Hi to you all ATSers!
I registered just some days ago because while lurking and browsing the "Secret Societies" section I came across a thread with this title:
> Who can lead me to the Brotherhood of the Snake?
I felt compelled to reply because I know this urge to find the ONE original source (to me The LIVING Tradition) unspoiled.
Now I won't claim that I know how to go THERE but a year ago or so I came across a - to me - very promising paper on Scribd.
The links to this paper are mentioned in my reply to the OP and I won't post them here because after reading through some rules for this forum I don't
know whether this would be convenient.
(By the way: As you may have figured right now I'm not native to your language. So please be patient with me... )
Some words on my background...
I started at first out as an artist, a painter, and switched after a while to more esoteric pastures.
First there was the Tarot in which I endeavored for more then 30 Years.
I became a regression and/or reincarnations Therapist and worked with more than 500 clients over the years.
When I was 18 years old I became initiated in Transcendental Meditation.
This path I left later for obvious reasons after some years and developed my own style of guiding groups up to 20 people in weekly sessions over
several years.
At roughly 35 of age I became a Reiki Teacher and Master.
I worked with patients from age 2-75 and bodily and mentally up to 90% disabled or gravely ill of cancer for example (at least thats the common
impression) in my own therapy yard in a catholic Hospital - trusted by the heads of staff in charge for 10 years or so.
I did work with awakening mediums to show them how to control their special abilities so they didn't end up in the loony bin.
I did do clearing and/or cleansing work with those mediums for clients in case of possessions - personally or referring to real estate.
I'm well versed in Bach-Flower-Remedies and their subscription for all roads of life.
And there is much more...
I only tell you all this so that you can see how I gathered most of my knowledge of the human nature and and other worldly realms firsthand - and
quite often patterns appeared that made me look out for a common source.
I researched for this source for a great many years and I didn't get any closer.
I wasn't even sure by what means I would be able to identify The REAL and LIVING Tradition. So many people claim to be a part of it - and when I
looked at them I knew that they didn't know what they were talking about.
So I was searching Scribd one year ago for some more food for thought and i came across some fascinating stuff.
The Tarot, as I mentioned before, is an old acquaintance of mine.
My first deck was the Thoth of A. C. and I found it quite overwhelming when I "discovered" it. Then I switched to Waite and used it for 15 years or
so in readings for clients and for myself.
I'm quite intimate with the alleged history of this "game" and was very surprised when I read there (and viewed!) in this paper that all cards make
some kind of mind-machine similar to the "Antikythera Device" - only made with paper.
A whole other take on the whole subject of Tarot.
And as it seems from the SOURCE, because the author shows pictures that are HIDDEN BETWEEN the cards...
IF you know how to treat them.
Naturally this would work only with the CORRECT decks. And there are only 2 of them so far if I understood this fellow right.
Both classic and in print right now and both connected through an obviously hidden stream in history.
I recreated much of his stuff because you know in Photoshop-Times... you never know!
I couldn't find any flaw.
I can't explain it here as you will full well understand but I plan to make a thread on this in the very near future and from reading and lurking here
on ATS I hope that there might be some seekers here who are after The SangReal and interested to think for themselves on not so common ground.
Hope to see you there
***MOD EDIT***
*Closing Thread*
The Introduction Forum is for introductions To tell something about you; not to start a thread about a topic.“Intro threads” that are
really “topic threads” will be removed.
Welcome to ATS, it’s time to introduce yourself.
I'm sure you'll understand the necessity for us having rules like this. It helps keep all the great threads and topics in their perspective areas of
interest and not all lumped together, making it difficult to find when wanting to make additional comments.
With that said, I'm going to have to close this thread as it does not comply with the above stated rules. Please, after you have managed to get 20
posts under your belt, start your own thread in one of the appropriate areas.
Please refer to the final post for more on this....
edit on 11/16/2012 by JohnnyAnonymous because: (no reason given)