posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 07:52 PM
Maybe they are checking us out to see how dangerous we actually are.
Open nuclear testing on/under the surface and on the seas of the one planet we live on.
Testing biological warfare weapons, and being (not too) subtle about it.
always someplace on this planet a war/crisis is going on.
If they do have bases on the planet, and contact with NWO/other humans, I have no doubt that any control measures are put out there to suppress us
from going beyond our own solar system.. It wouldn't suprise me a bit if there are some major warning beacons just outside the orbit of Pluto that
say "Enter at your own risk", or something in that vein.
I don't think that any race could be technologically advanced, to the point of traveling between stars/galaxies, yet be as hell bent in
suppressing/destroying other factions of the same race. They'd have already destroyed themselves. (If a starship has something with the power to
travel those distances, and supposedly at a speed that is above light), they'd have already used the tech as weaponry.
I think they observe out of fear, of what we as a race, would do if our technological advances got us out of the solar system.
If I were them, I'd keep an eye on us too... Just the same as a Lion tamer watches his animals.
Just my 0.02.