Firstly, Israel has a right to exist and have all the rights of any modern nation. THAT is where I'm "Pro-Israel", as I am for any nation. Now onto
the crux of the matter.
For a long time ATS has always had "Netanyahu this" or "Israel that" topics. People turned a blind eye to Bibi's Zionist comments or to the Israeli
spies who were caught filming the WTC on 9/11 and celebrating the carnage. But now, with this issue in Gaza, I'm seeing a little too many posts that
play Israel as the victim/hero and it's tiresome to repeatedly read all the BULLSHAT. So it's time....
1) In regards to "Antisemitism"...Arabs are Semites too, so please stop using that word as an accusation in "Israel vs [Insert ME nation here]"
discussions. Just because you're not approving of Israel's government doesn't mean you're a "Jew hater" or "Nazi" either. Although, you should
question the sanity behind a religion that condones mutilating baby penises (and orally sucking the blood in some rituals). But hey, I didn't say
anything about demonic rituals or the warnings of Jesus just now! That was all your thinking.
Taking a page from Anoynmous
I don't understand how people arbitrarily
dismiss the apartheid system of racial segregation and oppression imposed by the Israeli government on the Palestinian people. What is happening in
Palestine is oppression. They have no navy, no army, or air force. There is no "war" in Gaza. There is only the continuous application of military
force by Israel in an attempt to push every last person out of the Palestinian state, despite international laws that make these efforts illegal.
This is neglected however since the Palestinians have no recognized country (thanks largely to the US and Israel). Did you know Palestinians
aren't allowed to live in Israeli settlements, use Israeli roads or even travel in the “security” areas around them? They are killed on the spot
if they even approach "security areas" (which keep expanding). Israeli homes are continuously built on stolen land. Here's a fun scenario, replace
Israel with the United States and replace Palestinians with Canadians. See how you feel about that then.
Ever seen the videos where Israeli military forces bulldoze Palestinian homes, farms and anything (or anyone) in the way? They do it ALL the time.
They love obliterating Palestinian homes in modified CATERPILLAR bulldozers while laughing at, or even assaulting, the crying women and children.
There's dozens of videos of it. Since this is a rant I'm not adding many links, here's a random sample but
there's others on Liveleaks from just days before Hamas's initial rocket fires (retaliation?).
I am not entirely sure on the truth, nobody is, but have to say generally there is one side that seems very wicked and one side that seems to be
constantly trying to defend itself yet gets labeled "terrorists" and condemned by the West. The average people in Gaza are literally praying while
being bombed. That is their only defense against the attacks while Hamas has a small "military" branch that's retaliating/instigating. It's like the whole western world is getting off on slaughtering innocent people and expressing racism
towards anyone remotely Arabic (regarding topics I read earlier on MSN). People are sick and misinformed. It's no wonder why the United States was
non-militarily conquered so easily.
So I don't see any heroes in this equation, but I do see plenty of victims.
Both Palestinians and Israelis need to find common ground and end the violence that has already resulted in the deaths of countless innocent
people. Israel's advancement on Palestinian Territories and their racist oppression needs to end before there can be peace.
Hamas needs to vacate
Gaza too, if they're not some puppet group. They are making the situation worse and providing all the excuses for Gaza's destruction.
However, we know that'll never happen. I'm not peaceful by nature, but hate being manipulated and what I hate even more than that is seeing my family
and friends being manipulated while children pay the price.
And take notes, Americans, because the tactics being used on the Palestinians are the sames ones that are being set up for YOU. YOU will be the
"terrorist" when you try defending yourself from oppression and destruction.edit on 19-11-2012 by TheLegend because: (no reason