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Listen carefully....Henoch prophecies

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posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 08:25 PM
Ok I maybe new but I have noted that alot of you have been talking about the US civil war (there will be two by the way) and what not. I do not know wether or not you know of Henoch, but here goes. (I will also be stating exerts from nexus magazine

Now i can not see into the future very much as I am not to good at RV yet. But anyway, this will sound crazy, but hey there is a NWO whats not CRAZY??? Please have an open mind

Basicly their is a man by the name of Billy Meirs who has been in contact with extra-terrestrials from the star system Pleadies. He has had hundreds of contacts with them, and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HIS PREDICTIONS HAVE COME TRUE.

Before you consider the prophetic information below, please note that from his 251st Contact on February 3, 1995, Meier published advance warning of the US attack on Iraq, the increase in Islamic terrorism to follow, the appearance of SARS, the spread of "mad cow disease", the renewed public concern over chemical warfare, and the near accident at the nuclear power plant near Lyon, France (which occurred in August 2003). All of this information and more from the 251st Contact was also published in Guido Moosbrugger's book, And Yet They Fly!, in September 2001�well before any of the foretold events occurred.

Combine this unprecedented evidence and all of the following with the still irreproducible, scientifically authenticated physical evidence, and you may understand why this remarkable one-armed man, who has been the target of 19 documented assassination attempts, stands at the centre of the most important story in all of human history.

I will only talk of the civil war and the absosolute #ED UP world we will be entering.

The US civil war will be a brutal one, not only the rapes and the killings but the weapons that are used. Ray,laser,plase,Ion,biological,chemical,radiation weapons.

Cities will be destroyed, missiles will rain down( extremely deadly and will also happen in 2015 WW 3)

This is not the worst of it, you see for years everyone has known that the illuminati (NWO) has been making Genetically modified super soldiers. What will be released will be Pig DNA crossed with human DNA (all prophecised by Henoch). They are called 'Pig men', if any of you have played duke nukem then you will know the creature I am talking about. These pig men have no feelings bar hate (they were breeded that way), soon after they are released they won't follow orders and go on their own rampage.

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, will be released as well. These guys are mean machines, they will also fight with the pig men.

Our reality is now terrifying people however not just the americans will be affected.


Spain and france will be involved in a war, the UK will break up. THE IRA will begin killing more often again.

You need to tell people about this, PLEASE, the future isn't written yet. But Meiers Extraterestrial friends said it is highly likely this will occur, however, anything is possible.

I have contacted goverment agencies,media,education departments. IT WAS ALWAYS "WE'LL GET BACK TO YOU, WE'LL GET BACK TO YOU". There is no where else we can turn but to inform the masses, this is our only hope. Taking up arms will provide self-defence but it is a little late.

Call into your local radio stations, and talk about it on air. Make posters, flyers ( I am nearly finished making a site of mine and I have templates there), Organise protests, keep an open mind, LOVE!!!!!!

Here are the most important links into my ongoing research - regarded as the no.1 exposer - Henoch prophecies, you must read.

I will post more on this post of my website and such.

ps. I do not think I am the king, We really need to inform everyone.

Please, no matter how crazy it sounds, people must be told

PPS. regarding 2012, it is the date of asscension in which this world shifts to a higher dimension. only the good will leave though, the ones who know how to love.

The world war actually only lasts for 888 days ( the symbol for eternity anyone?) like titor also says, most people die from hunger and famine.

in my next post i will describe what uniquely happens to australia.

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 08:53 PM
A lot of what you addressed is good guess'es. One could assume a lot of the above considering the technology we have presently. I personally do not believe in UFO's or Aliens simply because no one has ever provided any good proof. All of the photo's of UFO's are suspect and not " ONE" is clear. No physical proof whatsoever, not " ONE " scrap of metal can anyone show that came from a UFO.

I will give you a few predictions of my own that I think have a better chance of happening than some of those you alluded to.

There will be a Great Earthquake within the next 30 days

There will be a massive flood in the next 40 days that will kill thousands

Many parts of the earth will experience "Strange" weather this winter

The price of gas will go up

The majority of americans will be surprised and upset when the Supreme Court rules in favor of Gay Marraige.

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 08:54 PM
Welcome to the board, Steamboy. We here at AboveTopSecret have certainly heard of Billy Meier.

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 08:56 PM
PIGMEN hey. Who said evolution was dead.

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 10:19 PM
Iv never kept up with his work, and I dont beleive him. I do however have an open mind so here are some questions.

