posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 05:39 AM
Hello everyone!
First time posting in here but i am doing so, because I need a team. I want to start a research thread.
I know that I have to U2U ADVISOR but I want an indication if any on who would be interested in a research project I'd like to start. I don't want
to U2U ADVISOR and then have no team. I thought I would post it in here because it's off topic to other threads and didn't want to get in the way of
actual information providing threads.
So recently (yesterday) I started a thread where I analyzed different Logos. So far I have done four. These being - Starbucks - Exmaple (I didn't get
all information myself), Ebay, UN and DOLE.
Thanks to the DOLE thread I have talked myself into starting a research project.
In the DOLE thread I uncovered what I though could be a pretty good meaning behind their logo. I then went and had a play in google translate and
found that the Latin word ''Dole'' means Suffer in english.
This really made me cringe. looking at their history I wouldn't be surprised if it was planned. You can check out the thread for it which you can
find on my page.
In my research I would like to analyze 5 different logos with each being from a different categorie. One category may be oil companies, one category
may be fast food - you get the picture.
I think logos are a window into a world we are kept away from.
The reason why i would like to make it a research project is because I need more knowledge, more view points and more work getting done with out
rushing the work itself.
So I would like to ask those who are interested to U2U me so i can set something up with ADVISOR.
Sorry for interrupting your chit chat people!
Help is much appreciated.