I caught him on Ben Franklin, as there were bones found in Europe where he stayed but not in Philadelphia and he rightly explains that there was a
doctor in Europe, but claims he was electrocuting slaves in the USA and was a Mass Murderer. Sorry, but Ben did have Slaves, but later regretted it
and near the end of his life fought to end Slavery. I also doubt he could be classified as a Mass Murderer. I have done extensive research on
He also claims Jefferson had many mates with Slaves and it is only known to be one, which he fathered a Child with. Jefferson was the biggest Slave
Owner at the time and he may have had more than one sexual relationship with one, but I see no back up evidence for the claims on this.
Stalin as well, making Roosevelt a Russian Spy? I want some back up for that. Just calling someone stupid to claim he was not, is not good enough for
Japanese having the Death Ray? This I am quite familiar with acclaimed to Nikola Tesla and around the same time frame, but I can see no reason for the
tech to end up in Japanese hands, and I know Tesla, being a Patriot would not allow that. Whether the USA occupied Japan or not is really not of
issue. They don't have to do anything but control it, and the Japanese are still complaining about USA control on their land. As well, a photo of
Hirohito with Gerald Ford means nothing but they met. It does not mean anything of Japanese control of the USA, nor does it mean anything else for
this expanded on story.
Some of the stuff he brings up makes sense and seems to fit, but based on what I just mentioned, we have 3 circumstances which are kinda iffy at best.
Assassination of Clinton? The USA not being ABLE to declare war? They just have not as it causes legal and Constitutional problems, but then again
neither has Britain or France since the end of WWII either.
There are some things that ring true as in the Opium Trade in China, but giving up all those profits to the USA in exchange for not invading Canada? I
find that a stretch. The "Death Ray" I see no evidence for, but UFO tech could be German or some other Nationality Made. Certainly there is reason to
believe there was German High Tech in Argentina or Antarctica at least, and I do sway towards Hitler not dying in that bunker.
However he is not putting enough blame on the Zionists. The House of Saud does make kinda sense given 911 and what I know happened with Bin Laden. Not
so sure about the USA running out of Oil after WWII though. I kinda doubt that. The fact that Manufacturing has gone to other Countries is not such a
Conspiracy to me. Those Balloon Bombs as far as I know did no real harm, and I would have to look at Chemical Weapon use of Japan in China before I
would want to believe balloon bombs to deliver such a payload to the USA. There certainly is (and I was recently surprised at) a hatred "special" in
North Korea against Japan, and I have not researched that enough, but it certainly is something the West likes to hide. Yes there is just a cease fire
in Korea North/South right now... and he is correct on that. I also feel he is probably correct on Russian influence in some ways, and I certainly
believe it is prevalent with Trump. After some consideration and without further research, that is all I can give you.