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Secession; Separation from USA is not the goal!

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posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 11:23 AM
On the topic of secession, only simpletons or cointelpro agents will try to shoot this down. Here is a link to an article that really puts this movement in perspective.

To give you an idea of what it's really all about here is an excerpt from the article.

“Well, there is fear in DC, real fear, of not secession itself, but the spirit of the people behind the secession movement. If the people figure it out in time, unite and say no more for you until you get your act together, well, like I said, it is this that they fear the most.”

As I have tried to point out before, it's not that people want to abandon the US but the power of those who have usurped it from we the people!

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 12:29 PM
Good find. S&F
At least someone is paying attention, I wonder how many U. S. Citizens have read this article, or will.

Like I posted in this thread the point, for me, is to draw attention to the fact that our government is no longer working in the best interests of the country as a whole, but rather only for special interest groups and those with the money to lobby congress not to actually secede as that would have to go through the individual state governments and a vote from the people from each individual state.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by RedmoonMWC

Thank you for replying to this post. I am glad to see that someone does still realize the importance of this action. It amazes me that so many do not realize an opportunity to have a voice, but then again, the shills do know their job and do it well. I would like to see all those who say they are awake prove it and take this concept for what it really is and stand up for themselves and everyone else, as it should be.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by ajay59

It is a good opportunity to gain the attention of our elected officials.
The problem is there is no organization.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 12:29 AM
The article was more of a tax protest article than a secessionist article. I kind of get the opining, but would have preferred something more qualitative, like Gallup Polls concerning support and motivations.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by GreenGlassDoor

What about the fact that a majority of ''polls'' are fabrications to sway public opinion? Do you want someone to tell you what you want to hear, or do you want you employ your own critical thinking skills?

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by Tanulis

Prove that the majority of polls are push polls. I want serious academic papers on this. There are thousands of statisticians in the US alone, so I am sure there is enough peer-reviewed material to back your assertion up.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by ajay59
As I have tried to point out before, it's not that people want to abandon the US but the power of those who have usurped it from we the people!

Speak for yourself.

I believe we should dissolve the federal government because there is no way, none, that anyone can remove the corruption at this point. There is nothing left but corruption.

We have the best justice money can buy. We have mass murderers running our country that are regularly killing foreign citizens based on some bizarre notion of them "being suspected of being resistance members". These murderers have also killed an American citizen and his son without due process, trial or charges. They openly claim they have the right to murder anyone. Sound legit to you?

We have a congress that does not even read the damn legislation they vote on. We have a gangster government looting our treasury with the collusion of Wall Street, the central banksters and foreign interests. We have the pentagon and military-industrial complex sucking over 50% of our national productivity. We have elements of our government engaged in worldwide narcotics trafficking, nuclear trafficking and no doubt other forms of contraband while they simultaneously jail our citizens for the minor crimes and infractions.

And I'm not even warmed up yet. Not even close. It would be appropriate for this government to be nothing more than a bad memory in the history books.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 08:30 PM
So "secession" is like the ultimatum that a lady gives her fellow? She has no intention of leaving but really wants to get her way.

Ultimatums never work. Citizens will either put their foot down or they won't. There is no in-between.

Secession is a tantrum where the child picks up their ball and goes home so that no one else can play.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 09:19 PM
from the start of this secession movement - it has been to force the states to hold a constitutional convention on rebooting the system - at least that is what I have been told, about it... unfortunately only 675000 people have put their good names on the various petitions - out of a population of over 300,000,000 that is less than one would have thought - my source says - Obama will use reverse psychology and say "of this great nation less than 1% are un happy with what my platform and direction". only 1%, I must be doing a good job.... sort of spin is coming.... unfortunately for him - its like 99% are dis-satisfied not only with Washington but the States governments in general. and to top it all off - of those 675,000 people - most signed more than one petition which means those numbers are even lower...

edit on 19-11-2012 by 1BornPatriot because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by zroth

So "secession" is like the ultimatum that a lady gives her fellow? She has no intention of leaving but really wants to get her way.

Ultimatums never work. Citizens will either put their foot down or they won't. There is no in-between.

Secession is a tantrum where the child picks up their ball and goes home so that no one else can play.

Oh so you are one of those type of people eh? You would never understand that it is hot till you get burned by it! Well if you refuse to use your brain, that is your prerogative. You call secession a tantrum because you think it's all about sides. Dem. or repub., left or right. Sorry to inform you that this is not a game and you did not pick the winning team. If picking the right party, the right guy to win the Presidency and being right is the most important thing to you, then you will never get it. I'm sorry for you.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by 1BornPatriot
from the start of this secession movement - it has been to force the states to hold a constitutional convention on rebooting the system - at least that is what I have been told, about it... unfortunately only 675000 people have put their good names on the various petitions - out of a population of over 300,000,000 that is less than one would have thought - my source says - Obama will use reverse psychology and say "of this great nation less than 1% are un happy with what my platform and direction". only 1%, I must be doing a good job.... sort of spin is coming.... unfortunately for him - its like 99% are dis-satisfied not only with Washington but the States governments in general. and to top it all off - of those 675,000 people - most signed more than one petition which means those numbers are even lower...

edit on 19-11-2012 by 1BornPatriot because: (no reason given)

So in other words your going with, "resistance is futile"? If that is the case, if only one person signed it that makes them a patriot in my book and that makes you what?

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by jcarpenter

Originally posted by ajay59
As I have tried to point out before, it's not that people want to abandon the US but the power of those who have usurped it from we the people!

Speak for yourself.

I believe we should dissolve the federal government because there is no way, none, that anyone can remove the corruption at this point. There is nothing left but corruption.

We have the best justice money can buy. We have mass murderers running our country that are regularly killing foreign citizens based on some bizarre notion of them "being suspected of being resistance members". These murderers have also killed an American citizen and his son without due process, trial or charges. They openly claim they have the right to murder anyone. Sound legit to you?

We have a congress that does not even read the damn legislation they vote on. We have a gangster government looting our treasury with the collusion of Wall Street, the central banksters and foreign interests. We have the pentagon and military-industrial complex sucking over 50% of our national productivity. We have elements of our government engaged in worldwide narcotics trafficking, nuclear trafficking and no doubt other forms of contraband while they simultaneously jail our citizens for the minor crimes and infractions.

And I'm not even warmed up yet. Not even close. It would be appropriate for this government to be nothing more than a bad memory in the history books.

I agree totally! You lead, we will follow.

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by ajay59

This is why these activities occurred before the election, right? Oh wait, no they didn't.

So simple logic stands that if Romney has won, none of this garbage would be happening.

America was jacked before Obama took office. The only highlight was Clinton's dumb luck of technology booming late 90s and early 2000s.

Yeah, I should use my brain. You can use yours too, once your eyes open to allow in information.

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