My Video Analysis: Second Video "Haunted Ghost Attacks Person"
After seeing the first video and noticing a few strange items, I was curious to watch the second video posted.
Well, I was disappointed. I made myself watch the entire video, twice. Pausing, rewinding and trying to analyze this. I did not see anything that can
not be explained.
Here is what I noticed:
A lot of dust! Man, this guy should buy a feather duster. After watching this second video I am now leaning towards the side of hoaxer. Not only does
he have the fan we see on the right hand side, he also has one on the table in the middle and a third on the left side of the screen(we see it when he
pans the camera).
He points out in a annotation at the beginning that "we will see nothing on earth like it" @1:05.
I snapped this picture of it and it looks very odd. this object flies out from above the fridge and flies close to the camera.
Inverted color
Now this does look strange but I believe it is a moth. The misty strands on it is just motion blur(his camera is old). The picture below was captured
when the object starts to fly towards the camera.
Moth(or some other insect/animal)
Inverted color
As to the fan falling over, he tips it over himself. He even tries to make it seem dramatic, the fan even stays tilted for a bit then falls. I am
probably not the only person that noticed his thumb. This makes everything he does extremely less credible to me now.
Here is the fan normal.
nanosecond later...
I am somewhat disappointed in myself for seeing anomalies in the first video. This "Haunted Ghost Attacks Person" video I think just about proves he
is just a hoaxer. And don't get me started about the video names and descriptions. Seems like a case of trying to make some spare cash on youtube.
After seeing the three fans in this video, the other video "Scariest Alien Spirits Videos Ever Seen" is just another case of a dude using the fans to
stir up dust. This is why I really am not a fan of orb videos, or orb evidence in general. The video here makes me never want to believe in the
possibility of orbs ever. Too bad I am stubbornly open minded. I feel this guy may be delusional as in he really thinks his dead skin particles are
spirits. Or he is just another hoaxer. Maybe he does catch orbs in the first video but now I don't think so. I have only seen a couple of his videos
now. I will continue to watch his videos and if I catch anything either supernatural or hoaxed, I will point them out in later posts.
I end this wanting to say that I am not a full believer in the paranormal but I am getting there. I am intrigued enough to keep wanting to research
this phenomena. I have even began my own personal research using recording devices to capture evps. I don't know if the sounds I have captured are
possibly radio signals or whatever they may possibly be but it has sparked an intense interest for me.
I feel there is something to this phenomena and I will go out of my way to be as scientific as I can in my own personal research. I do find it
entertaining debunking hoaxers. It is like figuring out a magic trick or revealing the man behind the curtain. Thank you for reading this.
edit on 11/24/2012 by mcx1942 because: wording
edit on 11/24/2012 by mcx1942 because: ditto
edit on 11/24/2012
by mcx1942 because: spelling
edit on 11/24/2012 by mcx1942 because: ditto
edit on 11/24/2012 by mcx1942 because:
edit on 11/25/2012 by mcx1942 because: ditto
edit on 11/25/2012 by mcx1942 because:
edit on 11/25/2012 by mcx1942 because: ditto