What was the length of time between his predictions and the actually happening?

Did he actually predict SARS by name or did he predict a desease? How long before it happened?

I ask these questions because you can make a very clear and precise geuss of events to come depending on the time frame in which you geuss. Say he heard about people dieing of the flu in Chine (I think thats where it was) and thats not normal, atleast not that many people. So he pops up with "There will be a desease orginating in China" now thats flawed if he actually said the name would be SARS.

Did he make his predictions public before or after the event happened? For example when 9/11 happened (and I dont know if he predicted it or not but im using it as an example) did he come and say "Oh I predicted that two weeks ago" or did he actually say that two planes would bring down the twin towers publicly before it happened.

posted on Oct, 22 2004 @ 03:18 AM
All his contacts are decades old. He basically just says what the Pleadians tell him. They have a mathematical system of viewing into the future(basically considering all variables of current events, the probabiliy of events, the probability of alterations, and extrapolating them, something we all do, but are not accurate with) as well as a psychic one.

The prophecy of Henoch sounds very real to me, if one sees the current events, and extrapolates, one can easily arrive at what is foretold. We should be taking this very seriously.

[edit on 22-10-2004 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Oct, 22 2004 @ 03:54 PM
Here's what I understand from reading many channelings from different beings. Here are a couple of links that describe what I'm talking about:

Before 1999, it was written that this earth was to undergo a huge surge of Revelation type stuff (earthquakes, floods, etc.) to rid the earth of the negativity that has been bearing down on it for the past thousands and thousands of years, and that is coming to a head right now, as the Dark try to keep hold of what they've worked so long to attain, hence the Chemtrails.

If we all recall correctly, there was the whole Y2K thing, and the Nuclear threat, that the clocks on nuclear bombs would freak out, unleashing a barrage of bombs, killing millions; banks would crash, with people losing all their money, blah blah blah. But there were enough souls on earth to cry out to the heavens and ask for help--ask for peace--that higher beings answered our plea. This is unprecidented in the universe. They are here to help us. They are all around, but in a higher dimension.

Since 1999, it has been decreed that the people of the earth would be allowed to stay here into ascension, so millions of space beings (who are on our side) have been coming here in droves. They know that the Earth is ascending now, and have been keeping tabs on the unleashing of negativity of the earth, as well as keeping control of the earthquakes/floods etc. They're here to watch out for us because we are helping the Earth ascend with our "want for peace" , to keep us safe from the "Dark side of the Force" (ie. NWO) and have prevented time and time again, nuclear attacks by the NWO on the US, other "terrorist" chemical or bio attacks on American soil (seems real strange that nothing else has happened here since 9/11, right? Sort of like the attacks are not being allowed to happen).

There have been earthquakes and hurricanes, but with the Chemtrails and Weather modification, the hurricanes were very likely manufactured (did anyone notice the sharp left turn hurricane Jeanne took just above the Bahamas?), but the natural disasters would be much worse if the higher beings weren't keeping an eye on things. We'd see floods like crazy, massive volcano eruptions (like in Yellowstone).

So, since 9/11 (a Bush Administration attack on its own people to get their war and world domination) so many people have been desperate to stop these wackos in office, that the world is ascending faster than was predicted. When 50 million people came out on Feb. 15, 2003 to cry for peace in the world, that made the earth (and us) take a great leap forward in ascension. When a half million came out in NYC against the RNC and it's war mongering, that helped the world's ascension, also. Everything we do, every thought we have, that is aimed toward creating a better earth, brings up the frequency of the earth. So, be positive, and don't let the scare tactics bother you--they are just a device of the dark.

So, since the earth is ascending and we're going with it (unprecidented in the universe), the ones who choose the dark and evil ways, will be taken off the earth somewhere else. It's the reverse of what the bible says was supposed to happen, because so many people on earth have come back to the light, that we're being allowed to stay, to help build a beautiful world--get the earth back to a healthy state.

So, I guess I can see where the Pleidian channel is saying the right thing about the Pig Men and civil war, but the wackos who only want war and famine will be taken off of here--they can go to another planet and wage war on each other and live in their hell, the Peace Earth will become heaven for us, as we ascend into the 5th dimension--2012 will come faster and faster, because of the amount of light frequency that's being brought to us, if you havent' noticed, a day seems like 3/4 as long as it should. Time will keep going faster and faster until we leap into the 5 dimension.

