judgements, conditions or interpretations in place.
How does one come to a point in themselves where they can allow themselves to accept something which is outside of their own logic, their own understanding?

If it is said, that the �little self�,the self that has the emotions, the esteem, the control, the say, the way, the thought, the part that inherits, the part that takes on board judgements and itself judges, the part that loves, hates, the part of you which is compassionate and discompassionate, the part that rationalises � the �little self�� which is influenced, indoctrinated to conform, to obey, is governed by it�s earthly laws � is within a square.

That self is the one which you live with EVERYDAY, the self that can self destruct, if it has a mind to.
It fears, fear itself, it is a self which can climb into itself, or over itself.

The �self�, a formidable companion, one that can hold on for dear life, what it knows, what it is comfortable with, what it only wants to see, be it tangible or not. To be in that �little self�, self will only give you limitations of self, if it is indulged.

Do not confuse what we say with intellect or push the boundaries of that intellect in a 3-D physical sense to understand what we will begin to say � as your intellect has nothing to do with universal unlimitedness and everything to do with tapping into that other self � the �higher self� or �bigger self�, the self that is the all encompassing self, the self that is visible, that is seen, that is contactable, that is just as �real� as the �little self�, is but with One major difference. It is the SELF which knows you best, it knows ALL there is to know, without judgements, conditions, without limitations, it is not plagued with low self esteem, not worthy or good enough, it doesn�t intellectualise, it just IS.
It is the part of you which is the most tangible, it is the part of you which can be felt, it feels like a good friend, a sincere friend, one that tells you the Truth, doesn�t lie, it�s the part that allows unhindered decisions, it gives you choices with clear intent, it�s the part of you that KNOWS, that just knows.
It�s the part of you that feels a higher compassion, a higher love, a higher self worth.
It is your HIGHER SELF.

How do you get from little self to �HIGHER SELF�?
We will tell you, it is as simple as asking for that higher connection.
Everyone has free will after all, have their own choices. We do not take that from anyone.
The journey from little self to bigger self, higher self is an enlightening one, as you visit parts to you that have never been seen before. We say journey, as it takes you on twists and turns. It shows you places within yourself that you have been �without�.

That higher universal connection is not airy fairy, it is as solid as a rock, or as liquid as water. It�s how you see it that makes it so.
So, to interpret what has been given to you, is your choice to do so. It gets back to how strong your �little self� is and how limited you are in that self � this is not a judgement, but universally speaking, the truth of it.

To see outside the square gives you everything, to live inside the square gives you boxes.

The True Being you are waits, it has waited this long, it has waited lives, upon lives, upon lives.
Maybe, just maybe, this time, this life, you were meant to �get it�, ever thought of that.
We leave you in love everlasting.

This is So!


posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 01:00 PM
sure, if its convenient, i would enjoy a u2u! thanks.

so have you (or anyone) ever had similar experiences where it seemed as though the interferrence was of a malicious nature or physical complications (like losing feeling, feeling pressure, numbness, seperation of right left side etc)?? i really havent had any problems since last winter, and my personal knowledge and intuition tell me that the negative effects were mostly from awakening my senses/raising my vibrational level at very rapid speed. hard to sum it up now....

i wonder if anyone else knows what im talking about in regard to the original subject header. basically i could elaborate in better detail, but i suppose it just isnt of much concern to me anymore--simply would be nice to hear others experiences in communication/channeling.

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by duh squared
sure, if its convenient, i would enjoy a u2u! thanks.

so have you (or anyone) ever had similar experiences where it seemed as though the interferrence was of a malicious nature or physical complications (like losing feeling, feeling pressure, numbness, seperation of right left side etc)?? i really havent had any problems since last winter, and my personal knowledge and intuition tell me that the negative effects were mostly from awakening my senses/raising my vibrational level at very rapid speed. hard to sum it up now....

i wonder if anyone else knows what im talking about in regard to the original subject header. basically i could elaborate in better detail, but i suppose it just isnt of much concern to me anymore--simply would be nice to hear others experiences in communication/channeling.

Hi duh squared

We will send you some "stuff" to read.
You were quite right about the rapid development "growing pains", as we have experienced these also. I even went to the extent of having a brain scan because of the very weird sensations I was having. None of the sensations have ever had a physical cause and most of them I no longer have. The other two I work with, in this area experience similar things. Also, those we know who are coming down this road go through it as well. It seems that as you grow in the energetic/True Self, it has a rebounding effect on the physical body. The physical body senses an attack and the immune system kicks in, although the "attack" is only unfamiliar energy.
Actually, there are a lot of Beings going through this in an unknowing way, at this time on this earth, because of the massive changes that are occuring, namely the overlaying of the 3d by the 5D.



posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 11:45 PM
Wow I sincerely hope for all of our sakes no one understood the above title! But yes that is a relief to understand that these were "growing pains" I knew it all along, but I had docters completely stumped. AMAZING!

Anyways thank you for the writings, malai5 I appreciate all of your insight. It is very strange how all of these people have been currently experiencing such a frequency rise yet, none of them happen to be in the medical field apparently!

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 09:49 AM
Hi duh squared

I feel that there are a lot of people in the medical field that experience these frequency changes, but, because they are guided by 3d logic, they just put it down to the unknown.
I have worked with Doctors and Psychiatrists in my capacity as a Clairvoyant and even had referrals from them to help where they couldn't. They do recognise that there are things out of their understanding, but few of them wish to persue it. They are very used to the idea of "specialists" and know their limitations. I, and my partner, Asti, have worked with many people in the area of "energy" healing and found it to be an amazing resource. I have even been permitted to work in intensive care wards at the request of patients. The results have really had Doctors scratching their heads. I find that sensible Doctors will say that if it works, do it. Healing is healing and most of it comes from the patient themselves and what they can be connected to.

I will send you a couple more articles.



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