posted on Nov, 24 2012 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by Empyreal
Thanks for the response Empyreal. I definitely need help. I feel lost. I was someone who HATED doing written assignments in school.. yet I was off
the charts on test scores even though I never studied. I am great at taking in information and terrible and putting it out for others to
One of my fears though is that as paranoid as this sounds it seems there are many people trying to suppress this info. Most people outside of these
types of groups would not be interested in this subject matter because of the stigma.. which is why places like this make it easy to target people
like me who may gave discovered the info they are trying to suppress.
Let me give you an idea of the problem I am having..
Let's say I wanted to take a website that was about an engineering theory.. their site consisted of all the facts they had amassed.. the experiences
they had discovering what they did.. photos and drawing illustrating their theory and other information...
Then let's say I wanted to convey this info to others in my own copyrighted book to help make my own similar yet slightly different case...
But what I did was to reword all they wrote and made my own images very similar to their illustrating what they did... but it was all just a tiny bit
different.. I even followed nearly the exact format they used to make their web page... how do I know if it is different enough to not get in
I could just play it safe and use as little info as possible from these sources while trying to make my case..
BUT if I don't use enough info people may not be compelled to dig deeper...
This is the problem I have.. and it is very difficult o find any kind of definitive answer to solve this problem searching online.