Stay focused on positive, bright, loving things--your thoughts go out into the world and make a difference, even though you can't see it, yet. We are many, NWO are few.

posted on Oct, 22 2004 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by Steamboy
PPS. regarding 2012, it is the date of asscension in which this world shifts to a higher dimension. only the good will leave though, the ones who know how to love.

Regarding the 2012 ascension. I have read a lot about 2012 and what is supposedly to come as it interested me. Though my interest was halted when I found out that all those who can experience the highest spiritual vibration, love, will move on to the next dimension. This is all fine until I read the next part about how those who do not pass the test have to stay, continuing their lives, which means they will be completely oblivious to the ones that actually left and will have no proof as to whether they went to a higher dimension or not. So my question to you is, if this is really true, will the ones that do not pass on to the next dimension even know that people actually did go to the next dimension? Right now I just see this statement as a huge loophole for the whole theory. It would be greatly appreciated if you could inform me on whether this is the case or not.

posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 04:51 AM
Yeah well primarily I think that the other beings there on the higher dimension would meet us, after all they are more acutely attuned to what they say and think, and therefore they would recognize us and act appropriately. bi the way i am a friend of this poster, my name is captain solaris.

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 05:50 AM
the IRA ended their War today. Too bad for Billy Meier.

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 06:33 AM

Originally posted by Where2Hide2006
the IRA ended their War today. Too bad for Billy Meier.

Nicely noted

When things happen that put paid to the so-called prophecies of these people....why on earth do we never see even one admission of "oh...alright..yeah, I might have been wrong about that one".

More to the point - where is the actual proof that these predictions were made before the events in question, other than "Wow, I predicted that a year ago!" appearing on a message board somewhere?

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 06:34 AM

Originally posted by Steamboy

Before you consider the prophetic information below, please note that from his 251st Contact on February 3, 1995,


PPS. regarding 2012, it is the date of asscension in which this world shifts to a higher dimension. only the good will leave though, the ones who know how to love.

i have, in the past, used the link;

then, just changed page #' change the 251 to any other # and see what appears...i think you can access stuff you won't get from
the archives at FIGU (whoa, that acronym sounds dirty)


re the 2012, and the 'asscention' for the 'loving & evolved' people/souls/

i've always had a hard time figuring if this was a Literal, Figurative, or Spiritual ascention/rapture-esque kind of 'elevation'???


i await your further postings
as i am not yet swayed

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by Romeo
PIGMEN hey. Who said evolution was dead.

Ask any of the female ATSers and I'm sure they'll tell you PigMen have been around forever.

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by Steamboy
THE IRA will begin killing more often again.

You need to tell people about this, PLEASE, the future isn't written yet. But Meiers Extraterestrial friends said it is highly likely this will occur, however, anything is possible.

I Think Meiers Needs To Iron Out The Details Of His Prophecys, First Of All The IRA Have Denounced Violence. If He Is Incorrect About This Interpretation Of His Information Then Maybe He Should Pass It On To Give Someone Else A Try At Decyphering The Alien Intelligence!

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 01:02 PM
Reply to - "I Think Meiers Needs To Iron Out The Details Of His Prophecys, First Of All The IRA Have Denounced Violence. If He Is Incorrect About This Interpretation Of His Information Then Maybe He Should Pass It On To Give Someone Else A Try At Decyphering The Alien Intelligence!"

Although this is several years later now - you may be interested to learn what the IRA is feeling right now. Check this out

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 11:16 AM
I guess my reply won't PASS because someone will think I am not contributing!
The PIG MAN idea is a blatent rip-off of an eppisode of Seinfeld.
While I believe a Civil War in the USA is possible, I don't believe it is probable. I am worried about attacks on the US, but I still have to live my life and move forward. I believe that this and other web sites like it may frighten many people and make them feel they can be redeamed by compleat faith in this CULT.
In particular I see there is money being made off the whole idea. Whose pocket does the cash line?
How dare you allow children 13 or older to get mixed up in all this? How do you propose any one protect themselves from the terrifying predictions you make?
When I was in grammar school we had atom bomb attack drills. Why won't I be saved from that possibility when I am a loving person?

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
Reply to - "I Think Meiers Needs To Iron Out The Details Of His Prophecys, First Of All The IRA Have Denounced Violence. If He Is Incorrect About This Interpretation Of His Information Then Maybe He Should Pass It On To Give Someone Else A Try At Decyphering The Alien Intelligence!"

Although this is several years later now - you may be interested to learn what the IRA is feeling right now. Check this out

Where in this video is the IRA mentioned?

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