posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 07:29 PM
Did anyone else see the fireball over the Western Kentucky area about 6:30pm 11/18/2012?
I was traveling south on the Pennyrille Parkway around Madisonville, Kentucky when we saw a VERY bright fireball moving south. I'm not sure how long
it lasted because it came from behind me and I was only able to see it when it came into view in the top of my windshield.
It lasted for several seconds, there was a bright white flash that lasted a few seconds more, and then was gone. It was one of the brightest
fireballs that I've ever seen. It seemed very similar to some of the other fireballs that I've seen reported on ATS in recent months.
I'm just curious if anyone else saw it, or perhaps was able to capture it on video or a picture (I wasn't able to since I was driving at the time).
edit on 18-11-2012 by isyeye because: (no reason given)